Diet for the stomach

Diet for the stomach is a system of nutritional rules recommended for the pathology of this digestive organ.
When is a diet for the stomach necessary?
Most often, people begin to think about proper nutrition and diet for the stomach when problems arise. The first signs of trouble are usually: heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, pain or sour belching. More painful pain after sour, spicy, too salty and fatty foods. In this case, we are talking about gastritis with high acidity - a chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in which the digestive glands produce excess hydrochloric acid.
Such symptoms should not be ignored, since an advanced disease goes into a more severe phase or even stomach ulcer. The doctor may prescribe additional examinations and medications for the treatment of gastritis, but diet for the stomach plays perhaps the most important role in recovery. Without a diet for the stomach, gastritis will constantly worsen, which sooner or later will lead to complications.
General principles of a diet with high acidity
With increased acidity of gastric juice, you should very carefully and thoughtfully select dishes for the diet. They should not cause excessive stimulation of the digestive glands. During an exacerbation, it is recommended to regularly prepare mashed soups, as well as mucous soups.
Diet for the stomach excludes such dishes as:
- Strong rich meat broths;
- Mushroom broth;
- Fried meat, vegetables;
- Pickles;
- Marinades;
- Spicy and spicy condiments.
You can not salt food too much, at the same time sugar does not pose any particular harm to the stomach.
The diet for the stomach should primarily include vegetables with a low fiber content, as they require less digestive juices to digest. With an exacerbation, vegetables such as are allowed:
- Potatoes;
- Swede;
- Carrot;
- Cauliflower.
It is better to use boiled or steamed vegetables, finely grated. Sorrel, cabbage, radish, beets are not recommended.
From fruits on a diet with acidity, it is better to choose non-acidic types, as well as those that are easily and quickly digested. They are easier to digest if they are served baked or boiled (mashed potatoes, mousse).
A diet for acidity can include various cereals boiled in water or milk. During the period of exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to make them rubbed. The mucous consistency of porridge has a softening and enveloping effect on the inflamed gastric mucosa. It is useful to include cottage cheese, eggs, milk in the diet for the stomach.
When choosing meat or fish for a diet with high acidity, you should focus on low-fat varieties. Although fat does not directly affect hydrochloric acid production, foods high in fat stay in the stomach longer, slowing down digestion and causing the digestive glands to become overactive. It is better to completely eliminate animal fats on a diet for the stomach, but 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil per day can be added to food.
The most suitable drinks on a diet with acidity will be compotes from dried or non-acidic fresh fruits, weak tea, and plain water. Especially from drinks it is worth noting jelly - it well envelops the gastric mucosa and reduces abdominal pain. Alkaline mineral waters without gas can also have a healing effect. It is forbidden to drink coffee and any carbonated drinks with increased acidity. It is better not to drink immediately after eating and especially during it, but to do it 1-1.5 hours after eating.
Diet for the stomach also regulates the frequency of meals. It is better to eat fractionally and often - 5-6 times a day, and proportionally reduce the portion sizes. You should never skip breakfast as it is very important for your stomach health. It is better not to eat protein foods at the same time as carbohydrate-rich foods.
An example of a diet with high acidity for a week
This example clearly shows that a diet for the stomach can be tasty, varied, and healthy at the same time.

First day:
- Breakfast - milk buckwheat porridge (mashed), curd soufflé, weak tea with sugar;
- Second breakfast - hard boiled egg;
- Lunch - oatmeal soup, steamed meat dumplings, cauliflower puree, dried fruit compote;
- Dinner - pasta, steamed fish cakes;
- The second dinner is a glass of milk or cream.
Second day:
- Breakfast - milk oatmeal, steamed meatballs, carrot and mashed potatoes, a glass of tea with milk;
- Second breakfast - cottage cheese and beetroot pancakes;
- Lunch - squash soup with croutons, a piece of boiled meat, noodles, apricots;
- Dinner - curd dumplings, sweet tea;
- Second supper - a glass of milk, a cracker.
The third day of the stomach diet:
- Breakfast - a soft-boiled egg, a piece of toasted bread;
- Second breakfast - carrot and apple soufflé, a glass of dried fruit compote;
- Lunch - rice and milk soup, steamed chicken cutlets, omelet, sweet tea;
- Dinner - puree meat, mashed potatoes, a glass of non-carbonated alkaline mineral water;
- The second dinner is a curd casserole.
Fourth day:
- Breakfast - mashed milk rice porridge, compote;
- Second breakfast - a sandwich with butter and cheese, tea with milk;
- Lunch - vegetable puree soup, rice and vegetable mixture with a piece of boiled meat, apple mousse;
- Dinner - fish baked in foil, boiled potatoes, rosehip broth;
- Second supper - cream, cookies.
The fifth day:
- Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk;
- Second breakfast - berry and fruit jelly with croutons;
- Lunch - grated chicken soup, boiled rice with baked chicken, carrot and apple salad;
- Dinner - meatballs with noodles, compote;
- Second supper - milk, cracker.
Sixth day of the stomach diet:
- Breakfast - egg soufflé, weak tea;
- Second breakfast - milk jelly;
- Lunch - carrot puree soup, mashed potatoes, steamed fish meatballs, rosehip broth;
- Dinner - veal schnitzel, boiled potatoes, tea with milk;
- Second supper - cream and croutons.
Seventh day:
- Breakfast - milk semolina with meat soufflé;
- Second breakfast - fruit soufflé, sweet tea;
- Lunch - vegetable puree soup, baked apple with jam;
- Dinner - minced meat with boiled vegetables, curd pudding, compote;
- Second supper is milk.
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