Signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important and joyful event in the life of most girls and women. The issues of diagnosing pregnancy worried even ancient people. To diagnose pregnancy in ancient Egypt, a special herb (bududu-ka) was used. The woman was offered to drink a drink made from the milk of a woman who recently gave birth to a boy and herbs. If the drink caused vomiting, then the woman was believed to be pregnant. Midwives in Ancient Greece relied on a number of objective signs of pregnancy - lack of appetite, drooling, and absence of menstruation. The diagnosis of pregnancy was gradually improved. Currently, this diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory methods of research, interviewing and examining a woman. The most reliable method for determining pregnancy is a gynecological examination or test. However, there are such probable and reliable signs of pregnancy, by which you can determine your position even before visiting the gynecologist, before passing the test. The first signs of pregnancy appear about a week after conception. Some have only one of the early signs of pregnancy, while others have a whole complex.
The first signs of pregnancy
According to the diagnostic value, all signs of pregnancy are divided into probable, presumptive and reliable. Probable and presumptive signs of pregnancy appear quite early, and reliable signs appear at a later date.
Delayed menstruation is one of the most famous and common signs of pregnancy. But do not forget that the menstrual cycle can be disrupted by climate change, inflammation of the reproductive system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and hormonal disorders. Implantation bleeding is another reliable sign of pregnancy. Implant bleeding occurs approximately one to two weeks after conception. This relatively small bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg is introduced into the wall of the uterus. Bleeding can last from several hours to several days. It looks like a pinkish discharge and is often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lower abdomen, a decrease in basal temperature, and weakness.
Toxicosis (nausea) is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. This symptom can appear both in the early stages of pregnancy (in the second or third week) and later (after the eighth to tenth week).
The first signs of pregnancy may be darkening of the nipples, significant breast enlargement. Special supportive bras should be worn to relieve discomfort during pregnancy.
For many women, the first sign of pregnancy is fatigue. In expectant mothers, rapid fatigue is accompanied by the first trimester of pregnancy. Stress also affects the general well-being of a pregnant woman. Frequent repetitive stress can cause insomnia.
Frequent urination is considered a rather unpleasant symptom of pregnancy. Frequent urination occurs due to the fact that a woman's body produces a large amount of fluid during pregnancy.
Headache is a fairly common sign of pregnancy. Pain pills should not be taken for headaches during pregnancy.
Often, when pregnancy occurs, women develop unusual eating habits and increased sensitivity to odors. Many women experience loss of appetite and high blood pressure during pregnancy. A pregnant woman may feel depressed, but after only a few minutes she is already laughing and enjoying some little thing. A week after the meeting of the egg and sperm, hormonal changes become noticeable to the expectant mother herself and her environment. Anxiety, irritability, tearfulness usually accompany a woman from the first days of pregnancy until the very birth.

As a rule, the first signs of pregnancy remain until delivery. Reliable signs of pregnancy appear at a later date (sensation of the baby's movements, listening to the heartbeat, probing individual parts of the baby's body through the stomach).
Signs of a second pregnancy
The symptoms of a second pregnancy are the same as those of a first pregnancy. This is a feeling of nausea, a feeling of sleepiness and fatigue, a delay in menstruation. However, the second pregnancy is often much easier than the first. For an easy course of pregnancy, it must be planned no earlier than two years after the first. It is believed that it is during this period that the body fully recovers after gestation, childbirth and the period of breastfeeding.
When carrying a second child, an increase in the size of the abdomen occurs one and a half months earlier than during the first pregnancy. Much earlier, fetal movements are felt, because this sensation is already familiar to the pregnant woman.
A low abdomen is a reliable sign of a second pregnancy. With a low abdomen, breathing is facilitated and there are no problems associated with the digestive system. However, with a low abdomen, the fetus is also low enough, so it can press on the back and lower back. To reduce the discomfort, doctors recommend using bandage belts.
Imaginary pregnancy
It so happens that a woman feels some signs of pregnancy, but there is no pregnancy itself. This condition is called a mock pregnancy. Most often it occurs in women who have long dreamed of experiencing the happiness of motherhood. The reasons for the appearance of signs of imaginary pregnancy can be various disorders in the work of the digestive tract, infections, stress, hormonal imbalance, unhealthy diet, vitamin deficiency.
If you find common pregnancy symptoms, you should see your doctor. If the pregnancy is not diagnosed, then the specialist will identify the true cause of the violations and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
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