Gymnastics For Belly Slimming

Gymnastics For Belly Slimming
Gymnastics For Belly Slimming

Gymnastics for belly slimming

Gymnastics for weight loss of the abdomen is a specially designed set of exercises, the purpose of which is to reduce fat accumulation in the abdomen and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Correctly selected exercises, provided they are regularly performed at least 5 times a week from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours a day, in 4-5 weeks will allow you to achieve tangible results.

Gymnastics for slimming the abdomen - an approximate set of exercises
Gymnastics for slimming the abdomen - an approximate set of exercises

In the complex of gymnastics exercises for slimming the abdomen, all groups of abdominal muscles (straight, transverse, internal and external oblique) should be involved. The task of the abdominal muscles is the formation of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, their strengthening has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, posture, and general well-being. If the mobility of the muscles is insufficient, the abdomen becomes flabby, and body fat increases.

A set of abdominal exercises to help you lose weight in the abdomen:

Exercises to strengthen the lower abdominal muscles:

  • Starting position (IP) - lying flat on the back, legs straight, arms along the body. On inhalation, reach with your knees to the chest, on exhalation, return to the PI, 15-20 times. After two months of regular exercise, replace in the exercise bending the knees with raising straight legs to a perpendicular position to the floor;
  • IP - sitting on the floor, legs straight, hands resting with elbows on the floor behind the back. While inhaling, raise your legs from the floor at an angle of 45 °, or to a height of 26-30 cm, hold for 5 seconds, while exhaling, gradually lower your legs into the PI. On the count of three, repeat the exercise, perform 12 times. After a month, change the PI, switch from rest on elbows to the “lying on your back” position;

Exercises from the gymnastics complex for slimming the abdomen to strengthen the upper abdominal muscles:

  • IP - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind the head. On inhalation, pull the left knee to the right elbow, tear the right shoulder blade off the floor, touch the elbow with the knee, and slowly return to the PI on exhalation. Repeat for right leg and left arm, do 24 times;
  • Muscle relaxation exercise. SP lying on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor at chest level. Take a deep breath, straighten your arms, bend over, stay in this position for 15 seconds. Exhale, slow return to PI. Perform several times until tense muscles are completely relaxed.

Exercise to strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen and waist:

IP - to get down on the floor, on your knees, the buttocks touch the heels, the clasped hands lie on the knees, the back is straight. While inhaling, straightening, take your arms parallel to the floor to the left, while at the same time move your buttocks to the floor to the right. On exhalation, slowly return to the PI, without stopping in the PI, repeat in the opposite direction, perform 32 times

Such a complex should be performed no more than three times a week, excessive loads can adversely affect the general well-being and the work of the musculoskeletal system in the future. You should also not do such exercises "on the weight", instead of the floor, sitting on a bench or chair. One unsuccessful movement can lead to injury to the lumbar vertebrae or sprain.

Gymnastics for weight loss of the abdomen is much more effective when it is combined with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Breathing exercises for belly slimming

Breathing exercises for weight loss of the abdomen Jianfei is one of the most effective ways to get rid of extra pounds in the abdomen and waist, while significantly strengthening the immune system, reducing appetite and improving health. Jianfei translated from Chinese means "to lose fat".

This breathing exercises are based on three exercises - "wave", "frog" and "lotus". When breathing, the abdominal muscles work, which helps to tighten them and burn fat in the abdomen. The main task of breathing exercises for losing weight in the abdomen is to reduce appetite and reduce hunger.

To start classes, you need to choose comfortable clothes, it should be free, not restricting movement and light, preferably made of cotton. It is advisable to turn on calm, relaxing music, try to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts and experiences, focus exclusively on your body and inner sensations.

A set of breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen Jianfei:

  • "Wave". IP - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees at right angles, feet straight, for fixed breathing one palm on the chest, the other on the stomach. Take a deep breath, straighten your chest, pulling in your stomach, lightly pressing on it with your palm. Exhale fully, draw in your chest, pressing with your palm, inflate your stomach as fully as possible. The alternating movement of the chest and abdomen should resemble the movement of a wave. Maintain a normal breathing rate, tracking internal sensations, make 40 breaths. With enough practice, this exercise can be performed while sitting, standing, and even while walking;
  • "Frog". IP - sitting on a chair, legs at the knees at a right angle, knees shoulder-width apart, rest your elbows on your knees. The brush of one hand is clenched into a fist, with the other hand grasp the brush with the first from above, rest your forehead in your hands, close your eyes, relax, breathing is even, calm. After 2 minutes, take a deep breath through the nose, straining the abdomen, then exhale slowly through the mouth, relaxing the abdomen. The movements of the abdomen should resemble the breathing of a frog. Take 40 breaths. After the end of the exercise, sit for a while with your eyes closed;
  • "Lotus". IP - "Buddha" pose, back straight, shoulders lowered, chin on chest, legs crossed in a special way, if it is impossible to cross legs in "Buddha" pose, simple crossing of legs is allowed. Hands palms up, right palm in left, lower palms on crossed legs, close eyes. Lightly touch the sky with your tongue, breathe evenly for several minutes, deeply calmly. Then relax, breathe freely as naturally as possible, practically without controlling your breathing for 10 minutes. Try not to think about anything, completely relaxed.

Exercises should harmonize the psychological state, and as a result of achieving complete internal harmony, contribute to the normalization of weight and weight loss in the abdomen.

The effectiveness of performing breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen
The effectiveness of performing breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen

Gymnastics for fast belly weight loss

Exercises of a complex of gymnastics for fast weight loss of the abdomen are no different from ordinary exercises for dropping extra pounds in the abdominal area. The difference is in the duration of the execution and the number of approaches. If you want to lose weight quickly in the abdominal area, and your health condition allows increased stress on the body, you should perform regular gymnastics in the morning and evening during the week, increasing the recommended amount of exercises to two times. Be sure to take a break, doing one series of exercises in one approach.

To enhance the effect of fast weight loss in the abdomen, you need to control nutrition, exercise on simulators, swim in the pool, and walk a lot. The optimal time to start exercising with gymnastics for losing weight is two hours after eating, you should finish training two hours before bedtime. The best time to do the exercises is 11-14 and 18-20 hours.

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