Vacuum massage

Vacuum massage is a cosmetic and therapeutic massage using special equipment aimed at treating cellulite, excess weight, congestion in the neck and back.
Features of vacuum massage
The main component of this type of massage is the use of vacuum, which accelerates the saturation of tissues with oxygen and normalizes metabolism. Due to the vacuum effect, lymph flow improves, toxins are removed and edema is removed.
Vacuum massage as a hardware technology increases skin firmness, elasticity and tone.
Vacuum massage has good reviews as an effective preventive method against aging of the body. The procedure affects muscles, tissues and blood vessels.
After a vacuum massage of the face, collagen production is stimulated and a lifting effect is provided with an increase in the protective functions of the epidermis.
This hardware method allows you to create an individual course of procedures for each patient with a specific type and condition of the skin, problem areas.
The highly effective vacuum massage device works on deep fat deposits, areas with congestion, as well as problem areas of the face and body.
Massagers with special rollers are designed for vacuum massage against cellulite, as a result of which skin folds and subcutaneous deposits are affected, as well as their subsequent elimination.
Home vacuum massage
Home vacuum massage using cans or a special device is a budget alternative to hardware massage in a beauty salon or medical center.
Such vacuum home procedures must be carried out in a course of several sessions lasting 7-10 minutes.
Vacuum massage has positive reviews as a procedure aimed at restoring muscle tissue, improving blood circulation, slowing down aging and increasing the strength of connective tissue.

Vacuum massage for cellulite is effective when using a special device-massager, which removes excess fluid from the tissues, subjects them to vacuum to eliminate subcutaneous fat deposits.
When carrying out this massage at home, you must first massage the problem areas with your hands, warm up the body with cans and apply antiallergic oil. Do not use aggressive products containing pepper, essential oils and grapefruit during the procedure.
The course of home procedures should be 12-15 sessions lasting 10 minutes, which should be carried out every other day. In the intervening days, it is necessary to take relaxing baths with salts and herbs.
Benefits of vacuum massage
Vacuum massage has a number of useful properties and benefits. These include:
- effective elimination of muscle pain and spasms;
- painlessness of the procedure;
- effective treatment of cellulite and excess weight;
- anti-aging and prevention of wrinkle formation;
- tightening the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity;
- relaxation and stress relief after intense exertion, overwork and stress;
- elimination of fibrous nodes in several sessions;
- body and face correction.
Vacuum massage is contraindicated in severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, varicose veins, cancer, acute and chronic inflammatory processes in internal organs, open wounds, thrombosis, colds, pregnancy and lactation.
With caution, vacuum massage is prescribed for mental disorders, kidney failure, thyroid diseases, increased edema, allergic reactions, as well as in childhood and old age.
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