Plastic Surgery - Is The Risk Justified?

Plastic Surgery - Is The Risk Justified?
Plastic Surgery - Is The Risk Justified?

Plastic surgery - is the risk justified?

Plastic surgery - is the risk justified?
Plastic surgery - is the risk justified?

It is no secret to anyone that at present, with the help of plastic surgery, you can radically change your appearance. In fact, everything is subject to change: the outlines of the figure and face, the length of the legs, buttocks, stomach, nose, cheekbones - in a word, everything, including the incision of the eyes and genitals. Aesthetic medicine as a field of science has undergone colossal development in the last few decades, pushing the boundaries of the impossible far. However, as surgeries to change appearance more and more enter into daily life, more and more questions are piling up. Let's try to figure out how great the risk is with such surgical interventions, and when it is justified, and when it is better to avoid it.

Official medicine point of view

It would be nice if the point of view of the official representatives of medicine was unified, but even here opinions differ. Yet most physicians consider the risks associated with improving appearance as unjustified in most cases. However, there is an exception: corrective surgery may be really necessary when health, including psycho-emotional, is seriously affected by a defect in appearance.

If a person's life is poisoned by the shape of the nose or protruding ears, then it is much easier to do plastic surgery and forget about the problem than to constantly suffer from depression and social phobia. But this is less common than commonly believed. More often people want to change their appearance, imitating someone, or following fashion trends.

In this case, doctors warn, it is necessary to clearly understand that plastic surgery is no different from those surgical interventions that are performed for health reasons. The fact that there is no medical indication does not alleviate the drug burden of anesthesia on the heart. Does not change the biochemistry of the body. Does not eliminate the risk of postoperative complications. In medical practice, surgery is resorted to only when conservative methods are ineffective, trying to avoid injury to the body as much as possible, because trauma is also a disease. Going to the operation, a person must clearly understand that for his body, for his immune, circulatory, cardiovascular system, this is a serious injury. Is it justified on a whim?

Risks associated with plastic surgery

Absolutely no one is safe from failure, you can only try to minimize the risk. To do this, you need to undergo a medical examination before the operation, find a clinic with a good reputation, preferably based not only on advertising, but on the reviews of real patients. It is also important to get to "your" doctor - the one with whom good contact will be established, who is not only interested in your money, but values his name and is a high-level professional. But even this will not be a guarantee of complete safety, because the body of each person is unique. There are typical reactions of the body on which medical science is based, but there are also atypical, that is, unusual, and they are often encountered. No doctor is able to accurately predict how the human immune system will behave under the influence of anesthesia,how the heart will react to surgical intervention, is there a serious illness lurking, which is just waiting for the moment to manifest itself.

There is one more risk factor - human. The doctor is also a person, even the most wonderful. He may make a mistake, or he may not take into account the features of the anatomical structure, or he may choose not the most successful from several acceptable options, and this also needs to be taken into account.

There are many confirmations that the risk is often unfounded. Portraits of victims of unsuccessful plastic surgery surface in the media with frightening regularity, and usually we are talking about famous, wealthy people who underwent surgery in the best clinics in the world. Doctors know that for every injured celebrity, there are several dozen ordinary people who are faced with the same problem, they just do not write about them in the tabloids.

Recycled plastic

Now in the best plastic surgery clinics, such a direction as secondary plastic is in high demand. This is the name of the operation to eliminate the failures of the previous plastic surgery. We can say that this is work on mistakes, although, as a rule, we are talking about the mistakes of another doctor, since few will agree to go to bed again under the knife of a surgeon who has made serious mistakes.

Secondary plastic surgery is very difficult, since we are talking about tissues that were traumatized by the previous operation, as a result of which the normal processes in them are disrupted. Sometimes, several corrective operations are required, and in the intervals between them, long-term conservative treatment is prescribed, aimed at improving the metabolism in damaged tissues.

The results of a plastic surgery once performed cannot be completely eliminated, it will never be possible to return it as it was. The most recycled plastics can do is eliminate or make gross errors less noticeable.

The need for repeated operations

Most anti-aging operations need to be repeated over time. Such a need arises during surgical interventions on soft tissues - the face, breasts, abdomen, thighs, buttocks. And the point is not only that the body continues to age and the effect of operations is lost. The fact is that often during plastic surgery, the natural anatomical structures of the body, for example, the aging lines of the face, are violated. Such a face is aging, but its changes are sometimes unpredictable.

Is the risk of plastic surgery really justified?
Is the risk of plastic surgery really justified?

Plastic surgeons believe that having resorted to corrective surgery on soft tissues, the patient will be faced with the need to repeat it once every five years. At the same time, of course, it is a priori believed that in five years, and then in another five years, and so on, health will be invariably good, and plastic surgery will be quite acceptable. Needless to say, life is making adjustments even in immediate plans, not to mention five-year plans?

Change for the better? Not necessary

Psychologists say: people tend to overestimate the importance of their appearance in social life. It seems to a person that all his troubles come from the fact that he is less beautiful than he would like, while, of course, the replicated, mass standard of beauty is taken into account. In fact, even the most beautiful people have problems that they have to solve, and they are by no means less. The “beautiful - happy” link does not work at all, and too often people who have undergone plastic surgery out of a desire to become happier are left disappointed. Appearance has changed, but happiness has not come - and the person falls into depression, or becomes a "plastic maniac", believing that the fact is that he is still not good enough, and undergoing more and more new operations. In this case, the problem is not solved by means of surgery,it is solved by means of psychotherapy and revision of life position.

Are you still sure you need plastic surgery?

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