How to remove belly fat

Fat or adipose tissue is a natural structural element of the human body, connective tissue formed from the mesenchyme (embryonic connective tissue) and consisting of adipocytes. The main functions of adipose tissue in the human body are:
- Thermal insulation;
- Mechanical protection of the body;
- Endocrine function;
- Energy exchange.
The number of adipocytes is laid during the late embryogenesis. An active increase in the number and size of adipocytes is observed immediately after birth. It is due to the need to have sufficient energy reserves to allow a newborn to survive in a new environment and adapt to new living conditions. By 10 -12 years, the growth of fat cells stops and their final number is formed, which is individual for each organism. Then the fat cells will only increase in size.
Adipose tissue makes up about 15 - 20% of body weight in men and reaches 25% of body weight in women. The distribution of adipose tissue in the body is determined by genetics and various physiological factors. Areas of greatest accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue are the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Uneven distribution of adipose tissue can significantly spoil the figure in particular and the image of a person in general. There are various radical and conservative methods for body shaping and combating the uneven distribution of adipose tissue.
How to remove belly fat
The main factors provoking the accumulation of fatty deposits in the abdominal region are:
- Stress (stress provokes hunger; in a stressful state, the production of the hormone cortisol increases, which stimulates the deposition of adipose tissue in the abdomen);
- Genetic predisposition;
- Improper nutrition (violation of the diet, the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
- Slow metabolism;
- Poor posture;
- Menopause (a common cause of the accumulation of belly fat in women due to hormonal imbalances in the body);
- Physiological characteristics of the body;
- Alcoholism;
- Sedentary lifestyle.
In order to determine how to remove belly fat, you need to understand the reasons for its formation. If the reason for the accumulation of body fat in the abdominal region is hormonal disorders, then diets and exercise complexes will be ineffective. To find out how to remove belly fat, patients are advised to undergo a complete therapeutic examination. In some cases, the accumulation of excess fatty tissue in the abdominal area can also indicate serious illness.
Ways to remove belly fat
There are radical and conservative ways to remove belly fat. Conservative ways to remove belly fat include:
- Diets;
- Physical exercise;
- Taking fat burning drugs;
- The use of fat burning agents (creams, gels, etc.);
- Changing your lifestyle and giving up bad habits.
Radical ways to remove belly fat include:
- Liposuction (the actual liquefaction of adipose tissue followed by its surgical suction);
- Abdominoplasty (excision of excess adipose tissue and skin in the abdominal region);
- Lipomodeling (surgical redistribution of adipose tissue in the patient's body).
It should be noted that radical ways to remove fat from the abdomen have a number of restrictions and contraindications. These procedures represent a full-fledged surgical intervention and are used in cases where conservative methods of removing fat from the abdomen have proved ineffective.
Remove belly fat: diet
Before taking any steps to lose weight and choosing methods to remove fat from the abdomen, you need to make sure that the body is healthy. If there are no contraindications to changing the diet, then in order to remove fat from the abdomen, the diet will be the first step. For those looking to remove belly fat, the diet should contain fresh vegetables, legumes, dairy products, seafood, olive oil, fish and poultry. Those who do not know how to remove belly fat are not recommended to eat fried meat and fish, whole milk, honey and sugar, instant food, confectionery, and canned foods. Unfortunately, for those people who seek to completely eliminate belly fat, diet is not the final solution. It is necessary to revise not only the diet, but also the person's approach to food intake. So, fractional meals are recommended,complete elimination of alcohol. The weight loss program should include fasting days, in which only kefir and fruits, still water, green tea are consumed. For those who want to remove fat from the abdomen, the diet in no way recommends fasting.
Remove belly fat: exercise

Not all exercise will help you remove fat from your lower belly. For those people who seek to remove fat from the abdomen, exercise should include both cardio and strength complexes. Exercising doesn't have to be exhausting to remove belly fat. Professional trainers recommend a uniform load on the body, due to which fat will be burned throughout the body, and the stomach will acquire its natural relief. Many people mistakenly believe that abdominal exercises are the most effective for removing belly fat. Exercises on the press will help "load" only the abdominal muscles, which will be worked out under the layer of abdominal fat. In order to remove fat from the lower abdomen, you need a set of exercises in which cardio exercises will help burn fat,and strength training will help tighten your abdominal muscles and tone your skin. Walking at an intense pace or treadmill in the gym are excellent sources of cardio for the body. Various types of crunches and push-ups, which can be performed even at home, will help correct your abs.
What everyone needs to know
Those looking for ways to remove belly fat should remember that a strict diet and exhausting physical activity are stressful for the body. Critical weight loss can trigger:
- Digestive problems;
- Rapid weight gain after completing the diet and stopping physical activity;
- Kidney problems;
- The development of edema;
- Tooth decay;
- Deterioration of the general condition of the body;
- The development of depression.
It is worth remembering that trying only to remove fat from the lower abdomen, a person puts stress on the entire body. A sharp decrease in weight threatens reproductive dysfunction. Women planning a pregnancy should not get carried away with diets and exercises in order to remove fat from the lower abdomen (fatty tissue in the lower abdomen forms the anatomical protection of the human reproductive organs). It should be remembered that the formation of a beautiful abdominal relief is a long and demanding process.
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