Note to the hostess: 10 products with the longest shelf life
The issue of food storage is one of the most important for any housewife. This is not surprising: not only the health and mood of our loved ones, but also the relationship between family members depend on the freshness and quality of food.
Sometimes food is bought for future use, however, unfortunately, not all of its types can be stored for a long time. We offer a list of products that, when stored correctly, do not deteriorate for an almost unlimited time.
Natural honey is one of the few products that can last forever. It is the result of processing the nectar secreted by the flowers of plants into a balanced mixture of simple sugars. The process takes place under the action of enzymes that bees produce. Honey has pronounced bactericidal properties: it is saturated with substances that inhibit the vital activity of any microorganisms. That is why honey never goes bad.
Fresh (freshly pumped out of the combs) honey is usually a liquid, flowing consistency. Over time, it thickens, but this does not affect its taste, smell and nutritional properties. Sugared honey can be easily restored to its original state by gently heating it in a water bath.

White rice
Polished rice groats can be stored for up to 30 years or more without losing their consumer qualities. The only thing that can damage the grains is sudden changes in temperature. However, all that has been said applies only to white rice: the shelf life of brown cereals is no more than six months.

It is the most common and most ancient flavor on earth. Table salt (sodium chloride) is a mineral, it is not subject to the destructive effects of either microorganisms or temperature changes. True, salt can absorb moisture and be compressed, but such changes do not make it less suitable for consumption and do not affect the taste.

Powdered milk
Until the beginning of the 19th century, they knew how to store milk only in condensed or canned form. However, even then there were reports that the representatives of the northern peoples practice freezing whole milk to the state of "lumps" that almost do not contain water. In the first half of the named century, many scientists were engaged in the development of technology for converting natural milk into a dry form, but the most effective method of producing this product was patented only in 1885.
The result of the development made a real revolution. It turned out that milk in powder is not only stored for a long time, but also more convenient for use in the food industry. Today milk powder is a part of many confectionery products, sausages, baked goods, ready-made sauces, semi-finished products and other food products.
Milk powder made in accordance with all technological standards has a residual moisture content of about 3% and, being in a hermetically sealed container, can not change its properties for an unlimited time. To restore milk, it is enough to dissolve the powder in the amount of warm water recommended by the instructions. Reconstituted milk is almost as good as fresh milk in terms of taste and nutritional value.

Soy sauce
The main ingredient in the classic recipe is soybeans that have been fermented with microscopic Aspergillus fungi. The process of preparing a product takes from one and a half months to several years. The final composition of the sauce depends on the speed of the fermentation process, the amount of salt and the presence of additives (soy sauce is prepared differently in different regions).
Soy sauce usually has a slightly viscous texture, a rather pungent odor, and an intense brown color. The product has a specific own taste and is able to enhance the taste of dishes to which it is added. This quality is due to the presence of a large amount of monosodium glutamate in the sauce, which is formed during the fermentation process.
Cooked soy sauce is usually squeezed to remove any grist, then pasteurized and sealed in small glass containers. In this form, the product is stored for decades. In an open container, soy sauce can stand in the refrigerator for several years without changing its properties.

When stored, refined sugar can absorb odors and moisture. At the same time, its taste is partially changed, but the product does not lose its nutritional value. If the sugar is hermetically packed in a moisture-proof container, several years of storage will not affect its taste in any way and the composition will remain unchanged.

Legume seeds
The seeds of beans, peas, lentils and beans are capable of retaining all the flavor and nutritional value for several decades. Moreover, scientists have found such products in ancient burials, and legumes, which have largely lost moisture, after prolonged soaking, were quite suitable for food, and when planted in the ground, they germinated.
Legume seeds only need protection from insects (bugs, food moths, etc.). Having packed these products in an airtight container, the hostess does not have to worry about their safety.

Natural syrups
As a result of prolonged boiling of fruit juice, a product is obtained that contains a large amount of natural sugars and is practically not subject to fermentation processes, since it does not contain microorganisms. In a hermetically sealed non-oxidizing container (glass or made of metal with a special coating), such a syrup is perfectly stored for several years.

Those meat products that are made by salting and then drying in the sun are stored for the longest time. It is an ancient technology that has been used for centuries by the nomadic tribes of the desert as well as the High North. Unfortunately, not all meat can be dried to ensure long-term storage. Horse and venison are the best for curing, they contain a minimum amount of fat.

It is known that a good wine matures over the years, acquiring an exceptional taste and unique aroma. However, this requires very specific storage conditions with stable temperature and humidity indicators, which cannot be provided in an ordinary city apartment. Strong alcoholic drinks are less capricious in this sense. Sweet liqueurs and liqueurs are not suitable for long-term storage, but products such as cognac, whiskey or vodka are able to maintain their consumer qualities for many years.

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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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