Turkey Eggs - Benefits, Properties, Application

Turkey Eggs - Benefits, Properties, Application
Turkey Eggs - Benefits, Properties, Application

Turkey eggs

Turkey eggs are most similar in taste to chicken eggs. These turkey eggs are laid. America is considered the homeland of turkeys, but after they got to Europe, namely to Spain, these birds were called "Spanish chickens".

Turkey eggs
Turkey eggs

The turkey egg shell is dense, but has many pores. It is painted in white-cream color, the entire surface is covered with small darker specks. The average weight of a turkey egg is 70 g. The size and color of an egg depends on the age of the bird directly - the younger it is, the smaller and lighter turkey eggs.

Usually turkeys are grown on farms not for the sake of eggs, but for meat (traditionally in Catholic countries, fried turkey is an indispensable attribute of the Christmas table). Turkey eggs are very rare on the market, mostly they can be obtained directly from the farm where turkeys are bred. These poultry lay seasonally - in early spring and summer, and lay no more than 25 eggs per season. This is one of the determining factors for the high cost of turkey eggs.

In terms of nutritional value, turkey eggs are in third place after quail and guinea fowl eggs. In cooking, they are considered a delicacy product - they are used in the preparation of omelets, salads, desserts, added to dough or simply boiled. To make hard boiled turkey eggs, boil them for 10 minutes.

The calorie content of turkey eggs is 175 kcal per 100 g.

Store turkey eggs separately from strong odors. If there are herring, onions, garlic or oranges in the refrigerator next to them, eggs must be specially prepared for storage. They should be treated with a solution of sunflower oil and paraffin, or simply placed in a salt solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Useful properties of turkey eggs

Turkey eggs have valuable nutritional properties, especially those laid in early summer. They are high in protein and essential amino acids. Raw eggs contain a lot of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D, a number of B vitamins, as well as trace elements - iron, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus, iodine.

Eating turkey eggs can strengthen the immune system, speed up metabolism and improve the functioning of the digestive tract and nervous system. Raw eggs are used orally with increased acidity of gastric juice, as they have an alkaline reaction and have a mild enveloping effect that protects the gastric mucosa from aggressive factors.

Turkey egg omelet
Turkey egg omelet

Turkey eggs are not capable of causing allergic reactions, therefore they are safe when included in the diet for people with an allergic predisposition, especially if they are children under one year old.

In cosmetology, based on these eggs, masks are made for the skin of the face and body, for hair.

Intolerance to turkey eggs is rare. In this case, they cannot be used. In severe liver and kidney disorders, they are also significantly limited in the diet.

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