Diet cleansing

Many people have experienced a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after the holidays. This is due to the excessive consumption of not too healthy foods. Therefore, following a cleansing diet these days is especially relevant.
Today, most people consume refined food, which is practically lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. But there are plenty of various dyes, preservatives and other chemicals in these products. In addition, food that is too sweet or fatty is a fairly frequent guest on our table, which is not very good, since it is thanks to it that rotting processes develop in our stomach and intestines. As a result, toxins begin to "roam" throughout the body and settle in the tissues of organs. They are also present in adipose tissue. That is why excess weight often becomes a consequence of the body's slagging. Since the body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins on its own, this leads to water retention and its accumulation in fatty tissues. Well, then various chronic diseases begin to develop. That is why a diet to cleanse the body is extremely necessary for a person.
Who needs a detox diet?
Actually, nature is designed so that if you give the body such an opportunity, it will cleanse itself. But with regular overeating, eating excessively high-calorie foods, eating disorders and taking various medications for a long time, it is necessary to go on a diet to cleanse the intestines.
A cleansing diet will also not hurt those who drink coffee, smoke and abuse alcohol. It is worth paying attention to the cleansing diet for residents of large megacities with an unfavorable environmental situation, as well as for those who regularly experience stress.
What are the signs that the body needs a detox diet?
The main signs that the body needs a cleansing diet are constant fatigue and lethargy, feeling unwell for no apparent reason, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, headaches, skin rashes, irritability, bad mood, all kinds of intestinal problems, enlarged glands, distraction, inability to concentrate.
The main principles of a cleansing diet
There are many detox diets that differ in nutritional strategy and duration. So, it can be just skipping dinner, or cleansing diets, which are carried out once a week. You can also do a deloading diet once or twice a week to cleanse and lose weight.
As a rule, a diet for cleansing the intestines is always accompanied by weight loss, although the amount of food intake is not significantly limited, but all processed and high-calorie foods are excluded from the diet. Thus, the cleanse diet menu consists mainly of small amounts of fat, protein, and whole plant foods. In the menu of a quality cleansing diet, it is imperative to include various herbs that heal and cleanse tissues and organs.
Mostly all cleansing diets are designed for a short period, and weight loss occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body and getting rid of toxins.
To begin with, it is recommended to undergo a full course of a diet cleansing the body, and then, once every few months, arrange for yourself a cleansing unloading diet lasting 2-3 days.
Compared to conventional weight loss programs, detox diets are usually stricter. It is best to cleanse the body in autumn, spring or summer. In addition, to begin with, you should not drastically change the food system, but observe the reaction of your body, since abrupt changes in eating habits can contribute to the occurrence of such undesirable side effects as headache, dizziness, fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to start a diet for cleansing and losing weight on weekends and during holidays, when there is no physical or mental stress.
Cleansing diets include:
- Mandatory adherence to the drinking regimen and regular food intake. It is necessary to take at least 2-2.5 liters of mineral water per day without gas, and also include hibiscus tea and green tea, freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits, herbal infusions in the diet.
- Exclusion from the diet of sugar, salt, chocolate and spices.
- Daily consumption of foods containing fiber: seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits.
- Adequate sleep and no stress.
- Eating steamed or boiled dishes.
- Regular gymnastics and physical activity.
- Frequent walks in the fresh air.
- Exclusion from the diet of drugs (except for vital drugs), cigarettes, coffee, alcoholic beverages, food additives and artificial vitamin complexes.
- Minimizing animal products (excluding yogurt and fish).
Sample diet menu for bowel cleansing
Breakfast includes yoghurt, fruit and herbal tea
- Nuts and seeds are recommended for lunch.
- Lunch: vegetable salad with balsamic vinegar or olive oil, stew, soup. You can supplement the menu with seeds, yogurt or a small portion of boiled fish.
- An afternoon snack consists of green or herbal tea and any medium-sized fruit.
- For dinner, it is worth preparing any vegetable dish and a small portion of protein foods. You should also not forget about drinking water and herbal infusions.

You should leave the cleansing diet gradually. Do not immediately start using prohibited foods. Preference should be given to foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and it would be better to refuse empty calories.
Benefits of detox diets
- Fresh and bouncy appearance.
- Effective weight loss.
- Getting the body of useful substances.
Possible problems of cleansing diets
- With persistent constipation, a detox diet that lasts longer than three days can only do harm.
- Malaise, dizziness, weakness, and headaches may occur due to restricting carbohydrate intake and reduced calorie intake.
- With a strong slagging of the body, cleansing is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in order to prevent the development of intoxication of the body.
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