5 reasons to add olive oil to your diet
Olive oil is a product that can make a significant contribution to human health. The rich vitamin composition of the oil makes it the number one remedy for many diseases, including deadly ones. Only 2 tbsp. l. daily olive oils prevent the appearance of vascular and heart diseases, cancer, digestive problems, premature aging, depression and many other ailments, the treatment of which would require a lot of time and effort. Let's take a closer look at what diseases can be avoided by serving this healthy and tasty product to the table.
Oncological diseases
The health secret of people who prefer Mediterranean cuisine is seafood and olive oil, which is a valuable supplier of oleic acid to the body. This substance is an active and absolutely non-toxic blocker of oncogenes. Its effectiveness is often compared to cancer therapy. According to research, oleic acid not only inhibits the growth and reproduction of cancer cells, but also increases the effectiveness of drugs that treat tumors. The share of oleic acid in olive oil (as well as sasanqua, hazelnut, almond oil) is 60-85%, making the product considered one of the available drugs for cancer prevention (for comparison, the oleic acid content in sunflower oil is less than 30%) …
Fresh oil of the first cold pressing (marked Extra Virgin), consumed within a month after production, possesses anti-tumor properties. It should be borne in mind that the anticarcinogenic effectiveness of olive oil is completely lost during heat treatment.

Source: depositphotos.com
Diseases of blood vessels and heart
Cholesterol, which clogs the lumen of blood vessels, is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis and its complications - stroke and heart attack. Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques is another useful property of olive oil. This is due to the action of the unsaturated fatty acids contained in it (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, omega-3, etc.): their constituent components slow down the process of lipid oxidation, protecting the vessels from atherosclerosis. And the polyphenols in olive oil prevent platelet over-viscosity. It is believed that the daily intake of 3 tbsp. l. olive oil on an empty stomach not only protects against vascular and heart disease, but also relieves atherosclerosis of the vessels of the first and second stages.

Source: depositphotos.com
Improving mental ability
The effect of improving mental abilities (increased learning, strengthening memory, high brain efficiency) with the use of olive oil is achieved, according to scientists, due to the action of antioxidants (vitamin E, phenols, carotenoids), which eliminate oxidative damage to brain cells by free radicals. It is on the property of neutralizing toxins that the effectiveness of the product as a hangover remedy is based. In addition, the substance oleocanthal, found in olive oil, promotes the resorption of beta-amyloid plaques (protein clumps in the brain cells), preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease, which is currently incurable. It is recommended to include this oil in the daily diet for everyone, but especially for children from 3 years old, old people and people subject to mental stress.

Source: depositphotos.com
Slowing down the aging of the body
Most of the listed beneficial substances in the composition of olive oil (unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants) are the building blocks of cell membranes, protecting them from destruction. The inclusion of this product in the diet allows you to improve health at the cellular level, and the use externally - to gain external youth. Rubbed into the skin, olive oil moisturizes it, retains its elasticity, saturates it with vitamins, allows you to get rid of allergic rashes, wrinkles, inflammation, peeling and stretch marks.

Source: depositphotos.com
Women Health
Low levels of estrogens - hormones produced in the ovaries - are the culprit not only of many female genital disorders, but also of natural menopause. Estrogens determine the balance of a woman's hormonal background, her ability to conceive, youth and health of the whole body. By the age of 40-50, the ovaries, the main supplier of estrogen in a woman's body, stop working. This is the cause of menopause - and everything that accompanies it (weight gain, "hot flashes", headaches, mood swings, etc.). Plant analogues of hormones (phytoestrogens), which are also contained in olive oil, come to the rescue. The daily use of olive oil during the period of extinction of reproductive function will keep the state of the woman's body normal.

Source: depositphotos.com
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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