Sonoma Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Sonoma Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Sonoma Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet "Sonoma"

Diet "Sonoma" - the author's nutritional system of American nutritionist Constance Gutterson, named after the wine-growing region in California. The main principles are avoiding calorie counting, balancing protein and carbohydrate foods, and controlling portion sizes using plates of different sizes.

The rules of the Sonoma diet:

  • the amount of food eaten for breakfast should fit in a plate with a diameter of 17.5 cm;
  • portions for lunch and dinner are placed on plates with a diameter of 22.5 cm;
  • foods containing saturated fats are excluded, vegetable oils should be preferred to animal fats.

The Sonoma diet is divided into three stages, called waves.

  1. The toughest phase of the diet, which lasts ten days and is characterized by rapid weight loss. The main food is non-starchy vegetables, protein-containing foods with a low content of fat, and grains.
  2. The stage lasts until the desired weight is reached. The rate of weight loss is 1-2 kg per week. The diet of the second "wave" is somewhat wider in comparison with the previous stage.
  3. Maintaining the achieved weight. The diet is practically unlimited, with only one caveat - it is still based on vegetables, grains and low-fat protein products consumed in small portions. You can stick to these recommendations as long as you like.
Sonoma diet: nutritional principles
Sonoma diet: nutritional principles

Advantages of the Sonoma diet

At the first stage of the diet, the rate of weight loss per week is 3-5 kg, at the second - 1-2 kg, at the third, subject to all recommendations and the presence of excess weight, - 0.5-0.7 kg until optimal weight will not be reached.

The Sonoma diet has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to a diet rich in fiber.

Vegetables, which form the basis of the diet, allow avoiding vitamin deficiency, make up for the lack of minerals and other useful substances.

Diet "Sonoma" not only helps to normalize weight, but also improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stabilizes blood pressure.

The principles of the diet correspond to the ideas of healthy eating.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the Sonoma diet

The effectiveness of the Sonoma diet is seasonal: in summer, the result is easier and cheaper to achieve than in winter, due to the abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits.

The diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What foods are allowed?

During the first "wave" the following are allowed:

  • lean meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit, beef);
  • low fat dairy products;
  • vegetables with a low starch content (bell peppers, tomatoes, green beans, cauliflower, etc.);
  • cereals (cereals, including brown rice, as well as whole grain breads, flakes);
  • vegetable oils (no more than 3 tsp per day);
  • nuts (as a snack).

During the second "wave", the following are added to the list of permitted products:

  • fruits (excluding bananas and grapes);
  • dry grape wine (no more than 200 ml for dinner);
  • sweets (a piece of dark chocolate or a spoonful of honey).

With the third "wave" it is allowed to eat any food.

What foods are prohibited?

At the first stage of the Sonoma diet, you should exclude:

  • sugar, sugar-containing foods (including fruits and honey) and sweeteners;
  • white flour products;
  • White rice;
  • fatty meats;
  • alcohol;
  • starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn).

At the second stage of the diet bananas and grapes are prohibited.

The third "wave" does not imply strict restrictions.

Diet menu "Sonoma"

Principles of drawing up the menu of the Sonoma diet at the first "wave":

Breakfast 75% protein and 25% cereals (oat or rye flakes) or 50% milk and 50% cereals (whole grain crisps, brown rice). Dinner 40% protein and 60% vegetables. Dinner 30% protein, 20% grains and 50% vegetables. Snacks Nuts or vegetables.

Second "wave":

Breakfast 25% grain and 75% protein, or 50% low-fat milk and 50% cereals, or 100% protein, or 100% low-fat milk or low-fat yogurt. Dinner and supper 25% cereals, vegetables, protein and fruits. Snacks A slice of dark chocolate / 200 ml of dry wine / a spoonful of honey.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. You should not tighten your diet, completely abandoning fat (oils), as the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins may deteriorate.

Advice 2. Eat "harmful" foods in the third stage should be infrequent, better in the first half of the day - then they are less likely to go into fat reserves.

Tip 3. For high-intensity loads, additional snacks are allowed in the form of half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese or a slice of low-fat cheese.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: unlimited

3.5 out of 5

Serving size for the Sonoma diet is determined by the diameter of the plates, and the diet includes all major food groups. It is important that a weight stabilization stage is provided.

Recommended frequency: every 3 months
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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