Analysis for enterobiasis: preparation and delivery
The content of the article:
- What is enterobiasis analysis
- How to properly prepare for analysis and collect material
- How is the analysis done for enterobiasis
- Pinworms and enterobiasis
- Symptoms of enterobiasis
- Prevention of enterobiasis
Analysis for enterobiasis is a laboratory study that allows you to identify pinworm eggs. Enterobiasis is helminthiasis caused by parasitism in the human body of pinworms, which are the most common helminths parasitizing in the human body.

An analysis for enterobiasis is carried out both in case of suspicion of a disease, and for the purpose of prevention, for example, when applying for a swimming pool
What is enterobiasis analysis
To detect pinworms in adults and children, tests are carried out for helminth eggs in the feces (analysis for helminth eggs), as well as an analysis for enterobiasis - a laboratory test that detects pinworm eggs. Since female pinworms lay eggs in the perianal folds (that is, in the anus), helminth eggs are rarely found in feces, and to detect enterobiasis, they resort to examining scraping from the folds around the anus or rectal mucus.
For the timely detection of helminthic invasion, it is recommended to take an enterobiasis analysis 1-2 times a year.
Indications for prescribing an analysis for enterobiasis:
- suspicion of the presence of helminthic invasion (for example, complaints of itching in the perianal region);
- registration of a sanitary book;
- admission of a child to a preschool child care institution or school;
- registration of a patient in a hospital;
- medical examination for the pool, sports sections.
Before taking the analysis for enterobiasis, it is advisable to consult with a qualified specialist who will explain how to prepare and where to take the analysis, what material is taken for this, how long the analysis is done, and then decipher what the research result shows.
How to properly prepare for analysis and collect material
It is advisable to take the material in the morning before bowel movement. There is no need to clean the anogenital area. They take the material on their own at home or directly at a medical institution (in a clinic, laboratory, hospital, etc.).
A cotton swab, glass spatula, adhesive tape can be used to collect material. If you collect it yourself, you must prepare a sterile container in advance (purchased from a pharmacy or laboratory). A cotton swab is moistened with warm boiled water, after which it is passed around the anus several times. You do not need to moisten a glass spatula or adhesive tape with water. The material is placed in a container and transported to the laboratory as quickly as possible, preferably no later than two hours after collection.
In different laboratories, the conditions for the preparation and delivery of material for the analysis of enterobiasis may differ.
How is the analysis done for enterobiasis
Scraping from the perianal folds is examined under a microscope. Normally, pinworm eggs are not found in the material (negative result). A positive result indicates the presence of pinworm eggs in the collected material. Upon receipt, it is recommended to examine all family members of the patient for enterobiasis.

The detection of pinworm eggs in the test material indicates enterobiasis
A negative result does not guarantee the absence of the parasite in the body: during the first examination, pinworms are found in about 50% of cases. To exclude enterobiasis in the presence of suspicion of it, several consecutive analyzes are required with an interval of several days.
The production time for an enterobiasis test is usually one business day. The analysis for enterobiasis is usually valid within 10 days, unless another period of validity is indicated.
Pinworms and enterobiasis
Pinworms (Enterobius) are parasitic worms that belong to nematodes and live in the human large intestine. The size of the parasite is 2–12 mm, the mouth opening is surrounded by a kind of swelling ("vesicle"), with the help of which the pinworms are attached to the intestinal wall of the host. These helminths feed on blood, intestinal contents.
Enterobiasis is recorded in all age groups, but most often occurs in children. The source of infection is an infected person. The most frequent route of transmission is contact-household, that is, through hands and household items, for this reason doctors call enterobiasis "the disease of dirty hands." As a result of scratching the perianal area, the eggs of the parasites fall on the patient's hands, which can become the cause of self-infection or infection of other people. Infection is also possible when eating contaminated food or water, pinworm eggs are spread by cockroaches and flies, as well as with dust. In the human intestine, adults develop from eggs in 2–4 weeks. The total life span of a helminth in the human body is 3-4 weeks. After laying eggs, female pinworms die.
Symptoms of enterobiasis
Clinical signs of enterobiasis begin to appear 1.5-2 weeks after infection. Patients complain of itching and / or discomfort in the anal area. Perianal pruritus usually occurs in the evening and at night, but it can also occur during the day. Itching is accompanied by hyperemia of the skin of the perineum and the area around the anus. In girls, pinworms can enter the genitals, which becomes the reason for the development of an infectious and inflammatory process in them (vulvitis, vulvovaginitis).
With an increase in the number of parasites in the body, these symptoms are accompanied by a deterioration in appetite, nausea, pain in the abdomen, defecation disorders, weight loss, sleep disturbances, teeth grinding in a dream, increased fatigue, persistent headache. Women of reproductive age may experience menstrual pain and cycle irregularities. In some cases, pinworms are found in the feces visually, which indicates a large number of them.
Pinworm larvae cause inflammation at the site of attachment, mature helminths cause a violation of the secretory and motor functions of the intestine. The products of their vital activity have an allergenic and toxic effect on the body.
Scratching the itchy areas of the perianal region can lead to the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, which complicates the course of the disease. Pinworms can inhabit the appendix and cecum without showing any symptoms.

In order to prevent enterobiasis, it is necessary to wean children to take their hands in their mouths
Prevention of enterobiasis
Since pinworm eggs are able to persist for a long time on objects in the room, you should regularly carry out thorough cleaning and follow the rules of personal hygiene. To prevent pinworm infection, it is necessary to wean the child from the habit of putting his hands in his mouth. Underwear needs to be changed daily. Bed linen and underwear should be washed at a temperature not lower than 60 ° C. Vegetables and fruits must be washed thoroughly before eating.
For the successful treatment of enterobiasis, in addition to taking anthelmintic drugs, hygiene is of no small importance (especially washing hands after using the toilet and before eating, avoiding scratching itchy areas, short-cropped nails, etc.).
With diagnosed enterobiasis, as well as for its prevention, it is recommended to include pomegranates, strawberries, carrots, garlic, walnuts, pumpkin seeds in the diet.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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