Permanent Eyebrow Makeup - Description, Technique, Reviews

Permanent Eyebrow Makeup - Description, Technique, Reviews
Permanent Eyebrow Makeup - Description, Technique, Reviews

Permanent eyebrow makeup

Permanent eyebrow makeup is a correction technique that gives a second chance to those who do not consider their eyebrows to be perfect.

Eyebrow Permanent Makeup Procedure
Eyebrow Permanent Makeup Procedure

Permanent make-up means tattooing, which differs from drawing eyebrows with a pencil or shadows by the durability of the result and naturalness.

Permanent eyebrow makeup technique

The most common permanent makeup techniques are:

  • Dense shading - used if a woman's eyebrows are very light and sparse. It also helps if the hairs in the eyebrow area do not grow at all;
  • Shading that creates the effect of 3D - masters use this method when it is necessary to "revive" faded eyebrows;
  • Modeling natural hairs - this technique, like shading, helps in cases where the eyebrows do not grow, or grows partially, and is used to mask scars and other skin defects in the eyebrow area;
  • The creation of pearlescent highlights under the eyebrows is a decorative effect that enhances the expressive look.

All these techniques of permanent makeup for eyebrows can be used separately or, if necessary, mixed. Very often the modeling of natural hairs is combined with shading or with the creation of a volume effect.

On average, a permanent make-up procedure lasts two and a half hours.

Before performing permanent eyebrow makeup, the master consults the woman, makes a sketch, or uses, if possible, her drawing. At a preliminary consultation, the color of the eyebrow dye and the optimal technique are also selected.

After the tattoo is finished, the master tells how to care for eyebrows for the first time after applying permanent makeup and appoints the time for eyebrow correction.

How to care for eyebrows after tattooing

Since tattooing implies some trauma to the skin, it needs to be provided with appropriate care.

Until the eyebrows heal, it is recommended to regularly treat them with Bepanten to prevent dryness. Also, at first, you should wipe your eyebrows 3-4 times a day with chlorhexidine, an antiseptic - to prevent infection from entering the healing skin.

Judging by the reviews about permanent eyebrow makeup, sometimes puffiness appears after the procedure. You can remove it if you use ice or dry cold - it is applied every two hours for 2 minutes.

You should be prepared for the fact that the eyebrows will be bright immediately after applying permanent makeup. And after the first crust comes off, the color will seem muted, because the brows will be covered with another layer of crust.

When the eyebrows are completely healed, and this usually happens within a month, the color will be the way the master intended it.

The result of permanent eyebrow makeup
The result of permanent eyebrow makeup

While the skin on the eyebrows is healing, it is undesirable to actively engage in sports, go to the sauna - excessive sweating can slow down the healing process.

In addition, it is important at this time not to be under the sun for a long time, to postpone the tanning bed, to avoid getting dirt and dust on the skin of the eyebrows. It is also best not to apply cosmetic creams and makeup to the eyebrows until they have healed.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup

Correction is done only one month after applying the tattoo, but no later than three months after the procedure.

There are two types of eyebrow permanent make-up correction: pigment renewal and complete replacement.

After a month, the pigment is renewed and the next time they return to this issue only after a year or a year and a half.

A complete pigment replacement is required only if an unsuccessful permanent eyebrow makeup has been done.

Three techniques are used to correct permanent eyebrow makeup:

  • additional injection of paint under the skin;
  • applying a different shade over the old tattoo;
  • complete removal of pigment by laser.

Only qualified masters can carry out permanent eyebrow makeup - reviews of salon clients, which are today openly published on the Internet, can help with the choice. Trust only experienced masters, as it is long and expensive to correct an ugly and incorrectly made eyebrow tattoo.

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