Eyebrow Tattooing - Techniques, Contraindications, Consequences

Eyebrow Tattooing - Techniques, Contraindications, Consequences
Eyebrow Tattooing - Techniques, Contraindications, Consequences

Eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattooing technique
Eyebrow tattooing technique

It's no secret that every woman wants to look attractive every day, regardless of the availability of free time, mood and money. But not everyone knows how to professionally apply makeup, and sometimes it is just not up to it. Therefore, a great way to preserve beauty for a long time is permanent makeup, or simply tattoo. It allows a woman to look like she just visited a makeup artist. Usually, eyebrows, lips and eyelids are tattooed. In this article we will talk about eyebrow tattooing.

Eyebrow tattoo techniques

Often, in women, eyebrows are left without attention, some of the fair sex believe that they do not need to be highlighted. But in vain! Beautiful eyebrows give the face originality and a kind of charm. With the help of the shape of the eyebrows, you can express character traits - severity, playfulness, mystery, sexuality. Of course, it's hard to be so disciplined as to shape your eyebrows every morning before work, giving them the desired shape. And there is not always enough time for this. In this case, eyebrow tattooing will be an excellent solution.

Specialists in permanent eyebrow makeup use the following techniques: hair-to-hair and soft shading.

Let's consider each of them.

Eyebrow hair tattoo, according to experts, is most popular among women. The essence of the method is that with the help of a special machine for tattoos, the master draws a line of each hair on the eyebrows, from the root to the tip. Experienced craftsmen make this procedure with special needles.

There are two types of eyebrow hair tattoo:

  • Eastern - when the drawn hairs are of different lengths, intertwined and directed at different angles;
  • European - when the hairs are directed to one side and look like the same strokes.

The procedure for eyebrow hair tattooing lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the technique and complexity of the work. First, the master, having discussed all the nuances and wishes with the client, draws the desired eyebrow line with a cosmetic pencil. Then he begins to draw each hair. Using a typewriter or special needles, he makes punctures in the skin and injects a dye there. The procedure is somewhat painful, so the master in some cases applies local anesthesia with a special cream.

Permanent make-up of eyebrows using the technique of soft shading is the application of a continuous line of eyebrows, while it seems that they are simply tinted well with a pencil, and from the outside they look quite natural. Soft shading is most often used if the eyebrows are sparse or without hairs at all.

When professionally applied using high-quality materials, eyebrow tattoo done in any technique lasts from 3 to 5 years. This fully justifies both the discomfort suffered and the funds spent on this cosmetic procedure.

Consequences of eyebrow tattooing and care

As a result of the tattooing procedure, the eyebrow skin usually turns red and slightly swells, this is normal and disappears after a week. In rare cases, the appearance of a hematoma is observed, it depends on the qualifications of the master. As a result of the body's reaction to the injury inflicted, swelling of the face may occur, which will pass after a while.

After eyebrow tattooing, eyebrow care is carried out using special gels or ointments recommended by the master.

At first, after the procedure, the ichor is released, from which crusts are then formed. Therefore, it is allowed to remove the ichor with wet wipes without alcohol. The swelling is usually relieved with antihistamines, and pain with pain relievers. It is necessary to lubricate eyebrows with ointment or gel carefully so as not to damage the formed crusts. In no case should they be removed, otherwise the coloring pigment under them will lose its color and the eyebrows will come out with peculiar "gaps".

The result of the performed procedure can be fully assessed in 2 weeks.

Eyebrow tattoo removal

In the event that the work of the master for some reason does not meet expectations, the color or shape of the eyebrows does not suit, often the only possible correction option is to remove the permanent makeup.

There are several ways to remove eyebrow tattoo. The safest and most effective is laser removal. This method allows you to remove the coloring pigment without damaging the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The laser beam practically does not affect healthy skin. It only affects areas that differ in color. Passing unhindered through the skin, the laser beam heats the pigment particles to a high temperature. As a result, they burn out, and the soot is washed away by lymph, but not immediately, but within several months. Therefore, it makes no sense to do a second eyebrow tattoo removal procedure earlier than two months.

Contraindications to eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattoo - reviews and advice
Eyebrow tattoo - reviews and advice

Before tattooing eyebrows, you should consult your doctor if you have cardiovascular or allergic diseases. Also, tattooing is contraindicated for people suffering from acute inflammatory diseases, cancer, poor blood clotting, diabetes, hypertension, mental disorders, epilepsy, and pregnant women.

But in general, most people are allowed to do tattooing. Thanks to this uncomplicated procedure, many women will discover new facets of their beauty by changing and improving the shape and color of their eyebrows. Neat, well-groomed eyebrows emphasize the eyes, emphasize their color, make the face more expressive and attractive.

Analyzing reviews about eyebrow tattooing, one can come to the conclusion that the success of this procedure depends entirely on the competence, accuracy and conscientiousness of the master. If you have an eyebrow tattoo done by a qualified specialist, it will be truly beautiful and absolutely safe!

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