Products necessary for cancer

Everyone who has been treated for oncological diseases knows how hard the body tolerates not only the disease itself, but also, in fact, treatment. Therefore, during the treatment period, special attention should be paid to food products rich in vitamins and minerals in the amount necessary to maintain normal physical shape. Moreover, with such severe diseases, the appetite decreases to almost zero. But what can I say, psychological stress alone is enough to stop thinking about food, not to mention complicated and expensive treatment.
Below are some quality expert advice on healthy and healthy eating habits during cancer treatment.
Maximum attention should be paid to maintaining energy and strength
During the period of cancer treatment, a person needs to have the strength to fight the disease. And special attention should be paid to foods rich in protein, as radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and the disease itself increases the body's need for protein. Proteins allow the body to heal as efficiently and quickly as possible. So how do you get enough protein?
To do this, it is necessary to include fish, poultry and meat in the daily diet. It happens that in the course of treatment, some people have problems with the digestibility of these products. Then they need to eat the following foods:
- yogurt, cheese, milk and cottage cheese;
- eggs;
- nuts (including almond and peanut butter), soy, and beans.
Nutritionists advise getting protein only from natural products. However, if this is not possible, special nutritional supplements such as powdered milk or soy whey can be used.
Try not to lose much weight
For some people, in the course of cancer treatment, severe weight loss can become a rather serious problem. Think, your body is already having a hard time, as all its strength goes to overcome a dangerous disease. What do you need to eat in order not to lose much weight?
First of all, foods should be high in calories. Let's remember the protein again. If in the course of treatment your taste sensations become dull, it is allowed to add seasonings to your food: cinnamon, oregano or curry.
The diet should contain fat, so you can safely crack ice cream and pizza.
However, it should be noted that not all cancers contribute to severe weight loss. For example, breast cancer tends, on the contrary, to gain weight. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor about fatty foods.
Try to stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids is key in cancer treatment. According to expert observations, many of the symptoms caused by cancers and their treatments are actually symptoms of dehydration (nausea, fatigue, and mild dizziness). When undergoing chemotherapy, you should generally drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
Some chemotherapy drugs have a profound effect on kidney function, and only drinking plenty of fluids can help. If you have vomiting and diarrhea, then this threatens with fluid loss, and in this case, absolutely any liquid in large quantities will do.
However, it should be borne in mind that if the form of cancer causes a tendency to be overweight, it is necessary to consume low-calorie drinks.
A separate topic concerns drinks containing caffeine and alcohol. It is necessary to consult with your doctor, as the form of cancer and the type of treatment affect whether these drinks can be consumed.
Fight nausea
Approximately 80% of people undergoing chemotherapy have experienced symptoms such as nausea. What products can help avoid or minimize this unpleasant phenomenon?
One proven remedy for nausea is ginger. White rice, potatoes, croutons and toasts, dry pretzels with salt, starchy foods and dry grains will also help in this case.
Other methods can be used. So it is quite problematic to force yourself to eat well, try to eat in small portions, but often.
What foods should not be consumed
First, avoid foods you dislike. In such a difficult time, positive emotions, including those obtained from food, are very important.
Secondly, it is imperative to take into account the recommendations of the attending physician regarding the prohibitions on certain products and try to adhere to them.
High-risk diets and supplements
It is quite risky for cancer to follow various extreme diets or consume excessive amounts of any vitamins and supplements.
For example, experts say there is a risk of breast cancer if you eat too much soy.
In addition, antioxidants can also pose potential risks during treatment, contrary to popular belief that they help prevent cancer. Check with your healthcare professional before taking any supplements.
In any case, there is no single principle of nutrition for cancer patients. Your diet will depend on the type of cancer and how it is treated, as well as your preference. So don't divide food into good and bad. What will bring a favorable result in one disease may not affect the course of another at all.
After finding out your diagnosis and determining the method of its treatment, you need to consult with an experienced nutritionist, who will give sensible advice on proper nutrition, as well as draw up an individual diet.
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