Neurosis - how to identify and how to treat?

Recently, it has become fashionable to periodically fall into stress or depression. In conversations between young people, it is increasingly possible to hear that they are currently experiencing a state of depression, that their work and life are associated with constant stress.
Of course, it is completely natural for a person to experience some negative emotions from time to time and fall into a state of stress. In most cases, a person even copes with this condition on their own. But, in our country, unfortunately, psychological self-help is often considered the only method of dealing with stress, and this is fundamentally wrong.
The post-Soviet resident is surprised and touched by such a zealous passion for psychotherapy by residents of Western countries. Our people often with some degree of irony relate to the constant discussion of their own personal problems. Lack of sexual satisfaction, intimate problems, conflict situations with relatives or work colleagues, psychological trauma from childhood and various complexes, obsessive thoughts and phobias, as well as the most common seasonal depression - our people are used to keeping all this deep in themselves and see no reason for contacting a qualified psychotherapist. It is much easier to discuss this problem with your best friend, or on an Internet forum, to survive, come to terms with the problem and pretend that it does not exist … But everyone knows that in this way it is impossible to solve the problem, but to aggravate it very much. Such an attitude towards oneself is fraught, at least, with the emergence of neurosis. This is the diagnosis that we see in ourselves when we feel a somewhat prolonged depressive state, accompanied by various negative thoughts, fears and fears, psychological and emotional exhaustion.
And how do doctors say on this score?
Neurosis is a psychogenic disorder that is long-term in time, however, reversible, which is triggered by various internal or external conflicts, which ultimately lead to psychological trauma, intellectual and emotional stress. Simply put, neurosis is not so much a disease as a condition accompanying it. It is characterized by hysterical and obsessive manifestations, asthenia, decreased physical and mental performance.
Neurosis itself is not the cause of psychological illnesses, but it gives the patient significant psychological discomfort and prevents him from living a normal, full life. Symptoms of neurosis can be both physiological in nature, that is, there are disturbances in the functioning of various systems or organs, and deeply psychological.
What are the symptoms of neurosis?
- general weakness of the body;
- decreased emotional activity and physical performance, lack of internal strength;
- deterioration of brain activity - attention, memory, concentration;
- increased irritability and irritability;
- sudden mood swings;
- impatience, anxiety;
- obsessive fears and thoughts;
- photophobia, increased sensitivity to loud music and sounds;
- restless, light sleep or insomnia;
- uncontrolled repetition of meaningless acts, obsessive actions.
Causes of neurosis
The causes of neurosis can be a variety of factors, ranging from the structural features of the nervous system and up to the past diseases or the level of personality development. Often the impetus is a series of experiences and psychological traumas that flow from one to another and develop rapidly. They usually begin as early as childhood. For example, a negative experience experienced by an individual in one area can be expropriated to another area. As a result, all this together leads to a state of acute dissatisfaction, and the person himself is no longer able to find out the starting point of his problems. Although in such a state it is precisely working with memories and their retransmission that can help.
How to treat neurosis?

There are few options. The treatment of neurosis must be entrusted to a qualified specialist. Most often, it is necessary to undergo a course of psychotherapy, which sometimes can be accompanied by drug treatment. If vegetative dysfunctions are identified, it will be necessary to undergo an examination of the whole body, and during treatment, take into account the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.
Treatment of neurosis is an integrated approach, the main link of which is working with a psychotherapist. Therefore, it is recommended for a long time, which will be determined by the psychotherapist himself, to attend his sessions, which can be combined with proper nutrition and take care of the presence of positive, vivid emotions and quality rest.
Most often, the treatment of neurosis has a favorable prognosis. A professional psychotherapist has a number of behavioral therapy techniques that can identify the root of a person's problem and relieve him of discomfort.
The cause of neurosis can even be situations of many years ago, which can not occur to the patient himself or his relatives and friends. Therefore, more often than not, it is simply impossible to eliminate the cause on your own. That is why it is very important to realize how necessary qualified help from outside is.
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