Analysis of feces for worm eggs
The content of the article:
- Worms in the human body
- Stool analysis for helminth eggs
- Preparation and delivery of material for analysis
- Deciphering the results of the analysis of feces for worm eggs
Analysis of feces for helminth eggs (analysis of feces for helminth eggs) is a laboratory study of human stool in order to determine helminthic invasion.

The analysis of feces for worm eggs is used to detect helminthiasis for prophylactic purposes and to control therapy
Worms in the human body
Helminths (worms) are parasitic worms that can inhabit the human body. Helminthiasis, or worm infestation is called infection with these parasites.
People of all ages are susceptible to helminthiasis, most often they occur in children due to their non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The risk of contracting helminths increases in elderly people and those with weakened immunity. In these categories of patients, helminthic invasions often lead to the development of complications. Helminthic invasions during pregnancy are especially dangerous, since they contribute to the aggravation of toxicosis, impede the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients, worsening the general condition of both the pregnant woman and the fetus.
Helminthiases significantly reduce immunity, aggravate the course of existing diseases, negatively affect the nervous system, as well as the development of children. In addition to mechanical damage to the intestinal wall, helminths harm the body, poisoning it with toxic products of their vital activity. Parasitic worms cause allergies, beriberi, anemia.
The most common parasites in the human body are worms of three types:
- flat (trematodes);
- tape (cestodes);
- round (nematodes).
Stool analysis for helminth eggs
The study of feces for helminth eggs is one of the most common and affordable laboratory methods for diagnosing helminthic invasion. This analysis is often required to obtain permission to visit the pool or other sports sections, when hospitalized in a hospital, for a sanitary book, when registering a child in a preschool institution, as well as in case of suspicion of infection with helminths.
The resulting result is valid for 10 days from the date of issue, unless another validity period is specified. For the timely determination of helminthic invasions, it is recommended to take the feces analysis for helminth eggs regularly, 1-2 times a year. Adults with frequent contact with pets and wildlife may need to do this research more often.
The main symptoms that cause suspicion of possible infection with parasites are:
- weakness and fatigue;
- lack of appetite, weight loss;
- pain in the abdomen without clear localization;
- flatulence;
- frequent stool disorders (both constipation and diarrhea or their alternation);
- itching in the perianal region;
- grinding of teeth during a night's sleep;
- frequent and sometimes painful urination;
- allergy;
- signs of anemia, vitamin deficiency;
- decreased immunity, expressed in susceptibility to infectious diseases.
The eggs of the following parasites are most often found in feces:
- human roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides);
- whipworm (Trichocephalus trichiurus);
- hepatic fluke (Fasciola hepatica);
- cat fluke (Opisthorchis felineus);
- schistosoma (Schistosoma);
- bovine tapeworm (also unarmed tapeworm, Taeniarhynchus saginatus);
- pork tapeworm (also armed tapeworm, Taenia solium).
How much stool analysis is done for worm eggs depends on the method used and the specific laboratory. As a rule, the results of the study are ready within six days from the date of the analysis.
Preparation and delivery of material for analysis
To obtain reliable research results, it is necessary to properly prepare for the analysis of feces for worm eggs.
If drug therapy is being carried out, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician regarding the advisability of canceling it a few days before the analysis, since a number of drugs can affect the study result. It is not recommended to take feces for analysis for women during menstruation.
Everything necessary for collecting material for the analysis of feces for worm eggs is prepared in advance. It is recommended to use a special disposable plastic container with a sealed lid and a spatula, which can be purchased at the pharmacy or in the laboratory when making an appointment. If a disposable container is not available, it is sometimes possible to replace it with a sterilized 100-200 ml glass jar with a screw cap, however, it should be borne in mind that some laboratories accept material for research only in a standard, specially designed container.
Feces for analysis for worm eggs are recommended to be collected in the morning after spontaneous defecation, after urinating and holding the toilet of the external genitalia and the anus. In some cases, it is allowed to use laxatives in the form of tablets or rectal suppositories, but this is agreed by the doctor in advance.
The feces are collected on a blank sheet of paper or a plastic bag. Material should be taken from different parts of the stool. If it is necessary to conduct an analysis for small children, the material can be collected from the surface of the diaper; in older children, a thoroughly washed and disinfected pot is used for this purpose.
The stool collection container should be filled about 1/3 of its volume, unless otherwise indicated by your doctor. In time, it is desirable to deliver the material to the laboratory within two hours after defecation, during this period the feces are suitable for analysis. However, if it is impossible to collect material for analysis in the morning and this is done in the evening, it is permissible to store it longer, but no more than eight hours at temperatures from +4 to +8 ° C (usually this mode corresponds to the temperature of the middle shelf of the refrigerator). The material cannot be frozen.
The exact amount of feces required for research in a specific laboratory, how much the collected material can be stored in the refrigerator if it is impossible to immediately deliver it for research, as well as the shelf life of the results obtained, it is advisable to check with the doctor who prescribes the referral, since the conditions for the preparation and delivery of material for the study of feces for helminth eggs may differ from laboratory to laboratory.

For the analysis of feces for worm eggs, 1/3 of the container of biomaterial is enough
Deciphering the results of the analysis of feces for worm eggs
The analysis of feces for worm eggs allows you to determine helminthic invasions, the most common of which include enterobiasis, ascariasis, trichocephalosis, hookworm infection, etc.
Normally, there are no helminth eggs in the material, a positive result means the presence in the feces of eggs of one or another type of parasitic worms. With a single study, the probability of detecting helminths and / or their eggs in the feces is quite low - only about 30%. Therefore, upon receipt of the first negative test result, repeated studies are carried out, as a rule, two more times with an interval of 2–5 days.
In order to assess the effectiveness of the treatment of helminthic invasions, feces are taken for analysis again a month after the end of therapy for geohelminthiasis, after 3 months - with biohelminthiasis, after 1 and 6 months - with hymenolepiasis.
When a person is infected with roundworms, during the examination of the material under a microscope, helminth eggs in the intestinal stage of the disease can be detected. During the migration phase, Ascaris larvae can be detected in sputum. Eggs can also be found in the duodenal contents, which indicates the presence of ascaris in the bile and / or pancreatic ducts.
If you suspect enterobiasis (pinworm infection), a study of scraping from the perianal folds is carried out. The diagnosis is established when helminths and / or their eggs are found. If a negative result is obtained, it may be necessary to carry out the analysis 3 times with an interval of 3-7 days.
With strongyloidiasis, the effectiveness of treatment is usually assessed one month after the end of therapy by analyzing bile (even if the helminth was found in the feces).
In addition to helminths, when examining feces, protozoa parasitizing in the human body can be found.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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