Fertile period in a woman - what is it?

In medicine, the term "fertile period" refers to that part of a woman's menstrual cycle when the likelihood of conception (fertilization of the egg) is especially high.
By itself, the fertile period in women is short, its duration is about 48 hours from the start of ovulation. Thus, it turns out that the egg that leaves the ovary and begins to travel along the female genital tract can be fertilized only for two days.
But it should be noted that the viability of sperm in a woman's body lasts for almost five days. Thus, the traveling egg may well be met by patient sperm waiting for it in the fallopian tubes. Therefore, it is customary to say that the duration of the fertile period, taking into account not only the female, but also the male factor, is about 6-8 days.
With a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, in order to avoid unwanted conception, a woman should refrain from sexual intercourse from 10 to 17 days of the cycle, or take contraceptives on these days, since these days are considered the fertile period of the cycle.
Determining the timing of the fertile period
There are several methods for determining the fertile period in women. The most common of these are the calendar, temperature and cervical methods.
Calendar method for determining the fertile period of the cycle
The calendar method is the simplest, but far from the most reliable. According to this method, the fertile period is determined based on the duration of a woman's menstrual cycle over the past year.
The beginning of the fertile period is indicated by subtracting the number 18 from the duration of the shortest cycle. For example, if in the last year the shortest cycle was 26 days, then the beginning of the fertile period of the cycle falls on the eighth day.
The end of the fertile period is recognized by subtracting the number 11 from the length of the longest cycle in the last year. For example, if the longest cycle was 30 days, then the end of the fertile period will come on the 19th day of the cycle. Thus, in this woman, the fertile period takes place from the 8th to the 19th day of the cycle.
However, it should be borne in mind that this method is rather unreliable, since the timing of ovulation for each woman is strictly individual. In addition, the greater the difference between the shortest and the longest cycle in a woman, the less reliable the calendar method. And if a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, then this method should not be used at all.
Temperature method for determining the fertile period in women
This method for determining the fertile period is based on the systematic measurement of body temperature. One of the most unpleasant aspects of this method is that the temperature is measured in the rectum. The prerequisites are:
- Using one thermometer;
The temperature must be measured immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.
One of the methods for determining the fertile period is temperature
All data should be recorded in the cycle calendar. In the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature is usually below 37 degrees. In the pre-ovulatory period, the temperature decreases by 0.1-0.2 degrees, and after ovulation it rises sharply to 37 degrees and even higher. The temperature remains at this level until the first day of the next cycle. The fertile period in a woman begins, as a rule, 6 days before the pre-ovulatory temperature drop and lasts for three more days after it (i.e., the total duration is 9 days).
Cervical method
This method for determining the fertile period is based on a change in the nature of cervical mucus. Immediately after the end of menstruation, mucus, as a rule, is not formed at all, or in a minimal amount (dryness of the vaginal mucosa is felt). If there is mucus, then it is opaque, sticky and thick (a feeling of stickiness in the vagina).
In the pre-ovulatory period, the mucus changes its structure, becomes viscous, transparent and light (in appearance it resembles egg white). The amount of mucus increases and a profuse mucous discharge appears. After ovulation, the volume of mucus decreases again, it becomes sticky, thick and opaque. Sometimes the mucus disappears altogether.
The fertile period begins three days before the appearance of abundant mucus and lasts for another four days after the disappearance of abundant mucus. Thus, the average duration of the fertile period is seven days on average.
When using this method, it is recommended to check the quantity and quality of mucus daily. After the profuse mucus secretion has passed, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for another 4 days.
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