Interactive Games For Children

Interactive Games For Children
Interactive Games For Children

Interactive games for children

The game is a special method of cognizing the world, which allows to master the situation in a simplified form, to simulate possible options for its development, thus acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities. Play is one of the oldest and most invariable methods of raising children and learning about the world. Interactive games for children - games based on the interaction of the participants. Synonyms for the term are "role-playing games", "simulation games".

Interactive play for children is an active method of learning, which is based on the use of experience gained in the course of specially organized social interaction for testing, creating, presenting to the players a new model of behavior. What are the interactive games for children? Is it possible to use developing Internet games in the process of raising a child?

Interactive games for children: goals and features of the introduction to the educational process

Interactive games for children are among the oldest methods of knowing the world around them
Interactive games for children are among the oldest methods of knowing the world around them

An interactive game for children is one of the oldest methods of learning about the world around them, gaining life experience through artificially created situations. The game is the simplest way to convey the necessary information to a person. Interactive play encourages independent search for solutions. The game technique is extremely simple. The teacher describes the situation that, in his opinion, is most appropriate for a given age group, topic, stage in the development and upbringing of children. For the younger age group, the roles in interactive games for children are assigned by the teacher himself, while children in the older age group have more freedom of action. In the course of modeling a situation, children get the opportunity to independently analyze roles, distribute them in a group, analyze possible options for the development of the situation,predict possible outcomes. In the younger age group, interactive play for children offers a clear scenario on the basis of which children will gain a particular experience.

An interactive game for children allows you to develop the following qualities and skills in children:

  • Analysis and goal setting;
  • Analysis of possible ways to achieve the goal (forecasting);
  • Distribution and setting of tasks (planning), definition of the function of each participant in the process;
  • Communicating your thoughts;
  • Analysis of the received and expected result.

Interactive games for children contribute to:

  • Knowledge structuring;
  • Breaking down a complex goal / task into smaller logical links;
  • Determination of the most effective solutions;
  • Socialization;
  • Formation of non-verbal communication methods.

An interactive game for children should be carefully selected taking into account the level of development of the age group of children, acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. If the game turns out to be too difficult to master on your own, then the set goals will not be achieved. If the game is too easy, children may not show the proper interest and participation. For the upbringing process, the novelty factor is important: what lesson children will learn from the simulated situation, what new qualities they can develop.

Interactive games are currently used not only in the upbringing and development of children, but also to form the team qualities of office teams.

Educational Internet games: the correct introduction of computer games into the education process

One of the varieties of interactive games for children is educational Internet games for children, which are a simplified version of interaction with the outside world. The plot of the game is a simulated situation in which a participant (player, child) must choose one of the roles and cope with the set goals.

Educational Internet games are developed for a wide variety of age categories and can be introduced into the process of raising and educating a child from an early age. The correct (dosed) introduction of computer educational games into the learning process will allow the child not only to gain new knowledge, to consolidate the material learned, but also to master the basics of using a PC, which is extremely important in the age of global computerization.

However, the uncontrolled introduction of children's computer games can adversely affect the upbringing of a child. By introducing PC games that develop individual skills and abilities into the upbringing process, parents must fully control the process, observing the child's reaction, the way the game passes, and the performance of individual tasks. It is not for nothing that educational Internet games for children are used as a diagnostic tool by psychologists to draw up a psychological portrait of a child.

PC games that develop certain skills and abilities contribute to easier adaptation of the child, quick assimilation of new material. Unlike board educational games, Internet games for children absorb their attention with animation, vivid images, a chain of sequential actions and tasks offered to the child for solving. The dynamics of the game help train attention.

Advantages and disadvantages of developing Internet games for children

With the right approach and presentation of it to a child, virtual reality becomes a powerful tool for intellectual development. Many parents miss the moment of "computer education" of the child, presenting the computer and the virtual environment only as a game platform. Excessive passion for developing Internet games for children contributes to the formation of addiction (dependence) on the Internet environment, computer games.

In the course of the development of basic qualities and skills during a computer game, the child increasingly moves away from society, loses the skills of communicating with peers, closes in himself, which are the first signs of addiction. The main disadvantages of online games for children are:

  • Lack of live contact with society;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Constant psycho-emotional stress and stress;
  • A high degree of involvement in the process, which provokes the development of neglect of other activities (helping parents, performing other tasks, rest).

An uncontrolled hobby for PC games that develop such negative character traits as cruelty, rudeness, ruthlessness, perseverance can negatively affect the development of a child's character.

What then are the advantages of introducing Internet games into the process of raising children? Computer interactive games for children develop:

  • Interactive games for children assume a clear scenario
    Interactive games for children assume a clear scenario


  • Logical thinking;
  • Fine motor skills when using the mouse and keyboard;
  • Fine coordination of movements, hand-eye coordination;
  • Psychological readiness for school.

Should you resort to computer interactive games for children in the process of education? A computer game is a newer method of assimilating material. It cannot be argued that without computer games the child will not receive proper development. Play in any form should be present in the process of raising a child. Group interactive games for children contribute not only to the correct development of the child, but also to his socialization in society, as well as the study of behavior patterns in real life situations.

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