Male Sexuality And Health: Top Interesting Research

Male Sexuality And Health: Top Interesting Research
Male Sexuality And Health: Top Interesting Research

Male sexuality and health: top interesting research

Against the background of increasing female life expectancy, male life expectancy is falling. Issues of male health and sexuality come to the fore in research by scientists. Let's try to tell about the results of the most interesting of them.

How are male sexuality and health related?
How are male sexuality and health related?


An educated wife and a husband's life expectancy

At Stockholm University, they found a direct relationship between these parameters: the smarter the wife, the longer the husband lives. The study involved 1.5 million married couples. It was found that educated wives pay more attention to the health of the family and husband, and are directly involved in the formation of family habits. It is noteworthy that a whole movement of women for the preservation of men's health “Woman to woman about prostatitis” has appeared in Russia as well. After all, the problem of male infertility, the cause of which is often prostatitis, is becoming more and more acute for married couples. And violations of sexual life due to a man's illness is a real test of the family's strength.

How does a wife's education affect her husband's life expectancy?
How does a wife's education affect her husband's life expectancy?


Bright light and healthy potency

Italian scientists on the pages of The Telegraph told that bright light has a positive effect on potency. Light increases testosterone production. The study involved healthy men under 40 years old, without signs of chronic prostatitis. It is important to know that prostatitis, on the contrary, lowers testosterone levels, regardless of the average annual light. If untreated, the disease spreads to the testes, which provokes vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles). So before you turn on the light, you need to cure the prostatitis. In the early stages, prostatitis is completely curable. For example, the peptide preparation Prostatilen has been used in clinical practice to combat it for more than 20 years. Unlike other drugs, the substance "Prostatilen" contains dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide),which has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps to improve microcirculation in tissues, which allows active peptides to be better and faster absorbed into the prostate gland and repair damaged tissues.

At what age does a man's sexuality peak?
At what age does a man's sexuality peak?


The peak of male sexuality comes at 35-45 years

It turns out that physiological puberty and socio-psychological puberty in men do not coincide. The New York Daily News published the results of polls, which revealed that 35-45 years is the age of mature sexuality, when men are able to feel the maximum satisfaction from intercourse. Unfortunately, it is during this age period that men are more susceptible to prostate diseases.

Sex prolongs a man's life

Warren Matthews is one of many doctors who encourages men after 40 to increase the number of sexual contacts. Especially for those who suffer from prostatitis. Sex improves prostate function. But sex itself only helps the course of treatment. The treatment itself will be more successful if you give preference to drugs in the form of suppositories. For example, candles "Prostatilen" maximally take into account the characteristics of the disease. After all, the prostate is located deep inside, therefore, unlike pills, suppositories will quickly deliver medicine to it. The active substance enters the bloodstream through the mucous membrane and is taken up by the lymphatic system. So in the shortest way, the medicine goes to the prostate.

Without prostate treatment, sex itself can even be dangerous, causing pain and injury. Therefore, during exacerbations, it is better not to have sex. But "Prostatilen" can be used for exacerbation and chronic prostatitis. In addition, the drug is successfully used as a prophylactic agent, since its components maintain tissue cells in working order.

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