Hardware Lymphatic Drainage - Indications, Contraindications, Effectiveness

Hardware Lymphatic Drainage - Indications, Contraindications, Effectiveness
Hardware Lymphatic Drainage - Indications, Contraindications, Effectiveness

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Hardware lymphatic drainage

Hardware lymphatic drainage - medical and cosmetic procedure
Hardware lymphatic drainage - medical and cosmetic procedure

Hardware lymphatic drainage is a medical and cosmetic procedure aimed at eliminating congestion in peripheral blood and lymphatic vessels. Congestion is usually caused by an incorrect lifestyle, namely lack of mobility, the second possible reason is age-related changes. Many doctors consider stagnation in the body to be the source of all chronic diseases, at least this is a necessary condition for maintaining their existence.

This problem has been known for a long time, and since ancient times people have been engaged in manual lymphatic drainage, although, of course, in those days it was not called that. For example, lymphatic drainage is at the heart of most massage techniques, and when in a Russian steam room they whip each other with birch or oak brooms, they achieve exactly this effect. With the invention of apparatus lymphatic drainage, the procedure has become both simpler and more effective.

Hardware lymphatic drainage has found its widespread use in modern cosmetology, where it is used as a rejuvenating, tonic, tonic and anti-cellulite agent. Before using this method, it was believed that cellulite is incurable, it can either be masked or significantly reduce weight. However, cellulite is not always accompanied by increased weight. The reason for this pathology is a violation of the outflow of intercellular fluid, as a result of which the accumulations of fat cells are surrounded by a membrane, which, in turn, further disrupts blood circulation and lymph flow in the area of accumulation of fat cells. As a result, a kind of "conserved" areas of adipose tissue are obtained, due to the presence of a capsule, which are difficult to influence from the outside.

Eliminating the violation of blood and lymph circulation, hardware lymph drainage, like nothing else, contributes to the disappearance of cellulite. It is important that in this case not

Hardware lymphatic drainage contributes to the disappearance of cellulite
Hardware lymphatic drainage contributes to the disappearance of cellulite

only old fat deposits disappear, but the skin is tightened, preventing the formation of post-fat bags or "aprons". In addition to cellulite treatment, hardware lymphatic drainage is used to treat the effects of acne, edema, scars and scars. This procedure perfectly removes fine wrinkles and tones the skin by improving its nutrition.

Despite the effectiveness and safety, hardware lymphatic drainage has contraindications. These are diseases of the blood and blood vessels, cancer, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, inflammation of the joints, pregnancy, breastfeeding, any acute infectious diseases. The last points are temporary contraindications.

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