Diet "Fifteen" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Diet "Fifteen" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice
Diet "Fifteen" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Diet "Fifteen"

The author of the Pyatnashka diet is a Ukrainian nutritionist and doctor Oleg Tern. Its main goal is to improve the body's health and change food habits for healthier ones. A diet is a nutritional system that can be followed throughout life, adapting to changing conditions and individual characteristics of the body.

The "Fifteen" diet got its name due to the visual similarity of the table for drawing up the daily menu with the "Fifteen" children's game. The menu field is divided into 16 identical cells, with each horizontal row of the field representing a set of products for one meal, 4 meals in total.

Each color in a menu field represents a specific type of food:

  • green - vegetables (raw, thermally processed, pickled and canned), herbs, mushrooms;
  • yellow - fruits and berries;
  • orange - potatoes, flour products and pasta made from durum wheat, rye and whole grain bread, porridge;
  • red - lean meat, offal, eggs, seafood, cottage cheese and legumes;
  • blue - dairy and dairy products of low fat content (except for cottage cheese), drinks.

The rules of the "Fifteen" diet:

  • focusing on the list of products (depending on color) offered in the menu field, you need to make your own daily ration. In this case, you can exclude products that you do not like, replace one product with another within the same color (the same group);
  • the serving size corresponds to the volume of the fist. There is no need to achieve pharmacy accuracy, if the volume of food is slightly more or slightly less, it does not matter. In grams, such a portion for a woman is 140-160 g, for a man - 200-220 g;
  • heat treatment of dishes should be dietary: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming, grilling;
  • the daily diet should contain raw vegetables and fruits;
  • you need to drink plenty of clean water. In "Pyatnashki" the exact amount of liquid to be drunk is not regulated, as it is an individual indicator. Dr. Turn recommends focusing on the color of your urine - ideally, it should be colorless. The richer the color of urine, the more the body needs fluid;
  • exercise daily;
  • one of the days of the week can be scheduled for a "zigzag" - on this day it is allowed to pamper yourself with a prohibited product.

Three basic schemes of the "Fifteen" diet have been developed: for weight loss, for maintaining and gaining weight.

Diet "Fifteen" for weight loss

Fifteen's diet: a scheme for losing weight
Fifteen's diet: a scheme for losing weight

Advantages of the "Fifteen" diet for weight loss

The plumb line on the diet is individual, however, the optimal loss is 1.5-2 kg per week.

The diet of "Pyatnashek" is diverse, there are no strict restrictions, and most importantly, the diet is built individually and takes into account all the needs of the body. It helps to establish a correct, balanced diet. The result is the normalization of weight and improved health: the metabolism improves, the body functions effectively, vitality rises, vigor and activity appear, over time, many ailments disappear: insomnia, shortness of breath, chronic fatigue, migraines, etc.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Fifteen" diet for weight loss

The only drawback of the Pyatnashka diet is the need to draw up a daily menu. However, this presents some difficulty only in the first days, then the corresponding skills are acquired and thinking over the menu ceases to be an inconvenience. And for many, this is not a minus, but on the contrary, it introduces an element of creativity into the diet.

There are no contraindications to the Pyatnashka diet, since the diet is formed taking into account individual characteristics. For people suffering from chronic diseases, it is advisable to compose the menu, taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician.

What foods are allowed?

  • meat: any lean, offal;
  • poultry: the lean parts of any bird;
  • fish: any fresh;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • dairy and fermented milk products (not containing flavors and fillers);
  • legumes: all kinds of beans, beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung bean, soybeans, peas;
  • vegetables in any form, including canned, mushrooms;
  • nuts and seeds: any;
  • porridge made from any cereal (including semolina);
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • flour products from wholemeal flour, whole grain and rye, yeast-free bread (lavash, pita);
  • fruits and berries in any form;
  • drinks: water, tea, coffee, juices, compotes;
  • fats: vegetable oil.

What foods are prohibited?

The "Fifteen" diet does not completely exclude any type of food, since even deliberately harmful (fast food, fatty, smoked, etc.) are permissible during "zigzags".

Sugar, food fried in oil, fatty and high-calorie dishes, bananas, grapes, potatoes, fruit drinks and jelly are excluded from the daily diet. Products from the blue group should be limited.

Diet menu "Fifteen" for weight loss

An example of a menu for 1 day of "Fifteen" for weight loss:

Breakfast Egg, fresh vegetable salad with herbs, tea. Dinner Steamed beef with stewed vegetables, juice. Afternoon snack Fruit salad. Dinner Greek salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, greens, feta cheese), mint tea.

