How to remove belly after childbirth?

The belly after childbirth cannot but change, and there are two main reasons for this. First, this is a significant stretching of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, and the second is excess weight, fat, which, comfortably settling in a saggy belly, completes the dirty work of spoiling the figure. Accordingly, if you want your belly to return to prenatal condition after childbirth, measures should be aimed at losing weight and strengthening the abdominal muscles.
Usually in this place, women complain that how can it be, because you can't lose weight when you breastfeed, and you can't go in for sports. This is not entirely true. If a woman is breastfeeding, then, indeed, extreme diets and significant physical activity are contraindicated for her. But in order to tidy up the stomach after childbirth, neither one nor the other is required. To ensure lactation, it is not at all necessary to absorb food in huge quantities, especially fatty and sweet foods - what makes you fat the most. The myth that the stomach after childbirth grows by itself is nothing more than another delusion. The woman’s lifestyle simply changes dramatically, the load, including the psychological one, increases significantly, and she begins to “seize” the stress, often without noticing it herself.
So, if you decide to tidy up your stomach after childbirth, rule number one is to establish normal nutrition. It should contain everything that is needed, but nothing more. It is also necessary to control the frequency of food intake. Ideally, if it will be five times a day, but in a strictly allotted time and in small portions. This is what you do for your child, isn't it? Your own meals should be organized according to the same principle.

Rule number two says that you need exercise to tighten your abs. Sports exercises in the form of lightweight activities are allowed 2-2.5 months after childbirth. As a rule, until this time, the problem of a changed abdomen after childbirth is not a matter of paramount importance. If 2 months have already passed, choose for yourself any convenient set of exercises for the press, and do it regularly, without missing a single day. Remember that the main thing here is not the duration of the exercises and not their severity, but the regularity. Let the classes be only 10 minutes long, but daily. You will be surprised how much more effective this is than snatching and athletic feats performed twice a week.
One or two months of daily abs and control over your diet, and looking at your flat and toned tummy, you will forget that the stomach after childbirth once spoiled your mood.
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