How Much Urine Is Needed For Analysis In Infants, Children And Adults

How Much Urine Is Needed For Analysis In Infants, Children And Adults
How Much Urine Is Needed For Analysis In Infants, Children And Adults

How much urine is needed for a general analysis?

The content of the article:

  1. The volume of urine required for analysis
  2. General urine analysis
  3. Preparation for analysis
  4. How to properly collect urine for general analysis
  5. Containers for collecting urine
  6. Collection of urine for analysis in infants

How much urine is needed for a general analysis and the rules for collecting it are determined by the type of study. The volume of urine excreted per day (daily urine output) depends on many factors, which include age, the amount of fluid consumed, the presence of diseases, etc. On average, the volume of daily urine in an adult is from 1.5 to 2 liters.

The volume of urine required for analysis

Let us analyze how much urine is needed for analysis in infants, children and adults.

For a general urinalysis, an adult usually needs at least 70 ml of material. In this case, the first portion of urine (within a few seconds from the beginning of urination) goes down into the toilet, the rest of the urine is collected in a previously prepared container.

For a general urine analysis, it is enough to collect 70 ml for an adult, for an infant - from 5 ml
For a general urine analysis, it is enough to collect 70 ml for an adult, for an infant - from 5 ml

For a general urine test, it is enough to collect 70 ml for an adult, for an infant - from 5 ml

For a general urine analysis in children under 2 months of age, 5-10 ml is usually sufficient. 6 months after birth, the volume of excreted fluid increases, and it is usually possible to collect 30-50 ml of material for analysis.

In children 1 year and older, up to 100 ml of urine can be excreted in one urination, therefore, from this age, for a general analysis, it is necessary to collect from 70 ml of material, like adults.

For analysis according to Nechiporenko, the average portion of morning urine is collected, that is, the first and last portions are released into the toilet. 50-100 ml of material is enough.

For analysis according to Zimnitsky, daily urine is collected for 8 urinations (excluding the first morning urine on the day of collection of the material, instead, the morning urine of the next day is collected).

For biochemical research, it is usually sufficient to collect 50 ml of material, for bacteriological analysis (bacteriological culture) - at least 70 ml.

General urine analysis

General, or clinical analysis of urine is one of the most common laboratory tests, since, with a comparative ease of conduct, it is highly informative. This study has an important diagnostic value, allows you to monitor the course of therapy, assessing its success, and is also widely used in preventive examinations, including during pregnancy. Every pregnant woman regularly undergoes a clinical urine test, from registration to childbirth, with a frequency that depends on the presence or absence of pathology.

For prophylactic purposes, healthy adults are advised to take a general urine test once a year. In the presence of diseases, the analysis can be carried out more often (especially when it comes to diseases of the urinary tract) - once every six months, once every 3 months or more often. Children's clinical examination also involves a general urine test from time to time.

A general urine test is mandatory for suspected urolithiasis, an inflammatory process or neoplasm of the urinary system, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

The general analysis of urine includes the determination of the physicochemical properties of urine, as well as microscopy of urine sediment.

Before taking the analysis, you should consult with your doctor to clarify what is the minimum amount of urine (how many milliliters) is required for a specific study, how to properly prepare and pass a urine test, etc.

Preparation for analysis

To get the most reliable results of urine analysis, you need to prepare for it.

Before the study, it is not necessary to change the usual drinking regime, but it is necessary to stop drinking mineral water
Before the study, it is not necessary to change the usual drinking regime, but it is necessary to stop drinking mineral water

Before the study, it is not necessary to change the usual drinking regime, however, it is necessary to stop drinking mineral water

On the eve, you should abandon products that can stain urine (blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, beets, carrots), this also includes synthetic vitamins. In addition, strong tea and coffee, mineral water in large quantities, excessively spicy and salty food, smoked meats, alcohol are not recommended. You should adhere to your usual drinking regime, that is, do not drink more or less fluids than usual. In addition, the day before the study, it is advisable to avoid excessive physical and mental stress, as well as sexual contact.

Some drugs (diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.) may affect the test result, for this reason, before the study, it is necessary to agree with the doctor about the possibility of their cancellation.

It is recommended to take a urinalysis at least a week after the cystoscopy or removal of the urinary catheter.

How to properly collect urine for general analysis

For general analysis, fasting morning urine is collected. Between the last (evening or night) urination and the morning urine collection for analysis, at least 4 to four hours should elapse.

Immediately before filling the container, you must conduct a thorough toilet of the genitals (however, do not use antibacterial soap). For males, it is recommended to flush the foreskin to prevent squamous epithelium from entering the material, which could interfere with microscopic examination of urine sediment. It is undesirable for women to donate urine for analysis during menstruation, but if there is an urgent need, a hygienic tampon should be used before filling the container, which will prevent menstrual flow from entering the material.

Collected urine should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible, up to two hours after urination. During this time, the material must not be exposed to too high or low temperatures.

Containers for collecting urine

Prepare a container for collecting urine in advance. Some laboratories provide disposable plastic containers for urine collection upon request or upon appointment. Otherwise, they can be purchased from a pharmacy. The advantages of special containers designed specifically for collecting urine are that they are completely ready for use, convenient to use, and are tightly closed with a lid.

If it is not possible to purchase a disposable container, the material can be collected in a glass jar with a capacity of 100-250 grams with a tightly screwed lid. Such a jar must first be prepared: wash thoroughly, then sterilize with steam or boiling water, and dry. Household plastic containers should not be used to collect urine, as they cannot be properly disinfected at home, and in addition, the material from which they are made can chemically react with urine.

Collection of urine for analysis in infants

If you need to collect urine from a newborn or baby, it is convenient to use a urine collection bag specially designed for this, which is sold in a pharmacy. However, collecting material with a urine bag, it is impossible to remove the first portion. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the toilet of the external genital organs of the child in order to avoid distortion of the analysis result. You cannot transport urine in a urine bag, it is poured into a container for collecting urine.

Before collecting urine, the baby must be thoroughly washed
Before collecting urine, the baby must be thoroughly washed

Before collecting urine, the baby must be thoroughly washed

You can collect urine for analysis from infants without a urine bag in a container prepared for this.

Difficulties in collecting urine in young children also lie in determining the moment of urination. To stimulate urination, the baby can be attached to the breast, give him a drink, open the tap so that the child can hear the sound of pouring water.

Do not collect urine from the diaper, as this will invariably lead to contamination with foreign matter and distort the analysis results. Collecting baby's urine in a pot is not recommended as it is difficult to disinfect properly.

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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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