Feeding a baby at 2 months
The first month after the birth of your baby has passed in troubles, worries, joy. How much the baby already knows. He is already enjoying your presence, smiling, making the first sounds when communicating, holding his head. It's already quite big! So his needs have "matured"!

Some parents are at a loss as to whether they are raising and feeding the baby correctly. Don't be scared. If you love your child, then it's okay. Now there is a lot of information to help you cope with these pleasant hassles. And we will tell you about feeding a baby at 2 months.
What is needed for a complete feeding
You probably know that every month a baby gains weight. By the end of the second month, the baby gains about 800 grams and is about 2.5 centimeters in height. The main food for the baby is breast milk. Nothing can completely replace this exceptional product. As your baby grows, the composition of breast milk changes surprisingly, quantitatively and qualitatively to meet the specific needs of your baby. This means that for a two-month-old baby, mother's milk is ideal nutrition.
Feeding the baby at 2 months is carried out, as before, on demand. You don't have to impose your own rules on your child. From compulsion, the baby can become nervous, eat little or, on the contrary, eat more than the norm, feeling continuous hunger. To digest the food taken, the child needs 3.5 - 4 hours. After which he himself will remind that the time has come for him to feed. A two-month-old baby in this order eats 6 times a day, sucking about 800 grams of breast milk. When feeding, take your time to wean your baby. The last portions of breast milk contain the most nutrients.
Chances are, your baby is already out of the habit of night feeds. If not, continue feeding him at night on demand. Remember that feeding between 4 and 6 am increases lactation.
In the heat or after bathing, you can give your child some clean boiled water to maintain the body's water balance. It is necessary to give water to the baby from a spoon to keep the sucking reflex from the breast.
If there is not enough milk when feeding a 2 month old baby
Don't panic if your baby is suddenly short of breast milk. Check your diet first. A nursing mother must consume about 100 g of cottage cheese daily, about 200 g of lean meat, milk and dairy products. If the mother does not suffer from allergies, and the child does not have diathesis, it is possible to eat walnuts with honey in limited quantities to increase lactation.
If your diet doesn't solve your 2 month old baby's feeding problems, try adding fruit juices to your baby's diet. You should start giving them with two to three drops after feeding. By the end of the second month, you can try offering your baby fruit puree. It is advisable to prepare juices and purees yourself. Prepared with love and care by mother's hands, they will be an excellent addition to the baby's nutrition. For juices and fruit purees, you can use black currant berries, apples, pears. Mashed potatoes should also be added to food with half a teaspoon.
Feeding a 2 month old baby with artificial feeding
When a baby is bottle-fed, things are a little more complicated. When breastfeeding, the baby consumes milk as much as he wants and at the same time the excess does not harm him. When feeding a baby 2 months old with milk formulas, you must strictly follow the recommendations of your pediatrician. It is more difficult for a child's stomach to digest artificial mixtures and if he overextends, then the digestive juices may not cope with this work.
Continue to give your baby acidophilic or adapted formulas. If there are none, you can prepare a mixture of cereal decoctions and sugar in cow's milk. Together with cereal broths, cow's milk is easier to digest. Broths of buckwheat, rice, oatmeal are good. Just don't forget that oatmeal weakens, rice strengthens, and buckwheat is neutral.

Introduce kefir into your diet. Better to take it in the children's kitchen. In the absence of a dairy kitchen in the immediate vicinity, prepare kefir yourself. The procedure is not complicated. Don't give your child store-bought kefir.
At about 2 months, the baby's feeding changes slightly. It is necessary to start introducing fruit juices and purees into his diet. milk formulas cannot fully provide the baby's body with the minerals and vitamins it needs.
The production of milk in a woman's body is controlled by brain cells. Therefore, avoid stressful situations, do not overwork, rest as much as possible. Let your family and friends help you with this.
Breastfeeding a baby at 2 months of age establishes an unbreakable contact between the baby and the mother. Often, children, kissing their mother's breast, do not just ask for food, but expect maternal protection and tenderness.
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