Crossfit Exercises - Training System Principles, Advantages And Disadvantages

Crossfit Exercises - Training System Principles, Advantages And Disadvantages
Crossfit Exercises - Training System Principles, Advantages And Disadvantages

Crossfit exercises

Benefits of CrossFit Exercise for Beginners
Benefits of CrossFit Exercise for Beginners

CrossFit is one of the most popular training systems today. It is based on the principle of cyclic training, which uses functional exercises, that is, exercises that are as close as possible to natural human movements.

High-intensity cardio loads are combined with strength training, which is very effective for working out the relief of the muscles, as well as for increasing their tightness and elasticity.

Principles of Effective CrossFit Training

In order to build an effective training program for both beginners and professionals, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Compulsory warm-up before crossfit exercises;
  • The duration of the workout is no more than 30 minutes (for beginners, no more than 20 minutes);
  • In one workout 3-4 exercises are repeated in a circle;
  • The maximum intensity of each exercise in the series;
  • Gradually reducing rest breaks between exercises and cycles;
  • The number of cycles is limited only by the training time and depends on the type of exercises performed. The main goal is to increase the number of laps completed, not the training time;
  • Variety of exercises on each training day, that is, a combination of strength and cardio loads;
  • It is forbidden to drink water during training and immediately before it. You can drink water only 15 - 20 minutes after the end of classes;
  • Crossfit exercises for beginners are divided into three working days a week, professionals can increase this figure to five days a week;
  • One complex is performed for 4 to 6 weeks, since frequent exercise changes can be harmful.

Crossfit exercises for beginners

The beginner program below has one big plus: the ability to do CrossFit exercises at home. Of the additional devices, only the crossbar is needed.

Day number 1:

  • First exercise. The starting position is standing. We perform a squat, hands rest on the floor. We throw out the legs in such a way as to be in the "lying position". Then we return to the squatting position with a sharp jerk. We jump out and take the starting position. For one cycle, 10 - 15 repetitions are done;
  • Second exercise. This is a normal pull-up, but with a jerk and acceleration. The number of pull-ups is individual, varies from 5 to 15 per circle and depends on the level of physical fitness;
  • Third exercise. Aimed at the abs, this is the leg raise on the bar. As well as the pull-up is performed 5 to 15 times;
  • Fourth exercise. An explosive push-up, which differs from a regular push-up with a sharp upward push when pressing from the floor.

Day number 2:

  • First exercise. It is performed similarly to the first exercise of the first day, but with a slight weighting in the form of a backpack with a pillow. You can just hold the pillow in your hands. 10-15 reps
  • Second exercise. Explosive push-up. 5 to 15 repetitions;
  • Third exercise. Explosive jump squat. It is repeated 10 - 15 times;
  • Fourth exercise. Raising the legs on the bar. It is performed from 5 to 15 times.

Day number 3:

  • First exercise. Shuttle run 10 meters, 10 repetitions are performed at a time, or normal run, but at a speed of 200 meters;
  • Second exercise. Raising the legs on the bar. It is performed 5 - 15 times;
  • Third exercise. Repeats the first exercise of the first day, performed 10 - 15 times;
  • Fourth exercise. Normal push-up 5 to 15 times.

As you can see, on the first day, crossfit exercises for beginners are aimed at all muscle groups, on the second day there is a bias towards strength exercises, and on the third day - towards endurance and cardio loads.

Advantages and Disadvantages of CrossFit Exercise

One of the important advantages is the ability to study at home. The second advantage is the variety of programs offered, both for men and for the fair sex.

Effective CrossFit Exercises for Men
Effective CrossFit Exercises for Men

Crossfit exercises for women are no less popular, because the complex allows you not only to maintain good physical shape, but also to lose weight, which many, many young ladies dream of.

Also, cyclic training according to the CrossFit system develops endurance, helps to develop explosive strength and gain muscle mass, which, of course, is a plus.

There are not many downsides to CrossFit. For example, crossfit exercises for women and beginners can be traumatic due to insufficiently perfect technique.

The second drawback is that CrossFit training is absolutely not suitable for people with health problems, but this drawback is obvious and applies to many other training complexes as well.

The CrossFit training system is a wonderful combination of loads atypical for our body, therefore it is one of the best ways to form a athletic and fit figure.

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