Diet 5 Spoons - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet 5 Spoons - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Diet 5 Spoons - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet "5 spoons"

"5 spoons" is not so much a diet as a complete balanced nutrition system.

The popularity of the 5-spoon diet is due to the almost complete absence of prohibitions in the choice of foods. Even cakes and ice cream are allowed, the main thing is not to abuse the same type of food. But if you allow yourself confectionery and meat products on a diet, weight will decrease much more slowly.

The duration of the 5-spoon diet and the frequency of repetition is up to everyone. If you want to develop a habit of small portions, you should follow the diet for at least two to three weeks. And so you can stick to this power system all the time.

The average weight on the 5 spoon diet is 2.5 kg per week.

Diet "5 spoons" - a complete balanced nutrition system
Diet "5 spoons" - a complete balanced nutrition system


Advantages of the "5 spoons" diet

The European Dietetic Association has established the optimal serving size that leads to weight loss - just 5 tablespoons. And according to the latest research by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a method of losing weight is effective, which does not limit the types of products, but the amount of food consumed at one time.

The 5-spoon diet is a balanced diet and a varied menu. A person following this diet does not experience much hunger, stress, or mood swings.

The diet helps to speed up metabolic processes in the body and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet gives a long-term result, as it helps to reduce the size of the stomach.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "5 spoons" diet

The first two to three days of the diet are hard for people who are used to large portions and frequent snacks. In this case, it is recommended to enter the diet gradually: in the first week, limit the portion of food to 10 tablespoons, in the second week, reduce it to 7-8 tablespoons and in the third week, bring it to 5 tablespoons.

There are no strict contraindications to the "5 spoons" diet, since the products are selected taking into account personal needs. However, people with chronic diseases should consult a doctor before dieting.

What foods are allowed?

The 5 Spoon Diet does not provide for strict food restrictions. It is desirable that the diet is dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products.

It is allowed to add salt and natural spices to food. The main thing is not to get carried away - it is better to let the dish be undersalted than oversalted.

The amount of drinking water is not limited. In addition to water, they drink green and black tea, coffee without sugar.

What foods are prohibited?

Sugary sodas and other liquids containing sugar and sweeteners are prohibited.

It is recommended to eat fast food, fried, fatty and sweet foods as little as possible.

Diet menu "5 spoons"

There should be three hour intervals between meals on the 5-spoon diet. It is important to remember that you are allowed to eat only 5 tablespoons at a time, or 150-200 g of food.

Sample menu for the day:


Option 1: omelet with herbs.

Option 2: oatmeal with dried fruits.

Option 3: two cheese sandwiches.


Option 1: banana or other fruit.

Option 2: natural yogurt.


Option 1: vegetable soup.

Option 2: boiled or baked fish or meat.

Option 3: a vegetable stew with a few pieces of meat.

Afternoon snack

Option 1: curd casserole.

Option 2: cottage cheese with herbs and bread.

Option 3: Fruit or vegetable salad with low-fat, unsweetened yogurt.


Option 1: casserole with meat and vegetables.

Option 2: boiled fish.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. Before going to bed, if more than three hours have passed after dinner, it is allowed to drink a glass of kefir or milk.

Tip 2. Water and other drinks are best consumed between meals, and not during this.

Tip 3. The volume of 5 tablespoons corresponds to an average of 150-200 g of solid foods. If you are eating meat or fish, measure out a 150-200 g piece. The same serving is equivalent to two medium sandwiches. One medium orange (apple, pear, pomegranate, banana, three tangerines) also weighs 150-200 g.

Advice 4. If you want to stretch your meal, you can use a tea spoon instead of a tablespoon. In this case, it should be borne in mind that in one tablespoon there are three teaspoons, that is, 15 teaspoons of food are eaten at one time.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: unlimited

4.5 out of 5

A soft diet, the essence of which is to reduce portions. At the same time, restrictions on the choice of products are minimal: only sugary drinks are prohibited.

Recommended frequency: any Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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