Educational games 3-5 years
Children from the age of 3 begin to show an open interest in everything new and unknown. They can already put into practice previously acquired skills and understand causality. To develop curiosity, imagination and memory, various educational games for children of 3-5 years old will help, which will become a fun and very informative way to learn about the world and acquire useful skills.

Educational games 3-5 years old: staging a fairy tale
In order to develop the creative abilities of the child, you can try to stage a small play at home with the whole family, taking as a basis a fairy tale already familiar to the child. Together with the kid, you can interpret the storyline of the fairy tale in your own way, draw the scenery, choose costumes for the performance and learn the script. Carrying out all these manipulations, the child will generate ideas, turning on his imagination, will be able to offer many additions, and he will have a great and fun time with his parents during rehearsals.
Such a non-standard educational game for children will undoubtedly bring older and younger family members closer together, because, as you know, nothing brings them closer together than teamwork. A 5-year-old child in such a play can be offered the role of a director who will follow the entire preparation process and give a little command to the others, which will allow the baby to feel like an adult and responsible for a short while. Such a performance should last no more than 15 minutes, it is important to remember that the entire preparation process must take place in a playful way, otherwise the child will quickly become disappointed and lose all interest in such an undertaking. You can invite your child's friends and relatives to the performance - then it will be much more interesting for the child to perform.
Educational games for children 3-5 years old: learning to read
The optimal age to start teaching a child to read is 3.5-4 years old. Of course, before starting to read directly, the child should at least know all the letters. You need to start by explaining to the child how letters are folded into syllables, and syllables, in turn, into words. A variety of toys can help in this difficult task - cubes and magnetic boards with letters, various pictures and photographs with large names written on them, consisting of 3-4 letters. Also, when teaching a 3-5 year old child to read, cards developed by the American physiotherapist Glenn Doman can act as an educational game.
For children aged 3-5 years, educational games aimed at teaching reading should last an average of 10 minutes every day and gradually become more difficult. After studying more complex and long words, you can move on to short and simple sentences.
Educational games for children 3-5 years old: learning to write
Preparation of a preschooler, in addition to teaching reading and counting, includes the development of writing. To help your child develop a firm hand, it is necessary to explain to him how to properly hold a pencil in his hand. At first, it will be difficult for the child to draw straight lines, but with practice he will be able to move the pencil more clearly and neatly.
Together with the baby, parents can draw circles, curved lines and sticks, from which letters will subsequently be obtained. In order for the child not to be bored of learning to write, it is better to come up with a short story about the figures he depicts, which you can later ask the child to decorate, which will also contribute to better coordination of his hand movements with a pencil or brush.
The benefits of educational games for children
Using educational games for children 3-5 years old, each parent can be sure of the undoubted benefits of this approach to child development. Each educational game has a set of tasks that the child needs to complete with the help of various improvised objects (sticks, parts, cubes and even tweezers). Parents independently determine the level of difficulty of a particular developmental game, depending on the age and level of development of the child, therefore these games are suitable for absolutely everyone.
The undoubted benefit of this approach to learning is the way in which information is given about the conditions for completing the task - various schemes, models and drawings, which from an early age acquaints the child with the methods of transferring information. As you know, when a child fully masters the game, it becomes uninteresting to him, and he will refuse to continue playing it. Educational games are constantly becoming more difficult, as they contain different levels of difficulty, thus, maintaining the child's constant interest in them. Developing games make children 3-5 years old to constantly improve themselves and independently develop unconventional thinking.
Another undoubted advantage of such games is the participation of parents in them, who help and advise the child how to cope with the task, which undoubtedly brings them closer.
Choosing educational games: Lego, puzzles or Kuisener sticks?
At the age of three, the baby has already gained a certain experience that represents its potential, looking at which the parent can determine in which direction it is worth developing the child in order to fully reveal this potential. It is at the development of the potential and the harmonious development of children 3-5 years old that educational games are aimed.
They intersect the mental activity and the emotional side of the child's character, you can play in them with a large team or together with a parent. Any developmental game takes place according to predetermined rules, which explain how to act with objects present in the game, in what sequence to use them, what is the pace of the game, and also what are the rules of communication between the participants.
If the child likes the game, he will definitely ask to repeat it, and will even try to play it on his own. When choosing educational games for 3-5 year old children, it is important to take into account that the game should correspond to both the child's age and his capabilities. In no case should you choose too difficult tasks for a child - he will simply lose the desire to learn in this way.

One of the most exciting games in the world for any child is Lego - an educational game, the essence of which is to collect from a set of parts for modeling - constructors.
All educational Lego games in fact resemble puzzles, only voluminous and are of varying complexity - from the simplest and consisting of several large parts to including several thousand small parts.
Kids will not be left indifferent by a variety of puzzles, from which you can assemble interesting pictures. Often, children like the process of selecting and connecting parts together, which positively affects the development of fine motor skills in their hands.
Also very popular are the colored Kuisener counting sticks - a set of plastic sticks of various lengths and colors, denoting different numbers, suitable for children aged one to seven years. For children aged 3-5 years, educational games with these sticks are an interesting way "through hands" to form an understanding of such concepts as numbers, majority, minority, number composition, etc.
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