Electrolipolysis - Reviews, Contraindications, Consequences

Electrolipolysis - Reviews, Contraindications, Consequences
Electrolipolysis - Reviews, Contraindications, Consequences


Electrolipolysis - a method of physiotherapy
Electrolipolysis - a method of physiotherapy

Electrolipolysis is a method of physiotherapy, the purpose of which is to combat excess weight and cellulite using pulsed currents. The essence of electrolipolysis lies in the fact that impulse currents have a complex effect on adipose tissue and stimulate lipid breakdown processes.

Today, in modern medicine, electrolipolysis is one of the most effective procedures. If you compare the patient before and after electrolipolysis, the result is immediately visible. Thanks to this, the method is rapidly gaining popularity in many countries of the world.

The ability to obtain electrical energy from artificial sources appeared to mankind in the second half of the 18th century. The doctors did not fail to take advantage of this. Electrolipolysis is successfully used not only in cosmetology, but is the best and faithful assistant to physiotherapists and cardiac surgeons. With this method, you can very effectively and quickly get rid of cellulite and correct your figure without resorting to plastic surgery. In addition, electrolipolysis, according to reviews, activates metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fats accumulated in the human body, stimulates lymphatic drainage and cleanses even the deep layers of the epidermis.

Electrolipolysis - before and after

Fat cells themselves are inert and lazy, therefore they are very reluctant to part with triglycerides. And in order to lose weight quickly, we need to make them work. Electrolipolysis is designed to have an exciting effect on the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, and therefore the amount of catecholamines in problem areas increases. Catecholamines, in turn, increase the activity of the enzyme triglyceride lipase, which breaks down triglycerides. This is what contributes to the achievement of the desired effect.

However, the effect of electrolipolysis is not limited to stimulating the release of catecholamines. Electric current also contributes to a change in the membrane potential of fat cells, as a result of which the body begins to intensively expend energy.

The electrolipolysis procedure promotes the heating of adipose tissue, which causes a rapid degradation of fatty deposits. In addition, circulatory processes are stimulated in the problem area, lymphatic drainage is accelerated, and the inflow of arterial blood and venous outflow are enhanced. As a result, the cells of the body are intensively supplied with oxygen and toxins are removed from the body. Therefore, comparing your body before and after electrolipolysis, you can see the disappearance of cellulite and effective weight loss, and the skin becomes firm, elastic and tender. In addition, a significant percentage of lipids permanently leave the adipose tissue, which ensures a lasting effect.

Types of electrolipolysis

Today, in beauty salons and clinics of aesthetic medicine, two types of electrolipolysis are performed - needle and skin (electrode).

In cutaneous electrolipolysis, electrodes are applied to the skin surface. Needle electrolysis involves the insertion of needle-shaped electrodes under the patient's skin.

The electrode method is quite painless, in addition, it does not damage the skin and has no side effects. According to reviews, cutaneous electrolipolysis is effectively combined with other cosmetic procedures.

Needle electrolipolysis is a rather painful procedure. However, according to reviews, needle electrolysis has a more pronounced effect, about 30% stronger than the cutaneous method. To achieve the maximum effect, doctors recommend 8-12 procedures. On average, two or three sessions are carried out in ten days. At the end of the electrolipolysis course, the doctor may recommend preventive sessions 1-2 times a month.

Electrolipolysis procedure

Cutaneous electrolipolysis procedure
Cutaneous electrolipolysis procedure

The procedure is carried out in a special room equipped with appropriate equipment. The duration is 45-60 minutes. Skin magnetic electrodes are attached to problem areas (arms, legs, thighs, abdomen) (or needles are inserted under the skin) and the device is turned on.

Cutaneous electrolipolysis stimulates cells to spend high energy, and the fat accumulated in the body is quickly and efficiently burned, and their remains are excreted through the genitourinary system.

With needle electrolipolysis, the patient experiences quite strong pain, therefore this method is not as popular as the cutaneous one. However, everyone who has resorted to this procedure notes that pain and small bruises left on the body are a very low price for such a tangible effect of the procedure.

The electrolipolysis procedure is divided into three stages:

  • Breakdown of fat cells, when the client experiences a slight, gradually increasing tingling sensation in the skin.
  • Expelling cellular debris from the body. This stage is the most unpleasant in terms of sensations. The patient experiences quite a lot of discomfort throughout the body.
  • Skin tightening and toning. During the third stage, the patient experiences alternate relaxation and tension of the body muscles.

According to reviews, electrolipolysis is useful to combine with massage, lifting, hot wraps, myostimulation, lymphatic drainage. So, lymphatic drainage, done after lipolysis, effectively removes decay products from the body and does not allow fat cells to recover.

Contraindications to electrolipolysis

As with any serious cosmetic procedure, it has contraindications and electrolipolysis. You cannot do the procedure in the presence of a pacemaker and other metal implants (for example, dentures), diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular, kidneys, since after the procedure, the load on them increases significantly, which can provoke various complications.

Contraindications to electrolipolysis are cardiovascular diseases, skin infections, high blood pressure, varicose veins. The procedure should not be carried out during pregnancy and breastfeeding, if there is or suspicion of a malignant tumor, or if there is a fresh fracture.

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