Protein is harmful or not

Since recently, in the pursuit of beautiful body contours, sports nutrition, which includes protein, has become popular, many people, especially athletes, began to ask the question: "Is protein harmful or not?" To all this, rumors began to appear in the media that protein was harmful to health, especially for male potency.
The protein that makes up protein is the main building block for muscle tissue, which not only consists of the external skeletal muscles, but also most of the internal organs. Protein (protein) itself cannot be harmful, because we are made of it, like animals and even plants.
The most important rule in protein consumption is moderation. Protein, or protein, is needed at any age, especially for children and adolescents, as well as those who are actively involved in sports. Thanks to the latest technologies, high-protein mixtures are produced, which are desirable to use for:
• maintaining good physical shape;
• restoration of disturbed metabolic processes;
• creating diets that are suitable for the modern lifestyle.
Natural food raw materials are used in modern production. Special cleaning methods are used, due to which the output is protein, purified from carbohydrates and fats. Apparently, those who argue that protein is unhealthy in itself are generally mistaken.
But some people may have an intolerance to protein or some of its forms. As in the case of ordinary foods, in such cases, whether or not the protein is harmful to health is determined individually.
When is protein bad for your health?
1. Allergy to protein.
You can determine your allergy to protein by digestive disorders. The causes of such disorders are a lack of enzymes that can break down proteins, as well as dysbiosis. With dysbiosis, pathogenic flora multiplies, since protein is food not only for us, but also for the flora that is in the intestines. And with the initial use of the mixture, it can begin to multiply vigorously. In this case, diarrhea, abdominal pain and flatulence are observed. The situation can be corrected only by reducing the dose of a protein preparation or completely abandoning it.

2. Kidney disease, in particular renal failure.
Protein does not cause kidney disease. It is contraindicated if they are already available, since its use creates an increased load on the diseased organ.
3. Oversaturation of the body with protein preparations.
Excessive protein intake can be bad for the liver. This is especially important to consider for those people who have a predisposition to stones. Protein is decomposed in the liver, so its constant intake, especially in large quantities, forces the liver to work in an enhanced mode.
4. Eating soy protein.
Here you can just ask the question: "Why is protein harmful for men?" Soy protein is bad for men. In a protein of this origin, phytoestrogens are present, which have a similar effect to the female hormone estrogen. Excessive consumption of soy protein by men can lead to gluten intolerance or allergies, as well as to the phenomena of feminization in men.
Why is protein harmful for men yet? When consumed in large quantities, protein can actually have a bad effect on potency. But this only happens when consumed in large quantities!
So, is protein harmful or not? Protein is only harmful if consumed excessively. In a moderate amount, it is vitally necessary for us, since without it the processes of restoration and growth of the body, including muscles, cannot proceed normally. The use of protein mixtures can be beneficial and make up for the lack of the necessary substances in the body, but only on one condition: always observe the measure.
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