How to properly organize a trip for treatment abroad?
Of course, no one likes to get sick, especially if medical care is provided at a low level and not always in a timely manner. Naturally, in this case, patients choose treatment abroad - after all, their own health has always been put above material wealth, and therefore many pay foreign professors for the services provided.
As the constantly increasing statistics show, more and more citizens of the Russian Federation are choosing treatment abroad, rather than turning to domestic doctors. Clinics in Germany and Israel, Sweden and America - what is the essence of this situation, what are the pros and cons of medical tourism, and is foreign treatment so good and effective?

Why not in Russia?
Doctors in Russia are by no means so bad as the statistics of citizens leaving for treatment abroad can show - the education of specialists is certainly not ahead of everyone, but it is not the worst. Rather, the situation is that there is a lack of not so experienced doctors as:
- Modern medical equipment and drugs.
- New technologies and methods of diagnostics, treatment.
- Rehabilitation and recovery programs.
It is important not only to provide a medical service, but to cure the patient, to put him on his feet. This, in the opinion of many doctors and the patients themselves, is the problem of health care in the country, forcing fellow citizens to choose treatment abroad.
Advantages of treatment abroad
When choosing treatment abroad, many patients resort to medical tourism programs. If we talk about the advantages of treatment in foreign clinics, the level of effectiveness of medicine, then it is worth highlighting the following points:
- Quality and efficiency of diagnostics. Correctly, and most importantly, a timely diagnosis is already half the success in recovery. The causes of the pathology and the stage of the course of the disease, the diagnosis - all this plays a role in the selection and preparation of an individual course of treatment and rehabilitation.
- The level of qualifications of the medical personnel of foreign clinics. Doctors, as junior medical personnel, constantly attend advanced training courses, exchange experience with their colleagues from other countries.
- The use of modern methods of treatment and medications - in this case, foreign clinics adhere to the principle that all of them should be effective in the fight against this or that disease and bear a minimum of harm, be as safe as possible for the patient himself. Experienced doctors will never treat one disease with drugs that ultimately provoke a negative side effect.
- Application of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment in the course of treatment. Today medicine is reaching greater and greater heights, which will allow the use of more modern and effective methods of treatment.
Because of this, many Russians choose treatment within the walls of foreign, rather than domestic, clinics. Please contact Hospitalbooking to arrange and arrange treatment.

Popular areas of treatment and their features
When choosing a particular country for treatment and rehabilitation, it is important to take into account, weigh all the pros and cons, features and a number of nuances of therapy programs.
1. Israel
It is this country that holds the leading position in the field of medical tourism - most often Israel is chosen for treatment and therapy in the following areas:
- oncology and cardiological surgery;
- restoration of the reproductive function of the body, artificial conception as part of the fight against infertility;
- neurosurgery.
Modern equipment and methods of treatment, competent medical staff are combined with prices that are lower than European ones.
2. Germany
Pedantry and punctuality, an innovative approach to treatment in Germany gives excellent results of therapy and recovery in dealing with difficult diagnoses and critically ill patients. The only drawback that can be voiced in this case is that German medicine is on the list of one of the most expensive and not every patient can afford it. Compared to Israeli clinics, many medical procedures cost 40-45% more treatment.

3. India
Asian countries are also famous for their high rates of successful treatment of complex diseases and rehabilitation, showing an acceptable price policy for tourists. But at the same time, the tourist should take into account that the course of therapy in India has a number of disadvantages:
- Not the best sanitary conditions in the country.
- Language barrier and difficulty in translating medical terminology.
- A long flight, which not every patient can withstand, especially a seriously ill one, when transportation can be harmful.
- The need to make a number of exotic vaccinations before flying to India, which may simply be contraindicated for a number of diseases.
Therefore, Asian countries in statistics show low data on the influx of citizens in the framework of medical tourism.
Information for the article is taken from the portal
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