Laskin's Diet - Basic Principles, An Approximate Weekly Menu, Reviews

Laskin's Diet - Basic Principles, An Approximate Weekly Menu, Reviews
Laskin's Diet - Basic Principles, An Approximate Weekly Menu, Reviews

Laskin's diet

Features of the Laskin diet
Features of the Laskin diet

Dr. Laskin's diet is called the anti-cancer diet. According to reviews, the Laskin diet can help fight this formidable and often fatal disease.

Scientific rationale for Laskin's anti-cancer diet

In the course of cancer development, damage to the p53 gene was noted. This gene contains the cellular genome and is responsible for the regulation of cell pressure. V. A. Laskin found that of all food products, buckwheat holds the record for the content of such a bioflavonoid as quercetin. It is quercetin that is capable of restoring the p53 gene or taking over its functions in the cell.

Thus, Laskin's diet is able to significantly improve the condition of patients with breast, intestinal, prostate cancer, as well as lymphogranulomatosis, melanoma and other oncological processes.

Dr. Laskin's Diet Principles

There are relatively few reviews of the Laskin diet, since, firstly, it is quite strict and not easy to follow, and secondly, few are able to believe that ordinary buckwheat, which is the basis of nutrition, can help cure cancer. In addition to buckwheat, it includes a large number of various vegetables, fruits, nuts and rosehip decoction.

Laskin's anti-cancer diet strictly requires the elimination of foods using crab meat, as well as salt and sugar from the diet. The whole system consists of two stages - strict and relatively free.

It should be understood that Laskin's diet is schematic, that is, some vegetables can be replaced with others, raw for stewed and vice versa, even replacing existing low-fat vegetarian dishes with similar ones.

Laskin diet rules

  • The use of any canned food is prohibited.
  • If possible, try to eliminate fried and boiled.
  • Try to eat vegetables and fruits raw; special preference should be given to red and green fruits.
  • It is necessary to observe the drinking regime - at least 2 liters of water (in extreme cases, tea) per day.
  • Eat plenty of coarse fiber and keep track of it.

Vegetable fats in Laskin's diet occupy no more than 10%. There is no animal fat. The daily protein intake should be 40-60 grams. Sugar has been replaced by dried fruits, a small amount of honey is allowed. Dairy products are rarely allowed.

Approximate weekly Laskin diet menu

Diet of the Laskin diet
Diet of the Laskin diet

On Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, you need to prepare rosehip paste 30 minutes before breakfast: grind the dried berries in a coffee grinder, 1 tbsp. dilute the resulting flour with cold water to a state of gruel, add 1 dessert spoon of flower honey.

For the first breakfast - buckwheat porridge, 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 100 g of raisins, green tea; for lunch on Monday a glass of blueberries, on Wednesday and Saturday - pineapple.

30 minutes before lunch - rosehip paste, similar to the morning one. For lunch - on Monday, bean soup, on Wednesday and Saturday - mushroom, as well as vegetable salad and salmon.

For dinner - any nuts, 80 g of raisins, stewed vegetables and green tea.

Tuesday and Thursday also start with rosehip paste. Half an hour later, breakfast: oatmeal with two slices of bread, 100 g of raisins and green tea. The second breakfast on Tuesday consists of a bunch of grapes, which should be eaten with seeds, and on Thursday, a glass of blueberries.

30 minutes before lunch, they eat rosehip paste, and for lunch, lentil soup, vegetable salad and chicken meat.

On Friday and Sunday, half an hour before breakfast and lunch, you also need to eat rosehip paste. Breakfast includes rice porridge, 2 slices of bread, 100 g of raisins and green tea. The second breakfast on Friday is a glass of blueberries, and on Sunday is a pineapple. Lunch, as well as on Tuesday and Thursday, consists of lentil soup, vegetable salad and chicken meat, and dinner consists of stewed vegetables, nuts, 80 g of raisins and green tea.

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