Lower lip retention cyst
The content of the article:
- Kinds
- The reasons
- Description
- Manifestations
- Possible complications
- Diagnostics
Treatment of a cyst on the lip
- Prevention
- Video
The retention cyst of the lower lip is a benign neoplasm in the form of a ball, which develops due to blockage of one of the small salivary glands located on the inner side of the lip. This is a fairly common pathology. Much less often, such neoplasms occur on the upper lip. With the same frequency the disease is recorded in women and men of different age groups.

A retention cyst on the lip results from a blockage in the salivary gland
The cyst can be congenital and acquired. All cystic formations of the salivary glands are divided into groups, which are presented in the table.
Group of neoplasms | Explanation |
True | The envelope of the formations has an epithelial lining. This group includes retention cysts. |
Pseudocysts (false) | The membrane of the neoplasm is devoid of epithelial lining; this group includes mucocele, or mucous cyst. |
Also, cystic formations can be single and multi-chambered. True ones are most often single-chamber.
Clinically true and false cystic formations have much in common, therefore, in some cases, an accurate diagnosis is established based on the results of a histological analysis of biological material obtained during surgery.
The reasons
The development of pathology often occurs due to blockage of the duct of the small salivary gland due to injury or inflammation. The excretory canal of the salivary gland becomes clogged, a secret begins to linger in it, which leads to the formation of a tumor, which gradually increases.
This happens for the following reasons:
- violation of intrauterine development (such a cyst often appears in a child);
- mechanical injuries - these include lip biting, blows, thermal or chemical burns, and piercings. The lower lip is damaged more often than the upper lip;
- atrophy of the excretory canal of the gland - occurs in the presence of neoplasms compressing the duct, scars;
- changes in hormonal levels - for example, during puberty.
Contribute to the development of pathology:
- inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis;
- the habit of biting your lips;
- poorly fitted fillings or dentures;
- smoking (constant chemical and thermal microtrauma);
- malocclusion.
The cystic formation has a connective tissue capsule filled with liquid contents. The contents of the cystic cavity are usually colorless and may have a yellowish tint. With the development of a purulent process, the consistency and color of the liquid changes. With the mucous membrane over the cystic cavity, there are usually no significant changes. In some cases, it can acquire a cyanotic hue.
On palpation, the neoplasm is soft, with pressure it disappears for a while, but then reappears.
For a cystic formation, a rather rapid growth is characteristic, it can reach 2 cm in diameter or more.
The cystic formation is usually painless, the patient is worried about only a pronounced defect - the photo shows that the tumor is very noticeable. However, when the cyst reaches a large size, the patient experiences discomfort while talking and eating.
During a meal, the patient can damage the neoplasm, which will lead to the release of its contents to the outside, after a while the cystic cavity will again be filled with fluid.
Possible complications
In the absence of treatment, the following are possible:
- ulceration of the neoplasm;
- bleeding;
- infectious inflammation with the transition to surrounding tissues.
To make a diagnosis, an examination is usually sufficient, during which the doctor determines the size, structure of the formation, the width of the canal, the presence of a stone in the duct of the salivary gland. In order to clarify the diagnosis, a laboratory examination of the contents of the cystic cavity and other tests may be required.
Treatment of a cyst on the lip
In some cases, expectant tactics may be chosen, but, as a rule, the treatment of cystic formation consists in its removal. In some cases, removal of the cyst is carried out using a laser, a radio frequency method can also be used, but they have not proven themselves to be sufficiently effective.
You should not try to get rid of the neoplasm on the lip on your own, since the cystic cavity will fill up with fluid again, in addition, there is a high risk of a secondary infection. Traditional methods of treatment are not effective in relation to this pathology, their uncontrolled use can lead to the development of complications and the appearance of a gross defect.
The operation to remove the cyst on the lip is usually performed under local anesthesia (local anesthesia) and takes no more than 30 minutes. The intervention is as follows: several small incisions are made on the inner side of the lower lip along the cystic formation. It is important not to rupture the capsule and remove it completely, as otherwise the risk of relapse increases. After the cysts are removed, cosmetic sutures are applied.
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After removing the cystic formation by surgery, it is recommended to daily treat the affected area with antiseptic solutions (in the morning, after each meal and before going to bed). Sometimes the use of decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants (chamomile, oak bark, sage, calendula) is allowed as an antiseptic. Any medicines can be used only under the supervision of a physician.
Possible postoperative complications:
- pain during meals (in the first days after the operation, a gentle diet is indicated);
- numbness of the lip;
- relapse (in the long-term period). The risk of reappearance of the formation increases if the patient does not follow the rules of personal hygiene and other doctor's recommendations. In addition, mechanical damage to the lips contributes to relapses.
The duration of the recovery period depends on the size of the removed neoplasm and a number of other factors.
In order to prevent the development of the pathological process, it is recommended:
- get rid of the habit of biting your lips;
- maintain the oral cavity in a healthy state (timely treat teeth, replace dentures if necessary)
- correct malocclusion.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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