Dysgraphia - Types And Methods Of Correction

Dysgraphia - Types And Methods Of Correction
Dysgraphia - Types And Methods Of Correction

Dysgraphia Correction

Dysgraphia in primary school children - correction and treatment
Dysgraphia in primary school children - correction and treatment

Dysgraphia is a partial disorder of the writing process, which is associated with a violation or incomplete formation of mental functions responsible for the control and implementation of written speech. This pathology is manifested by repeated persistent errors in writing, which cannot be eliminated on their own without special training. Such violations are a serious obstacle to the child's acquisition of literacy, therefore, the correction of dysgraphia is the necessary step that parents should take as early as possible.

Dysgraphia correction in primary school children

Quite often, dysgraphia in children is combined with a phenomenon such as dyslexia, which is manifested by impaired reading. Dyslexia is also based on underdeveloped attention, difficulty in recognizing letters and spatial perception. Dysgraphia is usually manifested by missing letters and syllables. This indicates that the child does not isolate vowels or some consonant sounds by ear.

If parents notice such signs in their child, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment of the pathology. Dysgraphia correction in primary schoolchildren involves, first of all, working with a child psychologist and speech therapist. The psychologist must help the child overcome difficulties in relationships in the family and at school, and the speech therapist develops a treatment plan for the disease. It is built in accordance with the mechanism and form of violation of the letter. If we talk about the general methods of dysgraphia correction in primary schoolchildren, then among them the following are the most effective:

  • Elimination of violations in sound pronunciation and phonemic processes;
  • Work on enriching the vocabulary of a younger student;
  • Emphasis on the formation of the grammatical side of speech;
  • Development of analytical and synthetic activities;
  • Classes aimed at improving spatial and auditory perception;
  • Activities that develop memory and thinking;
  • Development of the motor sphere;
  • Classes to improve coherent speech;
  • Written exercises to reinforce the acquired skills.

In addition, when correcting dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren, courses of drug therapy and some types of rehabilitation treatment are often prescribed. Among the latter, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and massage treatments are most commonly used.

Correction of optical dysgraphia

Specialists distinguish several types of dysgraphia:

  • Articular-acoustic, in which there are violations of sound pronunciation, phonemic perception and articulation;
  • Acoustic, which is characterized by problems with phonemic recognition;
  • Agrammatic, due to insufficient development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech;
  • Dysgraphia related to problems of language analysis and synthesis;
  • Optical, indicating a violation of visual-spatial representations.

The latter type is characterized by instability of visual impressions, leading to specific errors when individual letters and unusual fonts are not recognized. This misperception is expressed by mixing letters when writing.

E. V. Mazanova in her book "Correction of optical dysgraphia" for the treatment of the disease suggests carrying out correction and speech therapy work in these main areas:

  • Expansion of the visual memory of the child;
  • Mastering graphic symbolization;
  • Development of visual perception, analysis and synthesis;
  • Development of auditory analysis and synthesis;
  • Development of visual gnosis (recognition of color, size and shape);
  • Formation of temporal and spatial representations;
  • Formation of graphomotor skills;
  • Differentiation of letters that have kinetic and optical similarities.

Correction of optical dysgraphia includes many different exercises that contribute to the above areas. For example, for the development of visual gnosis, experts recommend naming contour, crossed out and superimposed images of objects, as well as their completion. To improve color perception, exercises such as naming colors in pictures, grouping them according to a color background or shades, painting various geometric shapes in specific colors according to the assignment are practiced.

Dysgraphia correction, according to Mazanova, also includes exercises for recognizing letters. So, you can ask the child to find a certain letter among a number of others, determine the letters that are located incorrectly, identify the letters superimposed on each other, etc.

The next stage is the development of visual memory and spatial perception. In this case, when correcting dysgraphia, according to Mazanova, exercises such as memorizing a picture or objects, their location and reproduction after a certain time are carried out. Spatial orientation requires several types of orientation:

  • In your own body (including the differentiation of the left and right sides);
  • In the world around;
  • On a piece of paper.

Mazanova for the correction of dysgraphia also recommends paying great attention to the differentiation of letters, which includes their isolated writing:

  • In syllables;
  • In words;
  • In phrases;
  • In sentences;
  • In the text.

Dysgraphia and dyslexia correction

Dysgraphia and dyslexia correction is usually divided into 4 main stages:

  • Diagnostic;
  • Preparatory;
  • Correctional;
  • Estimated.
Speech therapy correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia
Speech therapy correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia

The first stage in the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia involves the identification of these disorders in children with the help of dictations, examination of the state of the lexical and grammatical side of speech and analysis of its results.

The second stage is aimed at the general development of manual motor skills, spatial and temporal representations, memory and thinking.

The third stage of dysgraphia and dyslexia correction is characterized by overcoming dysgraphic disorders. In this case, work is carried out mainly at the syntactic, lexical and phonetic levels and is often aimed at eliminating problems with coherent speech, reading and sound pronunciation.

The last stage of the methodology is designed to assess the results of the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia, therefore, it usually carries out a repeated check of writing and reading skills, as well as an analysis of all kinds of written works of children.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
