Educational games for 4-5 years old
Play is the first type of activity that a child comprehends, which plays an important role in the development of the personality, enrichment of its content. Games differ in nature, semantic component, organization, number of participants involved in the game process, goals pursued in the game. Developing games (4-5 years old) are a set of game actions used in order for their participants to acquire certain skills and knowledge corresponding to their development period.

Features of the development of children of primary preschool age: educational games (4-5 years old)
The age category of children 4-5 years old belongs to the middle preschool age. At this age, there is an intensive physical development of the baby: the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine systems, and the musculoskeletal system change. The greatest changes occur in higher nervous activity, inter-analytic processes and connections, the mechanism of interaction of signaling systems are actively developing and improving. By reaching the age of 5, the effectiveness of pedagogical influence increases. At this age, the child still has poorly developed mechanisms for comparing a word and an object of the real world.
The average preschool age is characterized by the following features, based on which children need to select educational games (4-5 years old):
- Striving for independence. So, the developmental game should give maximum independence to the child, while at the same time remaining completely safe, accessible and understandable to the child. At this age, the child is already trying to establish his own rules of the game, motivating them;
- Ethical views. Emotions develop in the child, the child learns to understand the feelings and states of other people, to empathize and sympathize with them. Ethical beliefs are formed not through what adults say, but through the prism of their actions and behavior in general. That is why role-playing educational games (4-5 years old), reflecting real-life situations, are so important;
- Development of imagination, allowing to model situations, to develop them. However, it should be borne in mind that due to the developed fantasy, fears also develop in the child. An educational game should explain to the child the nature of many actions and phenomena;
- Development of social ties. The child has more friends, his communication leaves the family circle, which is reflected in the role-playing games. Complex systems of characters appear in them, the relationship between them becomes more complicated. At this age, developing games are also used by psychologists as a diagnostic tool that allows early detection of the child's complexes and fears and their correction with the least damage to the child's mental health;
- Active cognition - the child is not only interested in the objects of the surrounding world, but also in their nature.
Features of educational games (4-5 years old): the main mistakes in playing with a child
Developmental play (4-5 years old) is currently misinterpreted by many teachers and educators, who believe that the main task of such a game is to gain a new experience for the child. In this case, the game is completely reduced to playing out educational material with a predominance of adult activity. Another misconception in the interpretation of educational games 4-5 years old is a lack of understanding of the essence of the game process and its significance in the formation of the personality and development of the child. In many preschool educational institutions, the whole process of developing games for 4-5 years is reduced to manipulating didactic material. In fact, educational games 4-5 years old are a specific type of activity for a child, full of meaning and logic, with their own motives and methods of action.
The main components of educational games 4-5 years old are:
- The game intent is the very purpose of the game, which the teacher or parent helps the child to formulate. Also, the game concept is a simulated situation into which the child is introduced. The game situation should be modeled based on the interests of the age group to which the game is offered;
- Game actions are a means of implementing a game concept. Any action to which the child is prompted during the game, whether it be a real action or inference, is part of the play goal;
- Game material - didactic material, toys, objects of the surrounding world, which are a means of realizing a game concept. Play material is essential to motivate a child to take action;
- Rules - restrictions, conditions and tips for the development of the game process, simulation of the situation, which are a means of regulating the game process.
The goal of the game always has two aspects:
- Educational - learning new ways of cooperation, interaction, communication and relationship to other people;
- Educational - mastering new ways of handling objects, aspects of their use, learning their new characteristics and qualities during the game.
The game process allows preschool children to acquire new knowledge and skills much better than in the course of educational activities. The game in an understandable form explains to the child why he needs to acquire new knowledge, that is, the game changes motivation. So, during a training lesson, a child performs a task set by an adult, while during a developmental game of 4-5 years old, a child independently makes decisions, builds a new model of behavior, comprehends new types of interaction dictated by the game process. Any developmental game should be presented to the child not as a transfer of specific knowledge, skills, abilities, but as an aid in the development of his certain mental processes and abilities.
Offering an educational game 4-5 years old, the child needs to clearly explain all the links in the chain: purpose, actions, rules. It is also necessary to understand whether the child has accepted the conditions of the game, are clear and available to him. The main mistake in developing games with a child is the loss of one of the logical links. If a parent or educator cannot explain the meaning of the game and motivate its purpose, then such a game will not carry educational and upbringing value for the child.

How to choose the right educational games 4-6 years old
Many parents do not pay due attention to the choice of educational games (4-6 years old). The choice is mainly based on the interests of the child, his preferences. However, this is a major parenting mistake. The game should develop the child. For its development, play must introduce into the process the effect of novelty, offering new ways of developing the situation that incline the child to new actions.
How to choose the right educational game (4-6 years old) for a child? First of all, it is necessary to offer games that are somewhat complicated in order to maintain the child's interest in the game. If the kid has completely mastered the game, and there is nothing new and cognitive left in it, then most likely he will lose interest in it. During the period of active development of imagination, the child does not have to offer new games - it is worth giving new functions to familiar game objects, coming up with new plots and goals.
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