Advice 1. It is not necessary to sharply limit the diet, it is better to gradually reduce the volume of portions and their calorie content.

Tip 2. It is recommended to weigh yourself every morning on an empty stomach at the same time after going to the toilet. Weighing results should be recorded in a diary. The current weight corresponds to the average of 3-4 days. If it is not possible to weigh yourself daily, do it 2-3 times a week. If there is no desired dynamics, it is worth adjusting the diet.

Diet "Fifteen" for weight maintenance

The Fifteen Diet: A Weight Maintenance Scheme
The Fifteen Diet: A Weight Maintenance Scheme

Advantages of the "Fifteen" diet for weight maintenance

All the advantages that are listed in the weight loss option also have a balanced diet that ensures optimal weight maintenance.

The diet can be practiced for as long as you want, at least all your life, and allowable small deviations allow you to do this without painful restrictions.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Fifteen" diet for weight maintenance

"Pyatnashka" has no drawbacks, and if the menu is made taking into account all the characteristics of the organism, then there are contraindications.

What foods are allowed?

All foods listed in the weight loss diet list are allowed. On the days of "zigzag", any others are allowed.

What foods are prohibited?

In the daily menu, you should avoid unhealthy foods: fatty, smoked, sweets, fast food, junk food, etc.

Diet menu "Fifteen" for weight maintenance

An example of a menu for 1 day of "Fifteen" for weight maintenance:

Breakfast Buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, black bread toast, coffee. Dinner Fish baked in foil, vegetable garnish, bread, tea. Afternoon snack Cottage cheese with sour cream and fresh berries (or raisins). Dinner A piece of boiled beef or chicken, cucumber, tomato, herbal tea.

Useful Tips

Tip 1. You need to keep track of your weight and enter the data in a diary. A slight deviation is not a cause for concern, but if during 2-3 weeks there is a tendency to change the optimal weight in one direction or another, it is worth adjusting the menu, using the tips for the "Spot" option for losing or gaining weight.

Advice 2. It is easier to maintain the desired weight if the diet is accompanied by light, but regular physical activity.

Diet "Fifteen" for weight gain

The Fifteen Diet: Weight Gain Scheme
The Fifteen Diet: Weight Gain Scheme

It is recommended to accompany "fifteen pieces" for weight gain with strength training - this ensures the build-up of muscle mass, not fat, and improves metabolism.

Too fast a set indicates an increase in fat, which is undesirable, since it has a negative impact on health (except in cases of extreme exhaustion). The optimal weight gain is 1 kg per month. If the diet takes place against the background of training, then this speed speaks of a set of muscle mass.

The diet is designed for a long term, you need to adhere to it as much as is required to achieve optimal weight. After that, you can switch to the mode of maintaining it by adjusting the diet.

Advantages of the "Fifteen" diet for weight gain

The Fifteen Diet is effective. Gaining weight can be more difficult than losing it - everyone who has encountered a problem knows this. The proposed system is one of the few that, if all the recommendations are followed, ensure the result.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Fifteen" diet for weight gain

With a responsible approach to the preparation of the diet, the diet has neither drawbacks nor contraindications.

What foods are allowed?

All products are allowed with the exception of those harmful to health. Once a week, the so-called "zigzag" is allowed - a day when you can deviate from the rules and eat any desired harmful product.

What foods are prohibited?

Alcohol, junk food, snacks, industrial confectionery, etc. are prohibited. Although the diet is aimed at gaining weight, sweets and fatty foods should not be consumed in order not to stimulate the formation of body fat.

Diet menu "Fifteen" for weight gain

An example of a menu for 1 day "Fifteen" for weight gain:

Breakfast A slice of boiled beef, fresh vegetables, whole grain toast, tea. Dinner Grilled trout, boiled potatoes, rye bread, fruit juice. Afternoon snack A large bunch of grapes or 2-3 bananas. Dinner 2 chicken or 6-7 quail eggs, cucumber, bread, kefir.

Useful Tips

Tip 1. If, after following all the recommendations for 2-3 weeks, there is no shift in weight, you can add another meal. The menu for him should be made according to the breakfast, lunch or dinner scheme, depending on the time of day.

Advice 2. Allowed to use protein shakes.

Tip 3. Weight gain is often hampered by stress. To tidy up the nervous system, you need to get enough sleep, walk in the fresh air before bedtime, and refuse to watch the news in the evening.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: a month or more

4 out of 5

The diet attracts with the ability to independently compose the menu, choosing from an extensive list of permitted foods. By adhering to the recommendations, you can not only effectively lose weight, but also maintain the result and gain weight.

Recommended frequency: any
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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