Anticellulite massage

Cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy) is a specific change in adipose tissue, which is expressed in the appearance of embossed and bumpy skin, the cause of which is a violation of lymph flow and blood microcirculation.
The reasons for the appearance of cellulite are different: they include, first of all, unhealthy diet, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, tight clothes.
As a sign of trouble in the body and a cosmetic defect, cellulite spoils the life of about 80% of women, causing them complexes about the appearance of their bodies.
Anticellulite massage
Anti-cellulite massage is one of the most effective and affordable methods to get rid of lipodystrophy (both in the first and fourth stages of the disease) and prevent its appearance.
Anti-cellulite massage is a combination of various techniques of mechanical and reflex action on skin tissues in the form of pressing, pressure, friction, vibration, produced on areas prone to cellulite deposits. Most often, the hips, buttocks and abdomen are similar, so-called "problem" places.
Classical anti-cellulite massage is carried out without the use of surgical and hardware techniques and is often prescribed in a course of 8-15 procedures, the number of which depends on the stage of the disease.
To enhance the effect of anti-cellulite massage, medicinal ointments, gels, aromatic oils and temperature effects are used.
Consequences of anti-cellulite massage
According to reviews, anti-cellulite massage, performed correctly and corresponding to the stage of the disease by the course, allows you to achieve such results as:
- Improving capillary blood circulation;
- Acceleration of metabolism between the cell and the intercellular fluid;
- Elimination of stagnant phenomena in the body (more intensive removal of the products of their vital activity from the cells);
- Acceleration of the movement of lymphatic fluid in the body;
- Removal of excess fluid (prevention of edema);
- Acceleration of the process of cell regeneration;
- Recovery of muscle tone;
- Improving the structure of the skin due to active stimulation of hormonal and sebaceous glands;
- The skin acquires softness, elasticity and a pleasant appearance;
- Increasing the body's resistance to disease by stimulating the activity of the lymphatic system.
Anti-cellulite massage technique
The main anti-cellulite massage techniques used by professional massage therapists are:
- Stroking. Any type of massage, including anti-cellulite massage, begins and ends with light movements of the fingers. Reception improves blood circulation in the capillaries;
- Trituration. The rubbing technique is similar to stroking, however, this process is more intense, while the fingers are widely spaced and tightly attached to the skin. Rubbing helps to reduce subcutaneous fat, increases muscle tone, and removes water from the body. On the legs, rubbing is performed from the bottom up, and on the hips - in a circular motion;
- Pat. This anti-cellulite massage technique is a series of energetic strokes with fingers or a clenched fist of varying intensity;
- Pressure. Divided into superficial and deep. With superficial pressure, the skin tightens and looses, helping to soften the upper areas of cellulite. Deep pressure is associated with gripping large pieces of skin and is similar to kneading dough with a gradual approach of the hands. Deep grips cause a strong rush of blood, activating the activity of blood vessels and positively affecting damaged connective tissue.
Anti-cellulite massage at home
According to reviews, anti-cellulite massage at home is highly effective. However, during a massage or self-massage at home, you must adhere to several rules:
- It is necessary to start anti-cellulite massage when the muscles are warmed up and relaxed, while the masseur's hands should not be either wet or cold;
- It is necessary to start anti-cellulite massage at a slow pace, gradually increasing it;
- The movements of the masseur should be directed from the bottom up (from the knees to the buttocks);
- Do not massage the inner thighs, groin and popliteal cavity;
- Anti-cellulite massage is effective only if it is regular: it must be done for at least half an hour and at least once every 7 days.
How to do anti-cellulite massage at home?
In order to get rid of cellulite, it is not necessary to carry out anti-cellulite massage procedures in a beauty salon - it is enough to use several techniques that are easy to apply at home. Here are some of them:
- For the thighs and buttocks. Make a fist and with amplitude movements with force move your fist from the knee to the thigh and back until the skin turns red;
- For thighs, buttocks and knees. Put your fingers together and massage the affected areas with cellulite in a circular motion;
- For the abdomen and thighs. Grab the skin between your toes and use pinches to work from your lower body to your upper body. At the same time, you need to pinch intensively, but not hard, so as not to leave bruises;
- For thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Form a triangle from the index and thumb and, pressing on the skin, move it towards the thumb.
Each of these techniques of anti-cellulite massage, according to reviews, can reduce the appearance of "orange peel", easily performed without the help of specialists.
Anti-cellulite massage products
How to do anti-cellulite massage with a brush or other auxiliary materials, and is it possible to resort to medical and cosmetic means in the unequal struggle with the "orange peel"?
Means for anti-cellulite massage, as an independent or auxiliary method, can achieve excellent results, increasing the effectiveness of the physical effect on the skin and accelerating the healing process.
Cosmetics such as scrub made from natural coffee or crushed apricot kernels, sea salt, essential oils, algae, mud, thermosetting gels and creams have the ability to deeply penetrate the skin, providing an intense healing effect on the areas affected by cellulite.
Contraindications to anti-cellulite massage are:
- Tumors in the abdominal cavity and pelvic area;
- Chronic infections in the acute stage;
- Inflammatory skin diseases;
- Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs;
- Bloody vaginal discharge;
- Nausea, vomiting;
- Fever;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Menstrual period;
- Postoperative period;
- Phlebeurysm;
- Mental disorders.
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