7 Effective Relaxation Techniques

7 Effective Relaxation Techniques
7 Effective Relaxation Techniques

7 effective relaxation techniques

"All diseases are from the nerves" - in this joke there is a lot of truth, doctors say. Constant stress leads to a decrease in the body's defenses, and it becomes vulnerable to many diseases. It would be a mistake to think that stress is a modern problem. The life of people a hundred and a thousand years ago was full of problems. The need for relaxation was understood in ancient times: some techniques are more than a thousand years old. Obviously, knowing how to relax is useful to everyone. We bring to your attention 7 effective and simple ways to "reset" the nervous system.


Relaxing massage is an art that needs to be specially trained and then practiced for several years to achieve perfection. But everyone can do a simple relaxing massage, moreover, you can do it to yourself: with gentle massaging movements, walk over each finger in turn, first one, then the other, and then along the earlobes; use your fingertips to massage the face in a circular motion, and with a slightly tougher motion, massage the scalp. It is not difficult and only takes a few minutes.


Source: depositphotos.com

Water procedures

Water is the best, most powerful anti-stress agent. Almost all water procedures have a relaxing effect. When a person experiences strong psycho-emotional stress, he is offered a drink; rests best on the shore of the reservoir …

The opportunity to go to the sea is not always available, but you can almost always take a shower while at home. For a relaxing effect, turn on warm water. If the shower is removable and equipped with a water mode switch, you can do a water massage - it combines the advantages of conventional massage and water treatments. Even better is relaxing in a warm bath. If it is not possible to take a shower or a bath, you just need to wash your face or hold your elbows in water for a few minutes.

Water procedures
Water procedures

Source: depositphotos.com


We attach more importance to aromas, make sure that we smell good. Smells are very powerful: they can make the environment unbearable or, conversely, extremely pleasant. Do not underestimate the relaxation potential of aromas. But there is a nuance - the individuality of the reaction to smells. It takes some time to figure out which scents - perfume, essential oils, flowers, etc. - help you to relax.

Interesting fact: scientists have found one smell that absolutely everyone likes. It turned out to be the aroma of freshly baked bread. If you want to bring into the house an atmosphere of soft benevolence, relaxation and comfort - bake bread or, for example, a pie.


Source: depositphotos.com

Breathing techniques

Yogis claim that breathing practices are the most effective means of relaxation. Western scholars agree with yogis. Suffice it to recall the special breathing techniques that are recommended for women in labor. The simplest exercise is breath counting. You need to calculate how many breathing movements you perform per minute, focusing on each movement. Another exercise is to take four short breaths, and the fifth is longer for several minutes.

Breathing techniques
Breathing techniques

Source: depositphotos.com

Art therapy

Many familiar things, having received an unfamiliar name, are perceived as something complex and difficult to access. This is what happened with art therapy: this is not necessarily classes with a psychologist, this is everything that relates to art (art), but it is done not with the aim of achieving a high artistic result, but with the aim of relaxing in the process. Art therapy is drawing, modeling from clay and plasticine, coloring pictures, cutting with a jigsaw, participating in amateur performances … There is only one condition: you must like what you are doing, and what does not work out must not cause irritation.

Art therapy
Art therapy

Source: depositphotos.com


The best way to relax at all times - and the best medicine. Sleep is a complete "reboot" of the nervous system, a necessary condition for mental balance. There are many myths associated with sleep, for example, that you need to sleep for eight hours, and sleeping during the day is unhealthy …

Of course, you need to sleep when there is a need for it, but it is different for everyone. However, by adjusting the night's sleep, you can achieve a significant increase in stress resistance. Stresses will not decrease, but they will be perceived differently, much less acutely.


Source: depositphotos.com

Medicinal relaxation

Sometimes you cannot relax with the methods listed above, and the need for relaxation is extremely high. This happens with too strong mental stress, which the nervous system cannot cope with. If the situation is critical, you need to seek medical help. If there is nothing critical, you can try effective over-the-counter drugs, the most famous of which is valerian extract, valerian, which was used by the mothers of our grandmothers. Motherwort extract, valocordin, glycine, Novo-Passit, Notta, etc. are also suitable.

Medicinal relaxation
Medicinal relaxation

Source: depositphotos.com

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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