Feeding a baby at 3 months
The issue of feeding a baby at 3 months is separate. Your baby has already grown so much that he can laugh, raise his head, hold it in an upright position, grab toys, and make sounds. You taught him to drink water from a spoon. At the age of three months, the child's increased muscle tone is relieved. He has already defined his feeding and wakefulness regimen. Breast milk remains the main source of nutrition for the baby.
Features of feeding a 3 month old baby

At three months, the baby wakes up in the morning at about the same time. Then he "walks" until the second breakfast, eat, sleep until lunch. After lunch, a rather long period of wakefulness begins. His "working day" ends with food and a night's sleep. At this age, children can sleep for about 6 hours. If there is an opportunity to feed him at 11 pm, then he will sleep until morning.
Start accustoming him to eating and sleeping. Try feeding a 3 month old baby, bathing and sleeping at specific times. To do this, sometimes you can slightly stretch the period between feedings, of course, if this is not to the detriment of the baby.
At three months of age, babies usually no longer require night feeds. But if this is not your case, then do not deprive the child of his needs. To keep them to a minimum, increase the amount of food you eat before bed. The child must eat his fill in order to sleep without awakening.
A three-month-old baby eats about 120-150 grams of breast milk in one feeding.
Complementary feeding for a three month old baby
During this period, you can introduce fruit juices, purees into his food. Juices from black currants, cherries, carrots are useful for the baby. Start with a few drops. When the child gets used to the juices, you can add applesauce to the complementary foods. It is rich in vitamin C and iron. They also introduce it from a small amount - half a teaspoon is enough. When you get used to it, you can give three teaspoons twice a day. Juices and purees are best done by yourself.
It may happen that the child cannot tolerate certain fruits. Then the mother needs to include them in her diet, so that after being filtered through breast milk, the child still receives the necessary vitamins.
Features of lactation when feeding a 3 month old baby
When feeding a baby at 3 months, some mothers experience a lactation crisis. The baby is not getting enough milk. Do not worry. This usually lasts no more than 4-6 days.
To ease this period, first of all, do not worry, as the milk can "burn out" during excitement. Review your diet. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and sour milk products, meats and preferably warm liquid food. The more often you breastfeed your baby, the sooner breastfeeding will increase. Monitor your baby's weight to determine how full he is. After overcoming the crisis, you can introduce complementary foods.
Baby feeding positions
You should always remember that when feeding, first of all, it should be convenient for the baby. From what position you take when feeding a baby at 3 months, it depends on how well he will receive adequate nutrition. A baby at 3 months old is already big enough and heavy enough. Therefore, the mother should take the most comfortable position for feeding the baby.
To feed your baby while sitting, you can place a pillow under your back and elbows. The baby lies under the breast on the mother's arm, his head is at the elbow. Support the baby with your palm, hold your chest with the other hand. You can put the baby on a pillow, with his legs behind his mother's back. With this method, the lower lobe of the mammary gland is well emptied.

You can feed your baby lying on its side. Place a pillow under your head. Place the baby next to or on your arm so that his mouth is against the nipple. Turn his tummy towards you.
If necessary, you can feed the baby lying on your back, with the baby laying on top. This position is convenient if the milk is strongly separated and the child chokes.
Poses for feeding a baby can be varied. The main thing is that the baby and mother get maximum comfort and effect.
Feeding a baby at 3 months is a very important and crucial moment. It is during the infant period that the prerequisites for the development of all the most important systems and organs of the child are created. Nutritional mistakes can adversely affect the development of the baby. Be patient and carefully monitor the feeding process of your baby at 3 months, in order to rejoice in the health and well-being of your baby later.
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