Health Fair - to identify predisposition to oncology

You can reveal a predisposition to oncology 15 years before its appearance at the Health Fair in "Siberia"
From 10 to 13 October, the Exhibition of Health and Traditional Medicine will be held at the Siberia International Business Center. Here, for the first time, visitors will be able to undergo vegetative resonance testing and make an energy blood test, which makes it possible to identify a patient's predisposition to oncology 10-15 years before its appearance.
The Health Fair in Krasnoyarsk will bring together both traditional doctors and experienced healers from all over Russia. Along with the well-known methods of health improvement, visitors will be offered to do an energy blood test and undergo vegetative resonance testing on the most modern device.
A new method for our city - energy analysis of blood - allows you to find viruses and bacteria in the body that are responsible for the formation of malignant tumors and various oncological diseases. Thus, with the help of analysis, it is possible to identify a predisposition to diseases at the stage of their formation, when doctors cannot do this yet.
According to Alevtina Eroshevich, Honored Healer of Russia and Head of the AleGal Center for New Technologies, “since the disease is not yet in your body, but there are only prerequisites for it, treatment should take place at a psycho-emotional level, without physical and surgical intervention. A person himself, using certain techniques, can "suppress" viruses in his body and thereby protect himself from disease in the future."

Visitors to the fair will also be offered to do vegetative resonance testing (ART) on a modern device, which allows using the vibration method to analyze the body for the presence of parasites and other diseases. Its essence lies in the fact that each of the parasites is characterized by electromagnetic oscillations of a certain frequency, which the new device can detect.
The ART method allows testing both acute and chronic forms of parasitoses, revealing their localization in the body and accompanying changes in organs and tissues. The advantage of the method is that it is possible to diagnose rare and exotic species of parasites, and the accuracy of the method reaches 95%. The diagnosis is painless and can be done for both adults and young children.
It should be reminded that the visitors of the Health and Traditional Medicine Fair, which will be held from October 10 to 13 at the Siberia International Exhibition Center (Aviatorov str., 19), will be able to carry out diagnostics on an ART apparatus and make an energy analysis of blood.
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