Products useful for vision

For many, the question is "how to improve vision?" is very topical. Due to the fact that often from an early age a person does not receive enough vitamins, microelements and other useful substances necessary for the body, and also actively uses a computer and TV, various ophthalmological diseases today have noticeably "younger" and began to occur more often.
Vision products are the simplest, most affordable and enjoyable means of supporting vision. Many common foods in our diet have a beneficial effect on visual acuity, the condition of the eyeball and retina, but, unfortunately, they do not get to our table often enough and in insufficient quantities.
Foods rich in vitamins and microelements help to prevent many serious ophthalmic diseases, therefore it is recommended to compose your diet in such a way that healthy foods in it take priority, and harmful ones are reduced to a minimum. Moreover, depending on the type of disease, priority products for vision may be different. For example, with conjunctivitis and blepharitis, it is recommended to eat blueberries and limit the menu to a minimum amount of cheese and alcohol. In older people, the development of age-related macular degeneration is very often observed, in which the retina and central vision are impaired. The main recommendation for this category is a strict diet. Myopia is common in the youngest age group. Children suffering from this ailmentit is recommended to regularly give cottage cheese, since this product contains substances that help strengthen the eyeball and retina. In addition, in order to prevent a growing body, it is necessary to include in the diet products for vision, rich in calcium (cottage cheese, cheese, whey, milk, spinach, apricots, etc.), vitamin C (lemons, rose hips, red pepper, black currant, cranberries, etc.), as well as foods with a high content of vitamins A, E, beta-carotene (fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, beans, etc.).red peppers, black currants, cranberries, etc.), as well as foods with a high content of vitamins A, E, beta-carotene (fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, beans, etc.).red peppers, black currants, cranberries, etc.), as well as foods with a high content of vitamins A, E, beta-carotene (fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, beans, etc.).
Include in your daily menu healthy vision products that are available to absolutely each of us, such as black currants and cherries, almonds and garlic, onions and blueberries, cabbage and fish, carrots and juice from them, juice of parsley leaves, dill, spinach, beets, cucumbers and celery, lingonberry juice, as well as all vegetables and fruits of red and orange color! And your eyesight will remain normal for many years!
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