How to protect yourself from diabetes

Diabetes is a common disease associated with inadequate production of insulin by the body. Today more than 350 million people in the world suffer from this disease. And every year there are more and more of them. At the same time, medicine has not yet invented a vaccine for diabetes. And the fight against the disease is reduced to the elimination of symptoms that carry a great danger not only to health, but also to the patient's life.
Expert Anna Maslova, endocrinologist at the MEDSI Clinic in Krasnogorsk, talks about modern methods of diabetes treatment.
As you know, there are 2 types of diabetes. The first type is extremely rare - in 10% of cases. The reasons for its appearance are not known to modern medicine, which means that there are no ways to prevent it. But the second type of diabetes is well understood, and the factors that contribute to its development are also widely known.
What should you do to protect yourself from diabetes? The recipe is actually very simple - to lead a healthy lifestyle. Essential components of diabetes prevention are diet, exercise, weight loss and rejection of bad habits. In the presence of a hereditary factor, diabetes prevention should begin from early childhood - this should be remembered and taken care of by loving parents.
The main principle of the diet is the rejection of "bad" carbohydrates (carbonated, sugary drinks, bread, pastries, desserts, beer) in favor of the "right" ones (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, bran, vegetables). You need to eat in small portions and quite often (optimally - 5 times a day). The diet should be balanced and contain enough vitamins C and B, chromium and zinc. Fatty meat should be replaced with lean meat, and instead of frying, cook or bake dishes.
Reduces blood sugar and promotes insulin production in blueberries, beans and sauerkraut. Spinach, onions, garlic and celery are also helpful.
A sufficient amount of movement and sport in life is imperative to prevent not only diabetes, but also a whole range of other diseases. It is very important to consume as much energy as you consume daily with food. And to lose weight, you need to spend much more calories. Alcohol and cigarettes are strictly prohibited.
Following these simple rules for 5 years reduces the risk of developing diabetes by a record 70%.
Early diagnosis
The symptoms of diabetes mellitus can be easily confused with the manifestations of other diseases. They often overlap and are characterized by general weakness of the body. The most common signs of diabetes are dizziness, tiredness, fatigue, constant thirst, frequent urination, numbness in the limbs, heaviness in the legs, slow wound healing, and rapid weight loss.

The sooner the risk of developing diabetes is determined, the sooner you seek help from a specialist, the easier it is to deal with its manifestations. A comprehensive examination and assessment of the state of the body allows the Check-Up "Diabetes" express diagnostic program.
In just a few hours, qualified specialists of the MEDSI Clinic Network will carry out all the necessary examinations and studies to assess the risks of developing diabetes mellitus, diagnose it in the early stages, and promptly make recommendations for treatment and prevention.
Constant surveillance
The greatest danger for patients with diabetes mellitus is its complications. Untimely access to a specialist leads to the fact that progressive disease affects the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, nervous system and vision. 50% of people with diabetes in the world die every year from heart attacks, strokes and other heart diseases. Therefore, patients with such a diagnosis need constant monitoring by a qualified doctor, including regular blood tests - for glucose and fat.
Medical Corporation MEDSI offers an annual program "Diabetes mellitus". After completing the program, the patient has the opportunity to contact the attending physician and specialized specialists at any time. This is a comprehensive medical support that patients with diabetes mellitus need. The program allows you to restore circulatory disorders, prevent vascular damage, maintain normal blood composition and patient weight.
At the same time, the program "Diabetes mellitus" is universal and suitable for the first and second types of diabetes. It is effective both for those who have been diagnosed for the first time and for patients with a long history of the disease.
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