Correctional and educational games
All young children love to play. The game in their lives is of great interest and plays an even greater role than the reality around them. Only with one recollection of an interesting game, the kids' eyes begin to burn, and they look forward to further developments. Thanks to the game, any child feels more confident, he is not afraid to try his hand at solving any problems or questions. It is here that he himself can create his own world and be a full and self-sufficient participant in it. In adulthood, a small person still cannot understand all the abundance of problems and subtleties that adults are already ready for.

It is in order to best influence the formation of the child's personality, to strengthen his self-confidence, to form good mental abilities, it is necessary to pay attention to correctional and developmental games. In addition, it is not for nothing that many teachers have proven that parenting is more effective in teaching a child when it is accompanied by home developmental games.
In preschool institutions, play is a significant part of the entire daily routine. Children play not only before and after meals, but also during the learning process. The advantage of kindergartens in the full development of the child is that educators have the opportunity to use new developmental games that parents may not yet know about.
The role and main functions of correctional and developmental games
Correctional and developmental games play a special role in speech therapy activities, because due to them, problems with speech defects of a child appear much less often and are corrected much faster. It should also be noted that correctional games for preschool children have many positive qualities:
- A small child, not realizing the problems in his speech, will never want to correct them under the influence of strict instructions and requirements. At the same time, correctional and developmental games in an involuntary form save the baby from various speech therapy problems;
- To force a child to repeat boring and not always interesting tasks for the formation of correct pronunciation countless times, the teacher cannot do without correctional and developmental games.
Studies have shown that today there is an increase in the number of children who not only mispronounce certain sounds, but also have a small vocabulary, violate the formulation of words in elementary phrases, and also cannot express their own thoughts in the form of a complex sentence. Many believe that the reason for this is the insufficient number of tasks for the development of fine motor skills. In addition, these children most often cannot concentrate on one process for a long time, they have problems with normal thinking and memory. As a result, girls and boys with pronunciation defects lag behind in general development, they have vocal, facial and emotional deficiencies. Often there are cases when a child closes in himself, becomes inhibited, reacts sharply to statements made in his direction. This is becausethat the baby understands that he speaks differently, not like his peers. According to experts, speech defects are manifested not only in the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, the problem also lies in the understanding, perception and reproduction of speech.
Thanks to new educational games, a speech therapist is able to determine the true cause of problems with normal speech. In this case, correctional and educational games are used to correct the wrong sounds. At the same time, all correctional games for children are complicated by psychological and lexical-grammatical exercises to achieve maximum effect.
The need for correctional games for children
- In the process of such activities, the child feels more comfortable and relaxed, without suppressing his emotional sphere;
- They make it possible to increase speech motivation;
- Special new educational games are able to eliminate the disadvantages of phonemic sound;
- The mental state of the baby begins to improve and gradually returns to normal;
- Gradually, problems with incorrect pronunciation disappear, since the necessary speech tasks are performed with a large number of repetitions.
Today, correctional and educational games are one of the most effective methods of dealing with incorrect pronunciation.
Examples of correctional and educational games
Let's consider some correctional and educational games. So, the game "Repeat after me" will help develop memory. The presenter chooses one from the group of children, who tries in the form of claps to repeat all the teacher's tapping on the table with a pencil. The rest of the children stand near the table and carefully observe the actions of the participant.
The exercise "Remember the movement" can be attributed to home educational games. One of the parents shows certain movements of the legs and arms. The child's task is to repeat them in direct and reverse order.
Such a correctional and developmental game called "In the store of mirrors" is very fun. A man with a monkey on his shoulder enters a store with many mirrors. The monkey sees reflections and thinks they are other monkeys. She makes faces and makes all kinds of movements with her arms and legs. In this case, the reflections exactly repeat her actions. In this case, the monkey is one child, and the reflections are all the other children.
Among home educational games, one should not forget the "Scouts" game. Having placed chairs and stools in a room in random order, one of the parents walks around them in random order. The child's task is to repeat the path he has seen. After that, the roles can be reversed.
To teach a child to focus quickly, you need to use a new educational game "What is heard." The presenter gives the children the opportunity to listen to what was happening outside the door. After that, everyone tells what they remember. On command, everyone turns their attention to the window, and then back to the door and says what happened there.
To eliminate motional automatism among correctional and developmental games, the exercise "Flag" should be noted. Children walk in circles to the music. When the leader raises the flag, everyone must stop.

You can develop good attention with the help of the home educational game "Dwarfs and Giants". At the word "giants" everyone should stand up, at the word "dwarfs" - sit down.
Active correctional and developmental games are also fun and emotional. This could be the "Needle and Thread" quest. Children, standing one after another, run after the guide (needle) and repeat all its movements.
In order to calm down very active children, play the game "Listen to the command". All children walk in a circle to the music. When the melody stops, the presenter very quietly says some command that everyone must follow. In this case, all tasks should be very calm. The game ends at the moment when the whole group of children correctly performs the tasks assigned to them.
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