Diet "Pushinka" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Diet "Pushinka" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice
Diet "Pushinka" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Diet "Pushinka"

Diet "Pushinka" was developed by an ordinary Russian woman Irina, who claims that with her help she got rid of 35 kg in 90 days. This food system is intended for those who suffer from food allergies and cannot comply with most diets.

The main product of the diet is barley porridge, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

100 g of pearl barley is poured with cold water overnight. In the morning, the swollen grains are washed, changing the water until it remains clear. The groats are poured with water and boiled for 20-25 minutes until soft. It is better if the dish remains unsalted.

The resulting volume of porridge is divided into five servings, each of which is consumed during one meal.

The rules of the "Pushinka" diet:

  • there should be five meals a day;
  • fish that is included in the diet can be boiled, baked or steamed;
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of clean still water and green tea throughout the day.

The duration of the "Pushinka" diet is seven days.

It is important to gradually leave the diet, otherwise the lost pounds will quickly return. It is necessary to gradually increase the calorie content of the daily diet, avoiding fatty, sweet dishes and large portions.

Diet "Pushinka": permitted foods
Diet "Pushinka": permitted foods

Advantages of the "Pushinka" diet

For seven days of the "Pushinka" diet, you can get rid of 3 kg of excess weight.

The diet teaches you to frequent fractional meals. The foods in the diet are affordable and affordable for everyone.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Pushinka" diet

The "Pushinka" diet is low-calorie and unbalanced, therefore it is not recommended to follow it for more than seven days, despite the fact that the author of the diet adhered to it for a longer period.

Well-being often worsens: weakness, fatigue, headache, problems with concentration appear.

A limited number of foods and a repetitive menu every day can cause disruption.

Do not stick to this diet for any chronic illness. It is absolutely contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What foods are allowed?

The ration of the Pushinka diet consists of the following products:

  • pearl barley porridge;
  • a fish;
  • kefir;
  • White cabbage;
  • green tea and mineral water.

What foods are prohibited?

All products not included in the approved list are prohibited. It is advisable to completely abandon salt, but if this is difficult to do, you should keep it to a minimum.

Diet menu "Pushinka"

Pushinka diet menu for one day (tea and water are not indicated):

First breakfast Barley porridge, 200 ml of kefir. Lunch Barley porridge. Dinner Barley porridge, a piece of fish. Afternoon snack Barley porridge, cabbage without restrictions. Dinner Barley porridge.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. It is advisable to observe the drinking regime - drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day.

Tip 2. From cabbage, you can prepare a salad using a little vegetable oil and lemon juice as a seasoning.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: 7 days

3 out of 5

An effective but unbalanced diet consisting of only a few foods. The main dish is barley porridge.

Recommended frequency: every six months
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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