Hardware manicure

Hardware manicure is a modern technology for treating nails of hands and feet, performed using a special set of tools.
Hardware manicure is usually done in salons, since it requires a special device with a set of attachments. It differs from a classic manicure in that all stages of a manicure are performed using an electric tool, and not manually. Not every manicurist can adequately carry out hardware manicure, since it requires special knowledge of the hardware manicure technique. It is very easy to damage the nails and nail plates if the instruments are mishandled.
Hardware manicure can be done at home. To do this, you need to know the sequence of the procedure and buy a special device.
Hardware manicure and its features
A manicure is performed using a polishing machine with attachments that remove dead parts of the skin. The hardware manicure is recommended for clients with problem nails (peeling, uneven and damaged), dry skin and problematic cuticles. A manicure must be done every 10-14 days. The procedure slows down the growth of the cuticle, painlessly and gently heals the nail plate, does not cause cracks and cuts, and also smoothes the surface of the nails.
Hardware manicure shortens the procedure time and reduces the maintenance of the master's work. The device with which hardware manicure is carried out, according to reviews, looks like a machine for drilling teeth. The hardware manicure set includes a variety of tips, each with its own function. Thanks to the gentle effect of the nozzles of the manicure machine, neither cracks nor cuts appear on the nails.
Hardware manicure at home
In order to make a home hardware manicure, you must carefully read the instructions for using the hardware manicure set.
The procedure is carried out with a set for hardware manicure intended for home use; it is not recommended to use a professional set for hardware manicure, since you need to have certain skills to use it. The device for home hardware manicure has several differences from what is used in salons. The rotation speed of nozzles does not exceed ten thousand revolutions per minute, while professional ones reach thirty or even forty thousand.
It is better, before trying to carry out the procedure on your own, first go to the salon and carefully study the technique of hardware manicure from professionals, take specialized courses or video courses on the Internet.

According to reviews, it is necessary to start a hardware manicure at a slow pace for the first time, since it is possible to damage the nail plates by working at a fast pace and without having the necessary experience.
During the procedure, do not forcefully touch the rotating attachment to the nails or skin, hold the attachment in one place and operate the device at maximum speed.
It is necessary to hold the device in the same position as a fountain pen, and when removing dry skin areas and side rollers, it must be tilted at an angle of 45 degrees.
The sequence of the procedure is as follows:
- First, it is necessary to clean the nails from the remains of the varnish and degrease the nail plate with cotton wool dipped in alcohol or a nail polish remover without acetone;
- Then, using a special stick (wooden or metal), it is necessary to move the cuticle to the base of the nail;
- After that, with a medium abrasive nozzle, slowly remove dry skin along the contour of the nail and at the corners of the nails;
- Next, polish the nail plate with a grinding attachment to a shine, while it is advisable not to touch the tip of the nozzle to the surface of the nail, as scratches may appear there;
- After the hardware manicure, you need to apply the cream to your hands and do a small massage.
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