We identify diseases by body odor

The ability to identify probable diseases by the first symptoms can be very useful. It is important to be able to react to them in time. By the smell of our body, for example, one can guess which system has failed and quickly begin treatment.
People often complain of bad breath. They try to mask it with flavors and chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash. Nevertheless, all these means do not remove the problem, but only mask it for a while.
About half of the world's population has occasional bad breath. This deviation was even given a scientific name - halitosis. Most people do not even know about their problem until they hear the remark of others, sometimes not even in a completely correct form.
To find out what kind of breath you have, just run the tip of the paper or a cotton swab over your tongue towards your lips. A yellowish or white coating will remain on the stick or paper. This is his smell and will match your breath. Didn't you like the smell? There may be several reasons for this.
First, the food. For example, suppose you dined with not very fragrant food today. Was it garlic, fish, or onion? Then don't be surprised if you have bad breath.
Secondly, bacteria, which, it turns out, in the oral cavity are much more than in any other part of our body. You can get rid of this problem quite simply - it is enough to thoroughly brush your teeth, gums and tongue twice a day. In general, hygiene is important!
Thirdly, problems with gums and teeth. Then a visit to the dentist will cure you.
Also, bad breath can signal a malfunction in the liver or gastrointestinal tract. A medical examination and appropriate treatment will help to identify and eliminate the violation in the work of these organs.
And, of course, another fairly common cause of bad breath is smoking. There are two options here - quit smoking or permanently disguise. Naturally, it is better to quit smoking, but this is everyone's personal business.
Legs and axillary region
Our body has sweat glands, through which toxins and moisture are removed from the body. Sweat itself is odorless. An unpleasant smell appears due to bacteria living on our body, as well as as a result of decomposition of substances. Showering and putting on clean clothes is usually sufficient to eliminate unpleasant sweat odors.
Nevertheless, in some people, the sweat glands work so intensely that these procedures do not help them, and the unpleasant smell of sweat haunts them constantly.
This problem undoubtedly requires a solution. The first step on the road to recovery is to see a doctor who will advise on the right treatment.
It is also necessary to start following a diet - to give up a lot of spices and seasonings, eat only healthy food, drink plenty of fluids and observe body hygiene.

Urine already smells pretty unpleasant, but sometimes it can have a very strong odor. This is the first signal that there is a health problem. A sharp ammoniacal smell of urine indicates diseases of the genitourinary system. A visit to the doctor is necessary.
Are you surprised because you thought your nails were odorless? Yes, the nails themselves do not smell like anything. But sometimes you can notice a not entirely pleasant smell coming from under the nail. This means you have a fungus. A visit to the doctor, appropriate treatment and, of course, personal hygiene are required. Then you will forget about this problem forever.
With regular hygiene, the genitals do not have an unpleasant and pungent odor.
If a pungent odor emanates from the vaginal discharge, which can be compared to the smell of fish, this indicates the presence of diseases and disorders in the functioning of the reproductive system (vaginosis, chlamydia, etc.). You can't do without going to the doctor.
Each person has his own unique smell, which he himself does not feel, since he is used to it. Likewise, a woman does not smell perfume when she has been using this brand for quite a long time. This is normal as long as the smell doesn't bother you. It is important to respond to the body's signals on time and solve them in a timely manner, otherwise the problems will only worsen.
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