Prevention Of The Occurrence Of Prostatitis

Prevention Of The Occurrence Of Prostatitis
Prevention Of The Occurrence Of Prostatitis

Prevention of the occurrence of prostatitis

Prevention of the occurrence of prostatitis
Prevention of the occurrence of prostatitis

Diseases of the prostate are now widespread, and depressing statistics tell us that there is a steady trend towards further growth of such pathologies. Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate gland, is the most common urological disease in men, and chronic prostatitis is the most common cause of conditions such as impotence and male infertility. Accordingly, the prevention of prostatitis is a top priority not only for health care, but also for any man, and the sooner he realizes this, the better.

The cause of prostatitis is an infection that can penetrate the ascending route from the genitals and descending from the internal organs. In young men, the infection often enters the prostate in the ascending route, and this happens either as a result of unprotected sexual contact with a bacillus carrier, or due to neglect of personal hygiene rules. Therefore, the prevention of prostatitis for young people is primarily hygienic requirements and the use of barrier contraception. These funds can save a person from a big trouble, since sexually transmitted infections are currently spreading at the speed of epidemics, and they can cause even more significant harm than inflammation of the prostate.

The factors that predispose to prostatitis are hypothermia and a sedentary lifestyle. Both of these factors lead to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs, stagnation is especially dangerous in this sense, as a result, preconditions for infectious inflammation are created. In this case, the infection can also penetrate in a descending way, any inflammatory focus in the body, for example, a carious tooth, is enough. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle is now very common among modern people. And if you think that this does not concern you, then calculate how much time you spend sitting behind the wheel of a car and in front of a computer monitor.

The first rule of prevention for prostatitis: mobility. If you have to sit for a long time, be sure to compensate for this with physical activity. Any kind of sport or just long walks are suitable. Try to drive as little as possible, and instead walk as much as possible.

Prostatitis prevention rule number two: no hypothermia. Stupid bravado, when in our by no means hot latitudes men do not consider it necessary to put on warm underwear in winter, it is very expensive later, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

Prostatitis prevention rule number three: watch your health. Treat your teeth on time, and everything else. Remember, any hotbed of chronic infection is a time bomb.

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