Is It Harmful To Smoke Hookah: Opinions Of Scientists And Research Results

Is It Harmful To Smoke Hookah: Opinions Of Scientists And Research Results
Is It Harmful To Smoke Hookah: Opinions Of Scientists And Research Results

Is smoking hookah harmful?

A simple device for smoking tobacco with a shaft and a long flexible shank, with a water filter, is called a hookah. Is smoking it harmful? Many people consider hookah smoking to be harmless enjoyable fun. Is smoking hookah harmful? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question. The debate about whether hookah is harmful has been going on for a long time. Fans of this method of smoking talk about the harmlessness of the hookah. However, scientists have conducted a number of studies in order to find out if hookah is harmful to human health. Research results have shown that there is harm from hookah for health.

Is smoking hookah harmful?
Is smoking hookah harmful?

Hookah smoking is an unsafe alternative to cigarette smoking

Tobacco smoke contributes to the occurrence of negative changes in the body. Hookah fans inhale the same amount of tobacco smoke per hour of smoking as is contained in two hundred cigarettes. Part of the nicotine is retained by the water filter of the hookah, however, a large amount of chemical compounds and salts of heavy metals, carbon monoxide remain in the smoke. Scientists believe that the amount of nickel, chromium, cobalt and beryllium in hookah smoke is much higher than in cigarette smoke. Canadian scientists have conducted special studies to get an answer to the question of whether it is harmful to smoke hookah. According to them, two to three times more nicotine and carbon monoxide gets into the lungs when smoking a hookah in forty-five minutes than when smoking a regular cigarette. Studies have confirmed that hookah is no less harmful to the human body than cigarettes.

Sad statistics show whether hookah is harmful or not. When smoking cigarettes, the smoker, making 10-15 puffs, inhales about half a liter of tobacco smoke. Hookah lovers usually take 50 to 200 puffs. And if we take into account that in each such puff there is about one liter of smoke, then a hookah fan at one time can inhale the same amount of smoke as when smoking a hundred cigarettes.

Hookah. Is smoking it harmful?

Hookah has the strongest negative effect on passive smokers, since the content of tobacco smoke in smoking areas is very high. Sometimes tobacco mixes for hookahs exceed standard cigarettes in terms of the concentration of harmful components. Since when smoking a hookah carbon dioxide is released, when smoking, signs of body poisoning may appear - nausea, headache, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness. The release of carbon dioxide also explains the feeling of intoxication that occurs after smoking a hookah.

Talking about whether it is harmful to smoke a hookah, we must not forget that the tobacco tar entering the human body is fixed on the walls of blood vessels and settles in the lungs. At the same time, the risk of developing pathologies of the respiratory system, atherosclerosis and oncological diseases increases. The foil used for hookah smoking emits carcinogenic aluminum vapors when heated with coal.

In order to minimize the harm from the hookah to the body, it is necessary to use tobacco of the highest quality for smoking, periodically rinse all parts of the hookah, not to combine smoking the hookah with drinking alcoholic beverages, but to give preference to natural lemonades and elite teas. Some scientists were interested in whether it is possible to smoke a hookah in order to get out of the habit of smoking standard cigarettes. They proved that the majority of people who smoke hookah, after a certain period of time, start smoking cigarettes again.

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