Intimate Plastic For Women And Men - Reviews, Types

Intimate Plastic For Women And Men - Reviews, Types
Intimate Plastic For Women And Men - Reviews, Types

Intimate plastic

Intimate plastic is the direction of plastic surgery, which aims to eliminate physical disabilities and correct aesthetic defects of the human genital organs. Intimate plastic for women allows you to correct the small and large labia, restore the hymen, as well as the walls of the vagina (especially important after childbirth). Intimate plastic for men consists in the correction of aesthetic defects of the penis, its enlargement, prosthetics.

Intimate plastic for women: the main types of correction

Among the main types of intimate plastics carried out in women, there are hymenoplasty, labioplasty, vaginal plasty, plastics of the labia minora. As a rule, there are no medical indications for intimate plastic surgery.

Hymenoplasty is an operation aimed at restoring the hymen. This type of intimate plastic surgery has no medical indications and is only a recommendation. Reconstruction of the hymen is practiced in women who have survived rape, while being virgin, as a psychological therapy. Hymenoplasty can be performed on one patient several times. During the operation, the plastic surgeon sutures parts of the hymen, which is injured and becomes thinner with each subsequent rupture during sexual intercourse.

Labioplasty is a type of intimate plasty aimed at correcting the size and shape of the labia majora in women. Indications for labioplasty in women are:

  • Altered shape of the labia majora due to trauma;
  • Lack of development of the labia majora.

Among the personal factors that motivate women to resort to intimate plasty of the labia majora are:

  • Asymmetry of the labia majora;
  • Disproportion of large and small labia;
  • Laxity of the labia majora;
  • Increased size of the labia majora.

The enlargement of the labia majora is performed using lipofilling - the use of the patient's own adipose tissue to add volume using contour injections. In rare cases, biocompatible gels and fillers are used in this type of intimate plastic surgery for women. In this case, only a temporary effect of increasing the volume of the labia majora is achieved, which, depending on the type of filler, will last from 1 to 3 years.

Reduction of the labia majora is carried out due to their age and physiological changes. Significant weight gain, labor activity contribute to an increase in the size of the labia.

Reduction of the labia majora is carried out using two methods:

  • Resection of skin tissues, when the excess of the skin of the labia majora is excised;
  • Liposuction - involves the removal of excess adipose tissue in the intimate area, which can significantly reduce the size of the labia majora.

Vaginal plastic surgery combines a whole range of plastic surgeries aimed at restoring the shape and size of the vagina after injuries and ruptures resulting from difficult labor, as well as eliminating congenital defects (aplasia - the physical absence of the vagina, excessively wide opening to the vagina).

Vaginal plastic surgery is indicated for patients aged 25 to 55 years old who do not plan to have a natural birth in the future.

The main technique for carrying out this type of intimate plastics is colporrhaphy - excision of the injured vaginal walls with their subsequent suturing.

Plastic surgery of the labia minora is the direction of intimate plastics for women, which involves the correction of the shape and size of the labia minora. Indications for this type of intimate plastic surgery are discomfort and painful sensations in women during sexual intercourse, wearing underwear, and vigorous physical activity.

Correction of the labia minora requires a high qualification of a plastic surgeon in this area of intimate plastic surgery, because the task of the operation is not only to eliminate physical discomfort, but also to maintain aesthetic appeal, as well as the sensitivity of the intimate zone in women.

Intimate plastic for men

Circumcision of the foreskin - circumcision, intimate plastic for men
Circumcision of the foreskin - circumcision, intimate plastic for men

Intimate plastic for men involves an increase in the length of the penis, in thickness, circumcision of the foreskin, falloprosthetics.

Circumization is the direction of intimate plastic surgery, which involves circumcision of the foreskin. This type of intimate plastic surgery for men is carried out both for personal convictions (attitude to health, sensitivity, religion) and for medical reasons (phimosis is a physiological feature of the structure of the penis, in which it is impossible to expose the head, balanoposthitis is inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis) …

Penile lengthening is performed by ligamentomy - cutting the suspension ligament. The anatomical structure of the penis involves two corpora cavernosa: hidden and external. The suspension ligament fixes the hidden corpora cavernosa. Its dissection allows the penis to be lengthened using its internal potential.

Intimate plastic for men also involves an increase in the thickness of the penis. The main methods of this type of intimate plastics:

  • Muscle flap transplant;
  • Lipofilling;
  • Transplantation of skin and fat gluteal flaps;
  • Implantation of an absorbable penis matrix.

A patient's own tissue transplant gives a permanent result, while the risk of rejection is quite high. Lipofilling and the use of an absorbable matrix give only a short-term result, while the risk of rejection is minimized.

Falloprosthetics is the direction of intimate plastic surgery, which today is a radical method of permanent restoration of erectile function. The main indication for surgery is impotence, impaired erectile function, in which conservative treatment methods remain powerless. The essence of the technique is to implant various types of prostheses (hard, plastic, inflatable) into the body of the penis.

Intimate plastic before and after

Predicting the results of intimate plastic surgery before and after, patients can seek advice from several leading experts in this field. Most of the surgeons specializing in this area have a portfolio containing photographs of intimate plastic before and after. It is extremely difficult to find real examples of work on the Internet.

Intimate plastic: patient reviews, recommendations of surgeons

When deciding on intimate plastic surgery, the feedback from patients who have undergone this type of surgery is extremely important. It should be remembered that there are no direct medical indications for most manipulations. Each patient should be aware of the importance and risks of surgery. Intimate plastic, reviews of which can be found on the global network, is a full-fledged surgical intervention that can lead to serious complications.

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