Correct daily routine

The daily routine is the organization and appropriate distribution of a person's time resources, a kind of life schedule. The correct daily routine is the organization of a person's personal time for the most optimal use of his labor potential. What is the daily routine for? What are its main components?
Daily regime: its main components
The daily routine is the basis for the normal functioning of the body. It is the correct alternation of work and rest, various types of activity that allows the body to fully recuperate physically and psychologically. The correct daily routine allows you to correctly allocate time resources for rest, work, food, self-development, and self-care.
There are external and internal factors that contribute to the development of a certain daily routine of a person.
The main internal factor that contributes to the development of a certain human behavior is biorhythms.
Biorhythms are fundamental processes of living nature, regular activity of the organism, its systems, carried out with a certain frequency. Biological rhythms are fixed at all levels of living matter: from the simplest biological reactions occurring at every moment in a cell to complex human behavioral reactions. All physiological processes in the body are consistent with the general course of time. The main factor that regulates the biorhythms of all living things is the Sun. The importance of biorhythms for humans was proved by physiologist I. P. Pavlov, who argued that there is nothing more significant for a living organism than the rhythm and frequency of physiological changes taking place in the body. Biological rhythms largely determine the daily routine of a person. It is on biorhythms that a person's working capacity depends,ability to assimilate information, learn.
Building a daily routine that contradicts the natural biorhythms of a person will lead to increased fatigue, psychological stress, and a long period of disability.
An external factor that determines a person's daily routine is his participation in the life of society: training and visiting educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, higher educational institutions), work at an enterprise, which contributes to the development of a more or less constant daily routine.
Obligatory components of the daily routine should be:
- Labor is the physiological need of a person, the main condition for his existence in society, the purposeful, conscious activity of the individual, aimed at meeting the needs of himself and society;
- Rest is a necessary component of the daily routine, a way of spending time, the purpose of which is to restore physical strength and stabilize the psycho-emotional state to achieve a normal level of performance;
- Meals - a sufficient interval of time during employment, rest for a full meal;
- Personal hygiene - a period of time for carrying out procedures to maintain and strengthen health;
- Time for self-development and improvement is a period for other types of activity (reading, going to the theater, communicating with people).
Child's day regimen: how to properly organize a day for a child
Why is it important to teach your child the correct daily routine? Children easily get used to a new daily routine due to the fact that a clear dynamic stereotype has not yet been developed in their minds - a form of human brain activity, a manifestation of which is a fixed order of actions performed. Violation of dynamic stereotypes leads to tension of the nerve elements of the cerebral cortex, which goes beyond their functional capabilities, resulting in a violation of higher nervous activity and the development of neurotic states.
The child's daily routine is somewhat different from the adult's daily routine. The daily routine for children is the basis of upbringing, teaching a child to use time resources responsibly, self-discipline, developing character and willpower.

In the first 3 years of a child's life, the working capacity of his nervous system is constantly changing, which causes a change in the child's day regimen at different periods of his life. If the daily regimen is not observed for the child, the following consequences may occur:
- Tearfulness, irritability of the child;
- Instability of the psycho-emotional state;
- Developmental deviations;
- Difficulties in teaching a child to the routine of a kindergarten, school.
Each period in a child's life must be properly organized in terms of alternating activity and rest. Prolonged wakefulness and a reduction in the duration of sleep can negatively affect the activity of the child's nervous system, resulting in a violation of his behavior. There is no one correct daily routine that would suit every child. However, there are a number of rules, adhering to which parents will be able to properly organize such a regime for the child's day, which will contribute to his full physical and mental development.
Child's day regimen rules:
- Compliance with the exact time of getting up and going to bed, which contributes to the development of a reflex;
- Compliance with the intervals between meals (meal time depends entirely on the periods of sleep and wakefulness of the child). However, the daily routine is built so that after feeding the child is awake and then sleeps, which helps to maintain the optimal state of the child at any stage of development;
- The child's wakefulness should include developing games, being outdoors, communicating with peers. Do not forget about "free time" for the child, when he is not busy with other activities and can do what he is interested in himself.
The concept of the correct daily routine for each person
There is no one correct daily routine that suits every person. Any regimen of the day, both for a child and for an adult, is only advisory in nature. The correct daily routine allows the most efficient use of human energy resources. When drawing up a daily routine, it is necessary to take into account biorhythms, periods of maximum human performance.
So, the correct daily regimen contributes to:
- Maintaining the healthy functioning of the body;
- Normalization of the psycho-emotional state;
- Harmonious personal development;
- Education of punctuality;
- High self-discipline and organization, both in work and during rest;
- Significant reduction in fatigue;
- Improving labor efficiency.
An analysis of your daily routine will help determine the causes of high fatigue, low productivity, distraction of attention, and frequent depressive conditions. You should not adhere to a stereotyped daily routine if it contradicts a person's biological rhythms.
The basis of a correct daily routine:
- Normal sleep duration
- Compliance with the time of going to bed and daily awakening;
- Compliance with the meal schedule.
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