Body Odor And Disease

Body Odor And Disease
Body Odor And Disease

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Body odor and disease

Body odor and disease
Body odor and disease

Each person has his own, completely unique, only inherent smell. This scent is created by the secretions of thousands of sebaceous and sweat glands, and bacteria living in their neighborhood. It may sound unromantic, but these are the facts. In modern society, it is considered good form to drown out the natural odor of the body by all means - for this we use soap and scented shower gel, deodorants, colognes and perfumes. This is not surprising, since health and body odor are directly related. A healthy person has a pleasant natural body odor, just remember how wonderful little children smell. However, in our time, it is unfortunately very difficult to find a perfectly healthy adult, which means that people have a need to remove an unpleasant odor in all possible ways.

Diseases affect body odor, since with a disease the composition of the secretion of the glands of external secretion and the composition of the microflora that live in them change. With illness, body odor tends to get worse - in any case, we perceive it as unpleasant. When modern diagnostic tools were not yet available, experienced family doctors could make a preliminary diagnosis based on what the subtle smell of their patient had become, which in most cases was confirmed.

Some of the odors emanating from a sick person are so vivid that they serve as a diagnostic sign to this day. For example, a pungent smell of fresh apples from the mouth of a patient with confusion will unmistakably indicate a diabetic coma, and a less pronounced, but distinct smell of acetone from a child's mouth - a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which pediatricians often call "acetone", or "elevated acetone" … Yeast body odor is an indicator that, most likely, a fungal infection is present in the body, most often candidiasis - with vaginal candidiasis, popularly known as thrush, the discharge has a pronounced odor of fermenting yeast.

Body odor for various diseases
Body odor for various diseases

It is impossible to describe all the variants of body odor and its changes in all diseases, partly because, as already written, the original smell of a person is individual. But there are some general patterns. The smell of the body directly depends on the microflora, and that, in turn, on the type of human nutrition. Those who eat the wrong thing smell the worst, which is not surprising, since all these people, without exception, sooner or later suffer from dysbiosis with a predominance of putrid microflora. People whose diet is mostly fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products have a fresh, pleasant body odor. Therefore, the old saying "in a healthy body - a healthy mind" can quite rightly be paraphrased in "a healthy body - a pleasant smell."

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